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AY 2023-2024

The Obituary

In the future, many years from now (when you are old and gray), when you die, what
would people say about you? What would their eulogy contain? What kind of life would
you have lived? What will be their memories of you? How will they remember you?

An obituary is a notice of death that includes a biography sketch that talks about
the deceased's life and personality. It also includes a few anecdotes about the
deceased. You may refer to this link to help you write the obituary.

Note: You are not writing about yourself. The Obituary is written by a person close to
the deceased. In this activity you are the deceased.

Deeyon Rouche E. Tolentino or simply just Dee, has recently passed at the age of
71. He was an accountant in his younger years but he led a life far from what you think
an accountant would. He was free spirited, taking life day by day and really enjoying
the little things. Even when he got a partner and kids, he would still find time to try new
things and get more experiences.

He worked hard to provide for himself and then eventually, his family. He wanted
to make sure that he and his children would never have to worry about money as long
as he lived. He loved treating the people close to him. His partner always used to say
that he was spoiling his kids rotten.

He wasn’t the perfect man but you could tell that he was trying his best. Even if
he couldn’t help directly, he would always be willing to lend an ear. He would listen to a
stranger vent about the problems in their life as if he was a friend they’ve known for

He always loved making something and even if he wasn’t good at it, he would
still enjoy the process. He would get so excited if you ever asked about what he was
working on because if you ever asked him what he was up to, he always had something
he was working on. Be it a story, a drawing, or whatever random hobby he’s gotten
into. He would love it so much, he could talk about it for hours if you would let him.
AY 2023-2024

He was a good man, it’s sad seeing him go but I’m sure that he’s happy with the
life he lived and whatever impact he left on the world. I’ll miss him but I know that he
would want us to continue living a good life without him.

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