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Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Indonesia

Indonesian Journal of Medicine and Health

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Supplementation and fortification program in eradicating

micronutrient deficiencies in Indonesia
Lestari Octavia*1, Johan Harlan2
Gunadarma University, Depok, Indonesia

Article Review
ARTIC LE INFO Micronutrients play a significant role in metabolism reaction although
Keywords: this only needs a few micronutrients such as iron (Fe) and folic acid as
supplementation, folate substitutes. Fortification and supplementation program aims to
Fe, meet the requirement of micronutrients by providing synthetic formula.
folic acid, The Indonesian government has applied iron-folic acid fortification (IFA)
deficiency in flour. Moreover, the current IFA supplementation program was given
*Corresponding author: to vulnerable groups, pregnant mothers and women at reproductive age,
including adolescent girls. The program has been applied for almost five
DOI: 10.20885/JKKI.Vol12.Iss3.art11
History: decades, but the micronutrients deficiencies remain high. This study aims
Received: June 21, 2020 to review effects of the supplementation and fortification to vulnerable
Accepted: December 31, 2021 groups in Indonesia. This is necessary to determine their effectiveness
Online: December 31, 2021 within a specified period since the program has been applied for decades
Copyright @2021 Authors.
This is an open access article
and to assess whether an additional program is needed or not. The data
distributed under the terms of this study were collected from verified international journal articles
of the Creative Commons At- in the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)/PubMed
tribution-NonCommercial 4.0 and Cochrane Library website. 11 articles related to the program were
International Licence (http://
obtained. The program has been conducted for an extended period, yet
by-nc/4.0/). its effectiveness should be reinforced to diminish the micronutrient
deficiencies. It is mandatory to reformulate an additional program to
strengthen the program. Nutrition education program, campaign for a
healthy and balanced diet, protein consumption based local resources can
be designated to assist the eradication of micronutrient deficiencies.
Zat gizi mikro memiliki peran penting dalam metabolisme tubuh, walau diperlukan dalam jumlah kecil,
seperti zat besi (Fe) dan asam folat sebagai pengganti folat. Program fortifikasi dan suplementasi
dimaksudkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan zat gizi mikro dengan menggunakan sediaan sintesis.
Pemerintah Indonesia menerapkan program fortifikasi zat besi dan asam folat pada terigu. Serta program
suplementasi Fe dan asam folat dalam bentuk tablet tambah darah (TTD) diberikan pada kelompok rawan,
yakni ibu hamil dan wanita usia subur termasuk remaja putri. Program ini sudah dilaksanakan hampir
lima dekade namun defisiensi zat gizi mikro masih tetap tinggi. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberi
informasi mengenai penelitian pengaruh fortifikasi dan suplementasi pada kelompok penerima program
di Indonesia. Hal ini penting dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektifitas program yang sudah dilakukan dalam
rentang waktu yang memadai, dan apakah perlu formulasi program pendampingan untuk kegiatan
utama. Telusuran pustaka dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan referensi dari jurnal internasional melalui
kanal National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)/Pubmed dan Cochrane Library. Ditemukan 11
artikel yang mengkaji keputusan Menteri Kesehatan dan program yang sudah dilaksanakan. Program yang
sudah berlangsung dalam waktu yang lama, namun efektifitas masih perlu diperkuat untuk menurunkan
kekurangan zat gizi mikro. Program edukasi gizi, kampanye hidup sehat dan berimbang, konsumsi
protein hewani berbasis bahan lokal dapat dipilih untuk membantu eradikasi defisiensi zat gizi mikro.

Octavia and Harlan.Supplementation and fortifi...

