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- Include phenylketonuria (PKU), tyrosyluria, alkaptonuria,

Abnormal Conditions Detected in the Routine Urinalysis melanuria,maple syrup urine disease, organic acidemias,
indicanuria, cystinuria, and cystinosis.
 Phenylalanine-Tyrosine Disorders
- Major inherited disorders: PKU, tyrosyluria, and
- Metabolic defects cause overproduction of melanin.

Overflow Versus Renal Disorders

The appearance of abnormal metabolic substances in the urine
can be caused by a variety of disorders that can generally be
grouped into two categories:

 Overflow
- result from disruption of a normal metabolic pathway that
causes increased plasma concentrations of the
nonmetabolized substances.
- Overrides Tm or is not normally reabsorbed
- Abnormal accumulations: caused by malfunctions in the
tubular reabsorption mechanism.
- Inborn Error of Metabolism: failure to inherit the gene to
produce a particular enzyme. (protein,fat, or carbohydrate

 Renal 1. Phenylketonuria
- Functional defects - The most well known of the aminoacidurias
- 1 in 10,000 births to 20,000 births
Disorders Classified by Defect - Results in severe mental retardation
- First identified in Norway by Ivan Følling in 1934,
Urine: a peculiar mousy odor (increased amounts of
the keto acids, including phenylpyruvate)
- occurs when the normal conversion of phenylalanine
to tyrosine is disrupted (tyrosine decreases with its
pigmentation metabolite melanin).
- caused by failure to inherit the gene to produce the
enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase
- Autosomal-recessive trait; heterozygotes normal
- Once discovered: Eliminate phenylalanine from diet
(milk) since it damages to child’s mental capacity and
avoid ↑ phenylalanine foods (aspartame).
- increased blood levels of phenylalanine must occur
before urinary excretion of phenylpyruvic acid (2 to 6
Newborn Screening weeks).
- Current state-mandated screening for as many as 30 - Phenylalanine can be detected as early as 4 hours
or more metabolic disorders after birth and, if the normal results 4mg/dl is
- Many disorders cause the buildup of unmetabolized lowered 2 mg/dL, the presence of PKU should be
toxic food ingredients (should be detected early in detected.
life). Levels are elevated more rapidly in blood than  Guthrie blood test
urine.  Media containing beta-2-thienylalaline, an inhibitor of
- Urine tests are primarily for follow-up Bacillus subtilis, is streaked with the bacteria; blood-
- Heel puncture or Heel stick blood tests are used for impregnated discs placed on the agar; phenylalanine
initial testing counteracts the inhibitor.
 Performed before infant leaves hospital  Urine test:
 Metabolites appear first in the blood - Ferric chloride tube test result to blue-green color
- Analyze by tandem mass spectrophotometry and…
- MS/MS - capable of screening the infant blood
sample for specific substances associated with
particular IEMs.
 Gene testing is being worked on
2. Tyrosyluria/Tyrosinemia 4. Alkaptonuria
- accumulation of excess tyrosine in the plasma - Enzyme deficiency is homogentisic acid oxidase
(tyrosinemia) producing urinary overflow. - homogentisic acid accumulates in the blood, tissues,
- the urine may contain its degradation products, p- and urine.
hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid and p-hydroxyphenyllactic - one of the six original inborn errors of metabolism
acid. described by Garrod in 1902
 Metabolic defects - a metabolic defect that is the third major defect in
- Premature transitory tyrosinemia (infants), which is the phenylalanine-tyrosine pathway
caused by underdevelopment of the liver function - the urine darkens after becoming alkaline from
- Acquired severe liver disease also produces standing at room temperature
tyrosyluria resembling transitory tyrosinemia. - Black alkaline urine, possible black-stained diapers
- Results: - Manifests later in life with brown pigment deposits in
o rarely seen tyrosine and leucine crystals tissues (ears):
 Hereditary defects 1. Deposits in the cartilage eventually lead to
- enzymes required in the metabolic pathway are not arthritis.
produced resulting to the liver and renal tubular 2. Develops liver and cardiac disorders
disease that produces aminoaciduria. - Another screening test:
- Type 1: enzyme deficiency is fumarylacetoacetate Add alkali to freshly voided urine and to observe for
hydrolase (FAH); renal tubular disease and liver darkening of the color; but ascorbic acid interferes
failure in infants - Paper and thin layer chromatography procedures are
- Type 2: enzyme deficiency is tyrosine available.
aminotransferase; corneal erosion and lesions on  Urine tests
palms, fingers, and soles of the feet believed to be - Ferric chloride produces a transient deep blue color
caused by crystallization of tyrosine in the cells. - Clinitest produces yellow precipitate
- Type 3: enzyme deficiency is p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic (indicating the presence of a reducing substance.)
acid dioxygenase; mental retardation if no dietary - Silver nitrate and ammonium hydroxide test
restrictions of phenylalanine and tyrosine. produces black color
- All types produces tyrosylemia and tyrosyluria.
 Urine tests
- Ferric chloride produces a transient green color
- Nitroso-naphthol test produces an orange-red color

