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Republic of the Philippines


Mabini Avenue, Catbalogan City, Samar

Instruction: Choose the correct verb form and write the S-V agreement rule to support your answer.
Write it in a ½ length wise.

1. Allan (work, works) independently without being told.

2. Anyone who believes in himself surely (succeed, succeeds).
3. A number of CSU-SM graduates (was, were) taken in public and private offices.
4. The freshmen as well as the seniors (need, needs) to be re-informed on the school’s policies.
5. The CSU-SM family, not the Campus Executive Officer alone (has, have) to be praised on these
6. The number of tricycle operators (continue, continues) to serve the public with unquestionable loyalty.
7. Either I or my classmates (lead, leads) the protest to oust the SBO Mayor.
8. The President and manager of the business (respect, respects) our individual rights.
9. The abducted Chinese millionaire, together with the driver (was, were) rescued by the police.
10. B. Francisco’s painting, not J. Luna’s paintings (depict, depicts) the spirit of Filipino “bayanihan”.

Exercise 2: Write the right verb from those in parenthesis.

1. The students (look, looks) up to Professor Cruz.

2. The lack of policemen at dangerous intersections (cause, causes) accidents.
3. Guidance counselors (interview, interviews) the freshmen every year.
4. Your voice as well as your facial expression (make, makes) you win.
5. The members of the committee (want, wants) to postpone the activity.
6. The ceremony, as well as reception, (impress, impresses) the visitors.
7. The unmarried woman (gather, gathers) in this dormitory.
8. A number of questions (remain, remains) unanswered.
9. Many (think, thinks) Angelo might be the master mind.
10. Others (smile, smiles) to the speaker’s anecdote.
11. Somebody (keep, keeps) on pushing him to finish his studies.
12. The phenomenon, according to scientists, (happen, happens) anywhere anytime.
13. The unmarried youths (gather, gathers) in these dormitories.
14. Neither the scoutmaster nor the boy scouts (like, likes) to go swimming.
15. The danger of earthquakes (has, have) been exaggerated.
16. We learned that one of Mary’s family member (was, were) killed in the Tacloban typhoon surge.
17. Those trousers (is, are) made in China.
18. Either my seatmate or I (know, knows) the answer.
19. Several members of the language class (has, have) left.
20. Near the hotel, (is, are) supermarket and bus station.

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