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Bsc Data Science Sem 5

ASSIGNMENT 2 :– Next Generation Database

Marks :- 10
Date of Submission:- 12/09/2023

1. Write a python script to print all movies where imdb votes are
greater than 15.
2. Write a python script to print movie title, runtime, cast and
directors using _id: ObjectId('573a13f9f29313caabdeb7f5').
3. Write a python script to print first 10 movies in sorted order
based on release year.
4. Write a python script to insert 5 documents.
5. Write a python script to add country name India, where genre is
6. Write a python script to update runtime by 30 mins.
7. Write a python script to create an index and use it.
8. Write a python script to explain (gt, lte, ne, or) operators.
9. Write a python script to explain working with arrays using
10. Write a python script to delete a document based on objectID.

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