 Branched Chain Amino Acid Disorders

- differ from other amino acids by having a methyl
group that branches from the main aliphatic carbon
- Two major groups:
1. Maple syrup urine disease: accumulation of one
or more of the early amino acid degradation
3. Melanuria 2. Organic acidemias: accumulation of organic acids
 Second pathway for tyrosine produced further down in the amino acid
- Melanin, thyroxine, epinephrine, protein, and metabolic pathway.
tyrosine sulfate. - A significant laboratory finding: presence of ketonuria
 Melanin
- Pigment for dark hair, skin and eyes 1. MSUD
- Deficiency causes albinism - Inborn error of metabolism, autosomal-recessive trait
- Increased urinary melanin = darkens the urine (after - Amino acids involved are:
the urine is exposed to air or oxidation of melanogen) = leucine, isoleucine, and valine
- Elevated urinary melanin = indicates proliferation of - metabolic pathway begins by the transamination of
the normal melanin-producing cells (melanocytes), the three amino acids in the liver to the keto acids:
producing a “malignant melanoma.” 1. a –ketoisovaleric
- 5,6-dihydroxyindole - a colorless precursor of melanin 2. a -ketoisocaproic,
which oxidizes to melanogen and then to melanin, 3. a -keto-b -methylvaleric.
producing the characteristic dark urine. (Secreted by - Enzymes are necessary to produce oxidative
the Tumors) decarboxylation of these keto acids, failure to inherit
 Urine tests results in the accumulation of keto acids in the blood
- Ferric chloride produces a Black precipitate and urine.
- Sodium nitroprusside test produces a Red color - Newborns with MSUD begin to exhibit clinical
symptoms: 1-week failure to thrive
- Result in Urine: strong odor of maple syrup, and thick, 1. Indicanuria
dark appearance - most of the tryptophan that enters the intestine is
- detected by the 11th day, dietary regulation and either for protein production or is converted to indole
careful monitoring of urinary keto acid concentrations by intestinal bacteria and excreted in the feces.
 Screening test: - Some Intestinal disorders with increased amounts of
2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) produces yellow tryptophan that are converted to indole:
precipitate turbidity 1. obstruction;
2. presence of abnormal bacteria;
3. malabsorption syndromes;
4. Hartnup disease
- excess indole is reabsorbed from the intestine into
the bloodstream and circulated to the liver, where it
is converted to indican and then excreted in the
- Urine Results: colorless until oxidized
2. Organic Acidemias to the dye indigo blue by exposure to air.
- Symptoms: early severe illness, vomiting, metabolic
Acidosis, hypoglycemia, ketonuria, and increased  Hartnup disease: blue diaper syndrome
serum ammonia. - affects the intestinal reabsorption of tryptophan and
- Most common disorders are: the renal tubular reabsorption of other amino acids.
1. Isovaleric acidemia: “sweaty feet odor” - results in aminoaciduria (Fanconi syndrome)
o caused by the accumulation of  Requires dietary supplements (niacin)
isovalerylglycine due to a deficiency of - Urine Results: Blue or Violet color with ferric chloride
isovaleryl coenzyme A in the leucine that can be extracted into chloroform
2– 3. Propionic and methylmalonic acidemia: 2. 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid (5-HIAA)
o no conversion of valine, threonine, - Tryptophan produces serotonin in the second
methylmalonate to succinyl coenzyme A. metabolic pathway.
o Propionic acid is the immediate precursor. - Serotonin is used for the stimulation of smooth
 Urine tests muscles and produced by the argentaffin cells in the
- p-Nitroaniline Test produces Emerald green color intestine. It is carried through the body primarily by
- Procedures: the platelets.
1. Place 1 drop of urine in a tube - Excess serotonin is excreted in the urine as 5-HIAA
2. Add 15 drops of 0.1% p-nitroaniline in 0.16 M HCl - Carcinoid tumors involving the argentaffin
3. Add 5 drops of 0.5% sodium nitrite (enterochromaffin) cells: ↑ 5-HIAA in urine due to
4. Mix excess serotonin produced.
5. Add 1 mL of 1 M sodium acetate buffer at pH 4.3 - Normal daily excretion of 5-HIAA: 2 to 8 mg/day
6. Boil for 1 min - Argentaffin cell tumors: >25 mg/day
7. Add 5 drops of 8 N NaOH  Urine test:
8. Observe for emerald green color - Adding “Nitrous acid” and “1-nitroso-2-naphthol” to
5-HIAA produces purple to black color
 Tryptophan Disorders - can be performed on a random or first morning
- increased urinary excretion of the metabolites indican specimen
and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA). - False-negative results: based on the specimen
concentration and inconsistent production of 5-HIAA.
- 24-hour sample must be preserved with
= hydrochloric or boric acid.
- Patient instructions:
 No bananas, pineapples, tomatoes (serotonin
is a major constituent)
 No phenothiazines, and acetanilids for 72 hours
- A plasma method using high-performance liquid
chromatography with fluorescence detection is also

