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Student Name Registration Number Signature

KOJO Micheal 23/DITTE/A/NVTC/008/GV

1. Discuss the contribution of Christian missionaries towards the development of the
leisure industry in Uganda.
Introduction of sports and recreational activities: Missionaries introduced sports like football,
cricket, and athletics, providing Ugandans with organized leisure activities.

Educational institutions: Missionaries established schools and colleges that included sports
and extracurricular activities, fostering interest in leisure pursuits.
Infrastructure development: They often built facilities like sports fields and community
centers, creating venues for leisure and community gatherings.
Promotion of healthy lifestyles: Missionaries emphasized physical fitness and promoted the
idea of leisure as a means of relaxation and personal development.

Cultural exchange: Missionaries facilitated cultural exchanges, introducing Western leisure

concepts that influenced Ugandan leisure practices.
New instruments: missionaries introduced new instruments that made the leisure more
interesting thes instruments include guitar ,piano flutes and herps this made singing more
enjoyable as aleisure activity
Partitioning of days:missionaries further partitioned days in a sense that week days leisure is
minimum and the called them working days ,and week end werte for prayer and other leisure
Festival days:missionaries recognized festive days like chrismas,easter and during that time
people would go for leisure such as praying singing and worshiping
Drama: missionaries introduced new forms of leisure such as drama which were got from the
bible examples include the drama of farther Abraham.
2. Factors Considered by Sports Administrators When Organizing a Sports Event in an Institution:

When organizing a sports event in an institution, sports administrators need to consider several critical
factors to ensure the success and safety of the event. These factors include:

 Budgeting and Funding: Determine the budget for the event, including expenses for venue
rental, equipment, officials, and prizes. Identify potential funding sources, such as
sponsorship, ticket sales, or institution support.
 Venue Selection: Choose a suitable venue based on the type of sport and the expected
number of participants and spectators. Ensure that the venue meets safety and accessibility
 Event Date and Schedule: Select a date and time that does not conflict with other major
events and that accommodates the availability of participants and officials. Create a detailed
schedule for the event, including match timings and breaks.
 Registration and Participant Eligibility: Establish clear registration procedures, eligibility
criteria, and deadlines for participants. Ensure that all participants meet age, skill, and health
 Safety and Medical Services: Prioritize the safety of participants and spectators by having
medical personnel, first aid kits, and emergency response plans in place. Conduct safety
inspections of the venue and equipment.
 Officiating and Rules: Appoint qualified officials or referees for each sport, and ensure that
they are familiar with the rules and regulations. Establish procedures for handling disputes
and protests.
 Promotion and Marketing: Create a marketing plan to promote the event within the
institution and the community. Utilize social media, posters, and other advertising channels
to generate interest.
 Equipment and Facilities: Ensure that all required sports equipment is available and in
good condition. Arrange for practice facilities if necessary.
 Accommodation and Transportation: For events involving participants from outside the
institution, arrange for accommodation and transportation options.
 Spectator Experience: Consider the comfort and convenience of spectators by providing
seating, refreshments, and restroom facilities.
 Communication and Public Relations: Establish effective communication channels to
keep participants, officials, and spectators informed about event details, updates, and
 Awards and Recognition: Plan for awards and recognition ceremonies to celebrate the
achievements of participants and teams.
 Post-Event Evaluation: Conduct a debriefing session after the event to evaluate its success
and identify areas for improvement in future events.

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