Developing countries is risk groups of having Specified keywords were applied in the
macro-and micronutrient deficiencies. The most National Centre for Biotechnology Information
vulnerable groups of micronutrient deficiencies (NCBI)/PubMed and Cochrane Library to obtain
are pregnant women and adolescent girls. the articles. The keywords are 'Supplementation
The World Health Organization (WHO) AND women AND Indonesia', 'fortification AND
issued antenatal care for a positive pregnancy Indonesia', 'iron-folic acid AND women AND
experience, a recommendation during gestation. Indonesia'. Inclusion criteria included in this
WHO stated that mandatory supplementation study were (1) published reputable English
consists of 30-60mg Fe and 400µg folic acid journal articles, (2) published articles from 1st
to minimize an adverse pregnancy outcome. Januari 2010 to 1st June 2020 considering the
Additional supplementation types varied such Ministry of Health Decree no. 88 2014, (3) the
as calcium, zinc, vitamin A and intermittent folic study area was not in Indonesia, and (4) articles
acid based on pregnant woman's health status. about IFA supplementation. Exclusion criteria
Supplementation and fortification are aimed to of this study were (1) articles that was not in
meet the requirement of micronutrients in the English, (2) their studies were conducted more
target population.1,3 than ten years ago, (3) their study area was
A pregnant mother who receives iron-folic not in Indonesia, (4) their studies about multi
acid (IFA) supplementation during pregnancy micronutrient studies. From the initial search,
will get maternal health and outcome. Mothers 65 articles were identified. 22 articles were
with sufficient micronutrients will have a lower duplicate, while 23 documents were categorized
risk of having a new-born with neural tube as eligible articles. 20 writings met the inclusion
defect, low birth weight (LBW) and growth criteria; finally, 11 articles were collected and
deterioration.4,6 The health status of a conceived relevant to this study. Those articles were
foetus is determined by the mother's health elaborated in detail, had methods, discussed
status known as the first one thousand days of subjects included in the review, and showed
life, from early conception until two years old.7 their result. The data based on the articles were
A common problem among pregnant demonstrated in the table in the next section.
women is that the micronutrient deficiencies The effectiveness of the program was
prevail before the gestation period, restoring determined by comparing the suggested
the nutrient storage before pregnancy in the prevalence of anaemia within the population
adolescent period. Some possible causes of and the compliance of the supplement intakes
micronutrient deficiencies in Indonesia are to eradicate the micronutrient deficiencies.
low quality and variety of consumed food, food Besides, coverage and adherence to consume
restriction due to taboo and belief existed in a the supplement were observed to assess their
community.8,9 effectiveness. 10
This study aims to review some literatures
to determine the effectiveness of the existing RESULTS
programs, IFA supplementation and fortification, This section demonstrates results of
applied in Indonesia and published in reputable articles related to the IFA supplementation and
international journal since those programs fortification program in Indonesia. Eleven articles
have been conducted for more than a decade. were separated into two tables. Table 1 showed
Improvement on the program is required to articles related to the IFA supplementation,
enhance the nutrient status for having a better while table 2 revealed articles related to the
quality of life in the future. fortification program. The tables highlighted the
author, method, number of subjects and main

JKKI 2021;12(3):267-275

result in each report collected. coverage, compliance and prevalence of anaemia

In assessing the effectiveness, the utilization in target group and compared to the WHO
from existing data of Basic Health Research suggestion.10
(Riskesdas) was applied.11,12 Data included

Table1. Articles related to IFA supplementation program based on Ministry of Health Decree in Indonesia
No Research methods Subject recruited Results
1 Titaley et Secondary d a t a 40.572 infants, IFA supplementation during pregnancy
al., 2010 analysis from Indonesia 442 experienced would reduce the risk of neonatal death,
Demographic and neonatal death and this program was applied to low-
Health survey in 1994, middle income countries similar to
1997, 2002-2003 Indonesia.
2 Titaley et Secondary d a t a 26.591 live-born Postnatal care on day 1 increased risks of
al., 2012 analysis from Indonesia infants neonatal death. The mother who received
Demographic and IFA during pregnancy would reduce 51%
Health Survey in 2002- risks of early neonatal death.
3 Titaley et Secondary analysis of 26.591 live-born Increasing awareness at the community
al., 2015 Indonesia Demographic infants level, coverage, and access to health
and Health Survey in facilities would escalate the IFA
2002-2007 supplement consumption to improve
the foetus’s health consequences.
4 Barkley et Indonesia Family Life 83% of the total The prevalence of anaemia in 2007/8
al., 2015 Survey (IFLS) in 1997/8, I n d o n e s i a n was lower than in 1997/8.
2007/8 population
5 Wiradnyani S e c o n d a r y data 19.133 mothers Increasing knowledge and risk of being
et al., 2016 analysis of Indonesia who given birth pregnant, the spouse's support frequency
Demographic and within two years of ANC would determine the compliance
Health Survey in prior to the of IFA consumption.
2002/3, 2007 and 2012 interview.
6 Siekmans Qualitative data Formative research Insufficient supplements consumed
et al., 2018 year in 2012-2013 and inappropriate health counselling
in several countries were identifiable factors related to
increasing coverage and compliance of
IFA consumption.
7 Soekardjo The policy at the Interview with 74 A number of policies that support the
et al., 2018 national level and key persons related program for adolescent girls is limited.
regional department on to stakeholders Coordination at multisectors at the
strategy, law, regulation, and experts in the government level is required to mantain
and the guideline of the related field. the existing program.
8 Triharini et Cross-sectional study 1 0 2 p r e g n a n t The compliance in IFA consumption was
al., 2018 design m o t h e r s w h o affected by perceived benefit, perceived
received the ANC barrier, and family support.
at the public health
centre (PHC)

Octavia and Harlan.Supplementation and fortifi...

Table 2. Articles related to iron and folic acid fortification program based on Ministry of Health Decree in 2003
No Authors, year Research methods Subjects Results
1 Spohrer et al., 2013 Secondary data on Industry, authority, Instant noodles with fortified
consumption, policy, market data, and flour consumption meet the
and local material research 45-51% requirement of iron,
industry, marketing based on recommended
d a t a , a n d o ra l nutrient intake (RNI) for the
communication. children

2 Dijkhuizen et al., 2013 P u b l i s h e d a n d Evaluation report A legal framework is

unpublished data with specified necessary for the success of
circumstances, the fortification program.
obstacles, objectives,
and results.

3 Berger et al., 2019 S e c o n d a r y d a t a Collaborative Regular monitoring is

on policy and the research named mandatory to obtain
magnitude of the SMILING Project nutritional status data to
problem assess the benefit of the
intervention program.