 Cystine Disorders
o Two distinct disorders of cystine metabolism
exhibit renal manifestations.
o Both have noticeable odor of sulfur
o Difference:
1. Cystinuria - a defect in the renal tubular
transport of amino acids
2. Cystinosis - inborn error of metabolism

- Gives a positive result with the cyanide-nitroprusside
1. Cystinuria test but requires an additional screening test. Which
- marked by elevated amounts of the amino acid is this test (silver-nitroprusside) where only
cystine in the urine. (due to inability of the renal homocystine will react.
tubules to reabsorb cystine filtered by the - The use of silver nitrate in place of sodium cyanide
glomerulus) reduces homocystine to its nitroprusside-reactive
- Inherited disorder affecting renal reabsorption form but does not reduce cystine.
- Two modes of inheritance: - Fresh urine should be used when testing for
1. only cystine and lysine are not reabsorbed homocystine.
2. cystine, lysine, arginine, and ornithine are not
- may form renal calculi but more common (65%) on
people with 4 amino acids inheritance.
- Cystine is the least soluble accounting for cystine
crystals in the sediment of concentrated or first
morning specimens. It is the only amino acid found
during the analysis of calculi

 Screening test:  Porphyrin Disorders

cyanide-nitroprusside test - are the intermediate compounds in the production of
 Sodium cyanide reduces cystine, and nitroprusside heme.
produces a red-purple color if excess cystine is
 False-positives: ketonuria, homocystinuria

