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BSBA Mm 2a
4 TYpes of grips in badminton

Forehand Grip
The easiest way to learn the forehand
grip is to pretend you are shaking
someone’s hand. you want to have this
‘V Shape’, and have a little space
between your index finger and middle
4 TYpes of grips in badminton

Backhand Grip
The easiest way to learn the backhand
grip is to set up with your thumb on top
of the wider section of the grip, with
your strings facing the floor & ceiling like
on the photo below. Your fingers should
be relaxed around the side.
4 TYpes of grips in badminton
Bevel Grip
To learn the bevel grip you can start in a
backhand grip and move your racket head
round so that your strings are now facing
diagonally, and your thumb is on the ridge /
bevel. You would move the racket anti-
clockwise from your backhand grip if you are
right handed, and clockwise from this position if
you are left handed.
4 TYpes of grips in badminton

Panhandle Grip
The panhandle grip is where you
have the thumb on the side of the
racket, pinching the sides with your
thumb and fingers in the position
Thumb grip
The thumb grip is like the backhand version of a panhandle grip. It’s mainly used for backhands
where the shuttle is in front of you. That means it’s useful for many backhands in the midcourt or
at the net, but not in the rearcourt.

Partial panhandle grip

Often we need a grip that is somewhere between forehand and panhandle. I call it a partial
panhandle grip. You could also call it a moderate panhandle, as opposed to a full or extreme

Neutral grip
The neutral grip is mainly used in between shots, as it helps you change quickly to other grips. It
can also be used for hitting certain shots.

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