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Dear Leitha, | hope this letter finds you well sister. You wouldn't believe where | find myself. Did you know that a massive chunk of iron can float on water? | am currently on one such piece of rock. It has been shaped to resemble a ship, except its insides are far too complex for me to comprehend. In my last letter | spoke about the strange people in green uniforms and their peculiar metal golems. | have decided to tag along with them and | somehow ended up joining their crew. Life on the metal ship has been strange to say the least. My first few days consisted of emptying my innards into the sea. Suprisingly | wasn't a butt of many jokes. | was instead treated with compassion and warm tea. The strange humans tell me that none of them interacted with the sea until they were in their twenties - that's a proper adult in human years. They all went through the same ordeal as | did. From these interactions | also learned that it was their captain who educated them and that | was on her vessel. But | was onboard for so long and | was yet to meet her. The sailors simply kept telling me that she was ‘personally steering the ship’. Sister, don't captains usually turn that wheel thing? There was no such object on the deck. | wasn't kept in suspense for too long however. Lo and behold! | met the elusive woman! She too was a metal golem, but her intellect was as high as a human's, naybe even elf's. She had strange tendrils petruding from her head. It strangely looks like hair. The first meeting was... shakey. She was acting bizzare. She was in a half manic state and her posture depicted it. She yelled uncompregensible things. The crewmen did their best to keep her from climbing up the pillars. After about an hour, she calmed down. She introduced herself as No.2 - citizen of Credia and this ship's captain and strategist. | have to admit, after her manic state passed, she was pleasant to converse with. No.2 was strict but oddly behaved like a 40 year old youngling. It was very subtle, yet noticable. Our conversation led to me showing her my drawing skills. The iron woman doesn't have eyes to blink, but she seemed to be ingrossed by my handiwork. In exchange for tagging along, she had me help out with some chores and teach her how to draw. | also learned that she has only one older brother, No.1, but that she will soon have another one named No.3. How a metal person gives birth is beyond me. Today was tiresome. | had a lot of work to do, which | am used to, but the storm kept shaking our ship and made my life harder. | am so tired. | want to enter a reverie. I'll draw how No.2 looks like and send it together with the letter. Stay well. - Love, Lenzo.

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