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What should you Assist. Prof. of
Know ? nutrition,NNI
2 01/02/2022


• Nutrition plays an important role in an

endurance athlete’s ability to perform
• Proper nutrition in combination with sound and
proven training techniques can help athletes to
maximize their genetic abilities
• Certain nutritional supplements have not
demonstrated any performance benefit in

Sayed Hammad 2022

3 01/02/2022

What we will cover today…

• Energy pathways

• Formula to estimate athletes calorie needs

• Macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein and fat.

• Micronutrients: vitamins and minerals

• Pre , during and post exercise meals

• Fluids that keep athletes well hydrate

Sayed Hammad 2022
4 01/02/2022

Performance Influencing Factors

• Continuous training

 plus

• Good nutrition

Sayed Hammad 2022

5 01/02/2022

Performance Influencing Factors

• The amount, typing and timing of food
intake can affect sports performance
• Good nutritional strategies need to be
adopted before, during and after training to
help maximize performance
“A great diet cannot make average athletes’
elite, but a poor diet can make an elite
athlete average”
Sayed Hammad 2022
Dr.Sayed Hammad ,2022

Food Is Fuel

‐Menstrual dysfunction

Dr.Sayed Hammad, 2022

7 01/02/2022

Fuel Pathways
• Athlete's body uses different mixture of fuel pathways
depending on intensity, duration and its prior training.

• During rest we use less energy from fatty acids but the
most from glucose and little from protein.

•During intense exercise carbohydrate stored in muscles

and liver (glycogen) is predominant fuel source and during
prolonged exercise fat stores are predominant fuel source.
 So well trained endurance athlete burns fat more

Sayed Hammad 2022

Sayed Hammad 2022
8 01/02/2022

Fuel Pathways
 With moderate activity (when breath is steady and easy) glycogen
used slowly by aerobic pathway then muscles derive energy from
(fat and glucose) conserving glycogen stores.
 With intense exercise (especially when difficult to catch breath )
muscles use glycogen quickly which partially broken by anaerobic
 The trained muscles used less glucose and more fat than untrained
to perform the same work, so, glycogen last longer.
9 01/02/2022

Fuel Pathways
Anaerobic Aerobic
Pyruvic Acid

Pyruvic Acid
Kribs Cycle

36 ATP
Lactic Acid
Sayed Hammad 2022
10 01/02/2022

Fuel Pathways
 Sources of used energy during exercise start as following:
 Stored ATP is used at first 2-3 seconds.
 Creatine Phosphate is used for next 3 - 10 seconds.
 That time anaerobic glycolysis started to cover urgent energy
needs for 90 to 120 seconds
 The aerobic glycolysis completed after converting of pyruvate
to acetyl coenzyme A which goes through the kribs cycle
producing many folds of ATP per one molecule of glucose.

Sayed Hammad 2022

11 01/02/2022

Fuel Pathways
 Along the first 10 minutes muscles rely on their
glycogen stores.
 next 10 minutes 1/5 of the used glycogen comes
from liver glycogen stores.
 After these 20 minutes energy comes from less
glucose and more fat.
 Around 5 % of protein may be used as fuel (after
glycogen depletion). The high degree of training
the less protein used as energy source.

Sayed Hammad 2022

12 01/02/2022

Fuel Pathways
13 01/02/2022

How many calories do Athletes need?

Athletes need sufficient calories to cover their

body needs, and perform well.
 More benefits of Optimal Fueling:
- Improve strength and speed.
- Delay fatigue
- Enhance healing of injuries and/or illness

Sayed Hammad 2022

14 01/02/2022
15 01/02/2022
16 01/02/2022

Energy Calculation:
We can use this quick equation for adults

BEE (kcal/day) for male = Wt x (24 – training hours )

BEE (kcal/day) for female = Wt x ( 21.6 – training hours )

Day energy = BEE x activity factor for the rest of day

Extra Energy for Training = Sport factor x Duration ( min )

Total Energy = Day energy + EET

Sayed Hammad 2022

17 01/02/2022

Energy Calculation:
Also we can use this quick equation for adolescents
Day energy for:

 Male adolescent = 2000 + ( Age – 10) x 100 to 200

 Female adolescent = 2000 + ( Age – 10) x 50 to 100

Extra Energy for Training = Sport factor x Duration ( min )

Total Energy = Day energy + EET

Sayed Hammad 2022
18 01/02/2022

Energy Calculation:
Also we can use this quick equation for children
Day energy for:

