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Bsc Data Science Sem 5

Case Study :– Machine Learning

Marks :- 40
Date of Submission:- 20/09/2023

Solve any one of the following case studies

1. Find the labelled data set of social media comments or

tweets (twitter, facebook, Linkedin anything) with positive
and negative sentiments. Perform the following operations
on the data.
a. Pre-process the text data with following techniques
i. Lower-casing
ii. Remove special characters, URLs and html tags
iii.Remove stop words
iv.Perform stemming of lemmatization
b. Build the Word cloud with maximum 30 words. List
down top 5 most frequent words in corpus.
c. Split the data in train and test set with 70-30 ratio. Build
a sentiment analysis using any ML algorithm with TF-
IDF vectorizer.
d. Predict the sentiments on test data and evaluate the
performance of model using different metrics.

Website: Contact: Email: 9920053700
2. Find the ratings data set for movies or products from any online
sources (with User, Item and Rating columns). Build the recommender
systems with following instructions.
a. Build an item centred memory based recommender system with
Cosine similarity
b. Build a n item centred memory based recommender system with
pearson correlation similarity
c. Build a recommender system using matrix factorization.
d. Validate all 3 recommender systems (a, b, c) with the help of RMSE
and MAE and suggest which recommender system performs best.

3. Find any data set with minimum 10 continues/numeric features and 1

target variable for building a classification model and perform
following tasks.
a. Split the data into train test set with 70-30 ratio and train the logistic
regression model with all original features.
b. With the help of Principle Component Analysis, reduce the no. of
features and find appropriate principle components.
c. Train the logistic regression model with new features/principle
d. Evaluate the model performance forth both the models (With
original features and after feature reduction). Suggest which model
performs better.

Website: Contact: Email: 9920053700

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