 Inborn error of metabolism
 Three variations:
A. Nephropathic
1. Infantile nephropathic cystinosis - rapid
progression to renal failure.
o Results: polyuria, generalized
aminoaciduria, positive Clinitest results
for reducing substances, and lack of
urinary concentration.
2. late-onset nephropathic cystinosis - a gradual
progression to total renal failure.
B. Non-nephropathic
- benign, some ocular problems
 Defect in lysosomal membranes prevents release of
cystine into cytoplasm for metabolism = crystalline
cystine deposits in body
 Deposits: cornea, bone marrow, lymph nodes, organs
 Renal tubules are affected by deposits causing
Fanconi syndrome, which is not inherited
 Renal transplants and cystine-depleting medications
- Primary porphyrins: uroporphyrin, coproporphyrin,
Homocystinuria protoprophyrin
- Defect in metabolism of methionine, producing - Precursors: α-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and
increased methionine in body porphobilinogen
- The increased homocystine can result: Failure to - Detection of pathway disruptions in urine, blood,bile/feces
thrive, cataracts, mental retardation, thromboemboli, - The solubility of the porphyrin compounds
and death. 1. Urine: ALA, porphobilinogen, urobilinogen (Three
Most soluble), coproporphyrin (least soluble)
 Screening test: 2. Feces/bile: coproporphyrin and protoporphyrin
- Silver Nitroprusside Test produces a red-purple color Note: to avoid false-positive interference, bile is a
more acceptable specimen.
3. Whole Blood: presence of free erythrocyte  Hunter syndrome: abnormal skeletal structure,
protoporphyrin (a screening test for lead poisoning.) severe mental retardation, inherited as a sex-linked
- Disorders of porphyrin metabolism are collectively termed recessive, rare in females
“porphyrias” from erythrocytic and hepatic malfunctions  Sanfilippo syndrome: mental retardation
or exposure to toxic agents - Bone marrow transplantation and gene therapy for
A. Inherited: gene in metabolic pathway is missing treatment
- Classified by clinical symptoms as neurologic/psychiatric,  Screening test:
cutaneous/photosensitivity, or both 1. Acid-albumin and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide
B. Acquired (more common): lead poisoning, alcoholism, turbidity test (CTAB)
iron deficiency, chronic liver and renal disease  Thick, white turbidity forms when reagents are added
- Porphyrinuria indicator: observation of a red or port wine  Turbidity is usually graded on a scale of 0 to 4 after
color to the urine after exposure to air. 30 minutes with acid-albumin and after 5 minutes
- Erythropoietic porphyrias: when the port wine urine color with CTAB.
is more prevalent; staining of the teeth may also occur.
- Congenital porphyria: a red discoloration of an infant’s
 Screening test:
1. Ehrlich reaction: only for ALA and porphobilinogen
 Convert ALA to porphobilinogen by adding acetyl
acetone 2. Metachromatic staining spot test
A. Watson-Schwartz test – differentiation between  Positive urine produces a blue color that cannot be
the presence of urobilinogen and washed away with dilute acidified methanol
porphobilinogen.  Mucopolysaccharide Paper Test
B. Hoesch test - testing for the presence of 1. Dip filter paper into 0.59% azure A dye in 2%
porphobilinogen when patients exhibit acetic acid
symptoms of an acute attack. 2. Dry
o A negative test result is obtained in the presence of 3. Add 1 drop of urine to paper
lead poisoning unless ALA is first converted to 4. Wash with 1 mL acetic acid + 200 mL methanol
porphobilinogen. diluted to a liter
5. Observe for blue color
2. Fluorescence under ultraviolet light (550- to 600-nm) –
- used for other porphyrins  Purine Disorders
- extraction into glacial acetic acid and ethyl acetate
- The solvent layer is then examined. 1. Lesch-Nyhan disease
- Negative reaction: faint blue fluorescence. - Inherited as a sex-linked recessive results in
- Positive reaction: fluoresce violet, pink, or red, depending massive excretion of urinary uric acid crystals.
on the concentration of porphyrins. - Failure to inherit the gene to produce the enzyme
- If the presence of interfering substances is suspected: hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase is
1. the organic layer can be removed to a separate tube responsible for the accumulation of uric acid.
2. Add 0.5 mL of hydrochloric acid to the tube - Results: Motor defects, mental retardation, self-
Note: Only porphyrins are extracted into the acid layer, destruction, gout and renal calculi.
which then produces a bright orange-red fluorescence. - Normal development 6–8 months
- does not distinguish among uroporphyrin, coproporphyrin, - First sign” uric acid crystals resembling orange sand
and protoporphyrin, but rules out porphobilinogen and in diapers
- Increased protoporphyrin is best measured in whole  Carbohydrate Disorders
blood. - An inherited disorder: presence of increased urinary
sugar (melituria
Mucopolysaccharide Disorders - No problems except for galactosuria; indicating the
- Mucopolysaccharides, or glycosaminoglycan - a group of inability to properly metabolize galactose to glucose.
large compounds located primarily in the connective - caused by a deficiency in any of three enzymes,
tissue. galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase (GALT),
- Inherited disorders in the metabolism of preventing galactokinase, and UDP-galactose-4-epimerase.
complete breakdown of the polysaccharide portion of the - Failure to thrive, severe mental retardation, cataracts,
compounds. liver disorders
- Results: accumulation of the incompletely metabolized 1. Lactosuria
polysaccharide portions in the lysosomes of the connective - Pregnancy and lactation
tissue cells and their increased excretion in the urine. 2. Fructosuria
- Substances found in urine: dermatan sulfate, keratan - Parenteral feeding
sulfate, and heparin sulfate - Resorcinol screening test
- Mucopolysaccharidoses Types: 3. Pentosuria
 Hurler syndrome: abnormal skeletal structure, severe - Ingestion of large amounts of fruit
mental retardation, and corneal eye damage


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