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Deima City States is a collective of self-governed polis units, many of which function as a cult or a church to a specific deity - all of which belong to the Deima Pantheon. Between each polis exist many villages of varying sizes that are all connected with the rest of the polises and villages with surprisingly intricate and strategically placed cobblestone roads. The villages consist of mixed faiths, but generally, the closer to a specific polis, the more prominent that faith is. Although different faiths have their differences, the belief that everyone is entitled to a life of devotion prevents the different cults from breaking out into wars. The road systems and highly efficient & developed infrastructure were just one of many positive results. Deities belonging to the Deima Pantheon don't share much in common, not even their alignment or attributes. The only strand that connects them is that each deity is very old, hailing from a long-forgotten age with very few historical records remaining. Archeologists theorize that these deities are survivors of now destroyed pantheons that have banded together to survive. The region controlled by the City States is rich in ancient ruins and constructions. Much of the world's history can be uncovered here, but perhaps now is not the time. Still, scholars continue to make their way here, even during the war, hoping to uncover as much knowledge before these relics inevitably become destroyed in the blastwave of conflict. Deima City States directly border Credia and were the wariest of any potential attacks. However, among all of the cults, none were as prepared as the mysterious and often feared, even within the cooperative polises, dark Cult of Orna. Cult of Orna worships a dark god known only as Orna. Not much is known about the inner workings of the cult as they keep their rituals only among the priesthood. The number of priests is very low, even more so as the regular citizens are reluctant to worship Orna, let alone seek out his blessings. The cult thus seeks out potential worshippers from other nations, specifically from among the orphans, beggars, criminals, and homeless. The cult's caravans often return to the City States with many new citizens in tow, most of which chose not to devote themselves to Orna. Nevertheless, the cultists didn't abandon these people. The Orna Cult, despite their introverted ways, are vocal advocates for the development of schooling, fostering, rehabilitation, and employing systems. They can often be seen as diplomats in different polises, discussing with priests of related deities on how to improve the lives of the less fortunate. Due to this, the Deima City States boasts a reputation as the most ideal place to live where the disabled aren't abandoned and everyone is given an equal chance. As long as the person takes one of the pantheon deities as their lord. The people who do choose to embrace Orna are never seen again. The dark god does not crave many worshippers, only a select few. Whispers of religious sacrifices in which the chosen are elevated into clerics are spoken behind closed doors. Even so, as the cult never commits any crimes, there is nothing anyone can do. After all, the sacrifices were willing. Moreover, all of the circulating stories are mere speculations and tales to scare children. The Cult of Orna had also taken up the role of healers and medicine makers. Although people will go to the cult as a last resort, they aren't ungrateful. In the present day, Clerics of Orna are a living nightmare of a legend on the battlefield. They were first acknowledged by the 3rd army's Snipers because it was blisteringly hard to kill even one cultist, while the sniper would often die in the process. The cultists have even started to use the sniper bullets that failed to kill them as piercings. And once the M13 series came into production, their attire started to incorporate looted pocket watches, braided into intricate ornaments. The number of clerics worldwide had fallen drastically, much of which was the Snipers’ and 4th army's doing. However, the number of Orna cultists remains relatively the same, even though the Snipers now consider taking them down as a badge of honor that will elevate them into becoming living legends. No.3 continuously warns his men of the dangers, mortality rates, and sheer tenaciousness of Orna Clerics, but many still choose to stubbornly take the challenge. Those who don't instead choose to do their best to disable the cultists. Perhaps the vendetta against Orna Clerics wouldn't be as dire if No.3 didn't almost die fighting against the Pope of Orna. No.3 was successfully extracted from the battlefield, but his condition was so severe that Artificer General had to personally repair him. After bearly managing to preserve No.3's life, Mom gathered Necromancer General and Biologist General and together flew towards the Cult Headquarters on a mechanized Adult White Dragon. But that's a story for another day. No.6 comments that her people are too afraid to come close to the Birthing Grounds that is the connective point between the Underdark and the surface. It belongs to the Cult of Orna. No.6's people claim that coming even within a 7km radious of it is a death sentence. Apparently, dark God Orna personally devour all intruders. Oh, and Wardell hails from a forest that's some distance behind the Cult of Orna. - love and kisses, No.4. <3

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