 Boys = 1000 + ( Age – 1) x 100 to 125

 Girls = 1000 + ( Age – 1) x 100

Extra Energy for Training = Sport factor x Duration ( min )

Total Energy = Day energy + EET

Sayed Hammad 2022
19 01/02/2022

Sayed Hammad 2022

20 01/02/2022

The only nutrients that provide calories are
carbohydrates, protein, and fat
Rich in carbohydrate (60 - 70%)
Moderate in protein (15-20%)
Moderate to low in fat (20-25%)

Sayed Hammad 2022

21 01/02/2022

Daily carbohydrate needs

Best fuel – provide energy quickly and efficiently for working muscles
Inadequate intake: decreased performance and recovery
Extra Stored in the body as glycogen
Moderate duration/low intensity training:
5- 7 g CHO / kg / day
Moderate to heavy endurance training:
7 – 10 g CHO / kg / day
Extreme exercise training:
10 g CHO / kg / day
Sayed Hammad 2022
22 01/02/2022

Protein: the great debate

“ Research shows that most athletes can
eat enough protein without using
additional supplements or following a
high-protein diet.”

 Proteinfrom food or a protein supplement

acts the same in the body

 Food is the easiest, most effective, and

least costly way to meet protein needs!
Sayed Hammad 2022
Sayed Hammad 2022
23 01/02/2022

Dietary Protein
• Most athleteseat enough protein in their normal diet to
meet the increased needs of training
(Protein should account for 15-20% of total daily calories)
24 01/02/2022

Protein Requirements
Endurance athletes:
1.2-1.4 g protein/ kg of body weight
Strength and speed athletes:
1.4 -1.8 g protein/kg of body weight
Some research supports up to 2 gm/day especially for
adolescent athlete
Too much protein intake can be bad:
Excess protein calories are stored as fat
Excess protein intake can lead to dehydration and may
contribute to kidney problems
Affect muscles. ability to train & compete at peak levels.
Sayed Hammad 2022
25 01/02/2022

Dietary Fat
Population dietary guidelines that recommend a moderation of total fat and
reduction of saturated fat intakes are also appropriate for athletes
Unlike glycogen, there is always sufficient fat as fuel for exercise
low fat intakes not recommended especially for those involved in endurance
training, so that more energy can be derived from CHO and Protein.

Major source of energy as 20 to 25% of total calories

should come from fat
Less than10% of total calories should come from saturated fats

Sayed Hammad 2022

26 01/02/2022

Types and sources of fat:

Healthy fats (unsaturated(
• Nuts & seeds
• Fish
• Oils from vegetables and olives
Unhealthy fats (saturated(
• Processed meats
• Butter/lard/Coconut oil
• Trans fats e.g. biscuits, cakes,
sweets, takeaways

Sayed Hammad 2022

Sayed Hammad 2022
27 01/02/2022

Vitamins and Minerals for Sports Performance

Do you need a supplement?

Food first- Balanced diet with
adequate calories typically supplies
adequate vits. and minerals
Supplements second if needed
after consulting your physician.
28 01/02/2022

Vitamins and Minerals for Sports Performance

B complex needed for metabolic reactions that produce
energy: they do not provide energy,
Whole grains, leafy greens, milk B12 only
in animal products

Vitamin C and E Vitamin A

antioxidants Vision, bone & tooth
No research showing that development
supplementation supports
increased performance
Vitamin D
Adequate fats and fruits Bone development and
and vegetables =
Adequate E and C
29 01/02/2022

Vitamins and Minerals for Sports Performance

Calcium: bone strength & muscle contraction
Milk and products, leafy green vegetables, fish with bones
Zinc: protein synthesis Whole grains, meat and milk.
Iron: oxygen transportation red meat, green leafyvegetables,
beans, dried fruit.
Female athletes are at increased risk of iron deficiency

Sayed Hammad 2022

30 01/02/2022

What should be eating for pre-exercise meal?

Every athlete is different in what they like to eat (and what sits comfortably in their
stomach) before exercise but in general, your pre-exercise meal or snack should be:
Rich in carbohydrate to prime your fuel stores
Moderate to low in fibre, especially if you have issues with your gut or feel
very nervous
Easy to digest – avoid foods overly high in fat as these are slow to digest
Familiar – practice your options in training and don’t try anything new on
event day!