DISCUSSION contributed to reduce risks of having neural

The collected articles can be identified from tube defects, cardiovascular disease and growth
several perspectives such as policy, program and development of children.4,18,20 Every sector
evaluation and factors affecting the sustainability needs to involve and pay attention to the IFA
of IFA supplementation and fortification. At supplementation and fortification programs.
the policy level, some articles emphasize the Those programs have been applied for two
necessity of strict regulation formulation for decades, but the prevalence of micronutrients
the target group to increase the coverage and remain high, so, it is mandatory to evaluate the
efficiency of the IFA supplementation and existing program to formulate additional and
fortification.13,15 It is compulsory to support extensive efforts to enhance the main program.
authority to strengthen collaboration of Indonesia is one of the countries in Southeast
multisectoral programs to conserve resources. Asia with a high problem of micronutrient
This issue has been particularly highlighted deficiencies. A high prevalence of anaemia
for adolescent girls' programs; this group among pregnant mothers and adolescent girls is
will have pregnancy in future years.16,17 More commonly found within the region.11,12 Anaemia
comprehensive efforts are mandatory to is one of public health problems caused by
conduct regular surveillance for monitoring and micronutrient deficiencies, namely Fe, folate,
updating data to design an effective intervention vitamin B12, vitamin A, and so forth.21,22
program.15 Food fortification is considered an Anaemia during pregnancy will endanger
effective program to meet the requirement of the maternal and foetus health because the
micronutrients of target population. Enrichment requirement of nutrients is high in this period.23
of potential nutrients to food products will Macro and micro-nutrient requirements are
be an appropriate approach to reduce the high because of cell differentiation and foetus
micronutrient deficiencies that will contribute fulfillment.24 The shortage of nutrients before
to health quality. Fortification programs have pregnancy can jeopardize the pregnancy

JKKI 2021;12(3):267-275

period, both the mother and the foeteus. Some reproductive age.35,41
clinical trials confirmed that new born from an Nutrition education is also important
undernourished mother would impair growth to implement; this program can reach the
and development and neonatal death.1,25,30 target population and family members in
The IFA supplementation for pregnant households. Family support for pregnant
mothers has been applied since 1975, but women significantly increases supplement
maternal and child health problems remain consumption.31,33 It also includes educating to
high. The higher prevalence of micronutrient consume nutritious food, although known as
deficiencies is determined by low compliance taboo in the community.9 Improving service and
in consuming the IFA supplement.31,32 Other ability of health officers is required to increase
possible causes are lack of health officers’ their capacity and capability in providing
knowledge to educate the target group.33 service at health facilities.42
Indonesia has applied a new dosage of folic Fortification is food enrichment by adding
acid referring to a recommendation of the essential micronutrients that are consumed
World Health Organization (WHO).34 Women by most of population. This program is aimed
at reproductive age are the recipient of the to increase micronutrients required for
program.35 A number of policies to support metabolism. In Indonesia, some food products
adolescent girls is limited. Currently, only are fortified, i.e., salt, flour, and cooking oil. Salt
two programs support this group, i.e., IFA fortification is with iodine, Fe, folic acid for
supplementation and weight management at flour, and vitamin A for cooking oil.43 The flour
school programs.13 fortification program adds Fe and folic acid,
Titaley conducted data analysis on 40.576 as stated in the Ministry of Health Decree no
neonates, including 442 who experienced 1452/MENKES/SK/X/2003.43 Micronutrients
neonatal death. Titaley concluded that IFA added are minimum 2μg folic acid, 50μg Fe,
supplementation had a significant protective 30μg Zn, 2.5μg vitamin B1 (thiamine) and 4ppm
effect on neonatal mortality.1,29 The Titaley’s vitamin B2 (riboflavin) for 100 g flour.44 The
study confirmed previous findings that fortification program had been applied in the
emphasize the benefit of micronutrients USA since the Food and Drug Administration
during pregnancy to prevent birth defects.36,38 (FDA) declared the food product's fortification
Some factors contributed to low compliance program. Fortification products like flour, rice,
of the IFA supplementation. The factors were pasta, cornflour and other product contain
low access and coverage of health service, flour. Fortificant added are 140μg folic acid for
poor quality of health officers in providing 100g food products.45 The fortification program
counselling to the target group and shortage of can contributre to reduce the prevalence of
supplements due to supplement distribution.30,33 micronutrients and risks of cardiovascular
A community-based program can include diseases, to become a potential effective
the trusted community leaders to overcome program and to reach high coverage of the
the accessibility to the health facility and to target population.3,15
support the program.39 Regular trainings for The program's effectiveness should include
health officers can advance their knowledge as coverage, compliance and problem levels after
health frontline in health facility.40 Increasing the government applied for the supplementation
the number and supplement distribution is program. The hypothetical coverage and the
mandatory to meet the WHO and Ministry adherence to taking the pills reached 100%.46
of Health recommendation, 90 pills during In 2011, WHO released a recommendation
pregnancy and once/week for women at for weekly IFA supplementation for women

Octavia and Harlan.Supplementation and fortifi...

at reproductive age in areas with anaemia

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