Sayed Hammad 2022

31 01/02/2022

Pre-exercise Meal
 Importance
 Lesshunger before and during exercise
 Maintains optimum glycogen stores

 Recommendations
 Main meal (3 to 4 hours prior to event) high in complex
carbohydrates (low GI) – Mod. Protein – Mod. To low Fat

 Soft meal (2-3 hrs. Prior to event) high in CHO ( mod. To low GI.) – Mod to low
Protein – Low Fat.

 Liquid meal ( 1- 2 hrs. prior to event) only CHO

Sayed Hammad 2022

Sayed Hammad 2022
32 01/02/2022

During-exercise Meal
During exercise: If playing > 45 minutes
Athletes should consume 25 to 30 gm
of carbohydrate for every 30 minutes of
Athletes should drink 1 cup of sports
drink for every 15 to 20 minutes of
Very important to replace lost minerals
and fluids
And cover urgent needs of energy
during the event

Sayed Hammad 2022

33 01/02/2022

Types of sport drinks

Types of sport drinks:

 Iso tonic sport drink : 6-8 % cho

 Hypertonic sport drink : 10-12 % cho

 Hypotonic sport drink : 3-4 % cho

Sayed Hammad 2022

Sayed Hammad 2021
34 01/02/2022

Post-exercise Meal
 After exercise
 Athletes should consume 1.0 to 1.5 gm/kg
immediately post exercise and again 1-2 hrs later
(CHO to Pr = 4 : 1 or 3 : 1)
To replace muscle glycogen stores
To prevent gradual depletion of muscle glycogen
stores caused by repetitive
daily bouts of heavy exercise
To decrease muscle
 breakdown

Sayed Hammad 2022

Sayed Hammad 2022
35 01/02/2022

Carbohydrate Loading
Increases the body’s pre-exercise glycogen stores by
50 to 100% Sayed Hammad 2021

Benefits endurance athletes who compete for longer

than 90 minutes

Can increase endurance up to 20%

Can increase performance by 2 to 3%

36 01/02/2022

Carbohydrate Loading: One Example of How

Days prior to event Exercise duration Carbohydrate intake

6 90 minutes 5 gm/kg/day

5 40: 60 minutes 5 gm/kg/day

4 40 minutes 5 gm/kg/day

3 20: 40 minutes 10 gm/kg/day

2 20 minutes 10 gm/kg/day

1 rest 10 gm/kg/day

Sayed Hammad 2022

37 01/02/2022

Recommended Rate of Hydration

 Before Exercise: Drink 1.5 : 3 cups of fluid 2 hours prior to exercise and 15 minutes
before activity drink another 1 cup of fluid

 During Exercise: Drink 1 cup of cold water or sport drink every 15 minutes during
exercise to delay fatigue Sayed Hammad 2021
 After Exercise: Drink 1.5 times of weight lost or sweet rate .

Hydration Schedule
2 hours before exercise 300 : 600ml
Every 15 minutes during exercise 150-300 ml
After exercise Every 1 kg weight loss = 1.5 litre

Specific fluid needs will vary from athlete to athlete depending on body weight, exercise and
environmental conditions
Sayed Hammad 2022
38 01/02/2022

Factors affect fluids requirements

 Exercise intensity - the harder you train, the more fluid you
will require.
 Exercise duration - the longer your training session or
competition, the more fluid you will require.
 Temperature - you require more fluid in hotter weather.
 Hydration status - adequate hydration before exercise will
reduce the risks of dehydration.
 Training status - endurance training helps the body to
maintain fluid balance
Benefits of Water
Athletes lose concentration, coordination, and
endurance capacity when they don’t replace
water lost from sweat
Water helps regulate body temperature
Helps maintain proper muscle tone by giving
muscles their natural ability to contract and by
preventing dehydration
Rids the body of excess salt and other wastes
40 01/02/2022

How to encourage adequate hydration?

 Drink
on a schedule, not just when
you are thirsty

 Tryto avoid caffeine,

carbonation, and fruit juice just Sayed Hammad
prior to exercise 2021

 Beverages that contain alcohol

are diuretics and cause water loss
Sayed Hammad 2021
41 01/02/2022

Key message:
Meeting energy requirements through wholefood
sources is essential for athletes in order to function and
perform at their peak!

Sayed Hammad 2022


Sayed Hammad 2022

Sayed Hammad 2022

Sayed Hammad 2022

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