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Cohesive devices worksheet with answers

Part A: Fill in the blanks using AND, SO, BECAUSE, BUT or OR. 1. I could not go out last night _____ I was too busy. 2. I could not go with my friend _____ he went without me. 3. My friend went to the cinema to see a film _____ the film wasn't very good. 4. The cinema was full of people _____ they
were all smoking. 5. I like people ____ I don't like smoke. 6. Do you want an orange juice ____ a guava juice? 7. It was my birthday _____ he didn't send me a card. 8. I didn't write to him _____ he didn't write to me. 9. We couldn’t contact him _____ we didn’t have his number. 10. The new department
store is now open _____ it is offering big discounts. Part B: Complete the short story below with appropriate cohesive devices. Mary could not go out with me ​_____ I invited Anne instead. Anne was very happy to accept my invitation _____ the film was very popular. Anne and I had a good time _____
next day Mary was very angry. "Do you love me _____ do you love Anne?" she asked me. "I like both you _____ Anne," I answered. "Look!" said Mary. "Either you go out with me _____ you go out with Anne. You can't love both me _____ Anne at the same time." "Why not?" I answered. "_____ it's not
fair." I asked Mary if she would go out with me tonight _____ she said that she had a new boyfriend _____ didn't want to see me again _____ I didn't really love her. I phoned Anne _____ she said she was busy _____ now I'm alone. PART C Combine the following pairs of sentences to be one
sentence. Use appropriate cohesive device(s). For example: The little boy walked to the store. His dog walked along with him.--> When the little boy walked to the store, his dog walked along with him. 1. Bob is an only child. He is very independent. 2. You have to bring your examination card. You
cannot join the exam without the examination card. 3. She went to work. She didn’t want to go. 4. My cat was hungry. It had not eaten since breakfast that day. 5. A book can be a lot of fun. A book can be boring. 6. Her wallet fell to the floor. A photo of her boyfriend came out of it. 7. Andy
watched her favorite TV show. Andy went to bed. 8. Karen and Sally are best friends. Karen and Sally have many things in common. 9. They made plan to go to the beach. They couldn’t do it. 10. I couldn’t sleep that night. I was too tired the next morning. PART D.Make less number of sentences by
combining as many sentences as you can in the following paragraph, using the above examples to guide you. The Garuda team was three games down. The Garuda team had to win the next four games to move to the next round. Fans of Garuda were worried. Garuda had not won any championship for
four years. No team had ever come back in the playoffs from a three-game deficit. All of the Garuda fans knew this. The fans of the Garuda watched anxiously as the fourth game against the Bear began. The fans of the Bear watched confidently. The Bear had a good chance to win the match. The fans of
the Bear knew this. Nobody believed the Garuda would win that year. The Garuda won the match that year. exercises_on_using_cohesive_devices.docxFile Size: 123 kbFile Type: docxDownload File Overusing Cohesive Devices. e.g. • They assist in the logical flow of ideas … CONNECTORS GAPS
FILL 2. Harry had the best morning in a long time. Welcome! I have to get this assignment in . Also called words of transition, words of connection, logical connectors, transition devices, cohesive devices, connectors, discourse markers or connective adjuncts, l inking words help you to connect ideas and
sentences, so that people can follow your ideas.. this/these, that/those, it, they, them, he, she, which. Cohesive devices: grammatical. 3. The key to effective coherence is planning – spending a few minutes planning your IELTS writing highly recommended. Cutting (short) texts up and asking learners to
order them is a good way of drawing attention to the way that they are linked. If you are listing or writing about something that happens in chronological order, it can be helpful to number items or events, like in the example below. Quiz 17. In a good piece of writing, cohesive devices also help the reader
predict what might be coming next. Giving examples I am fond of using short articles from … August 29, 2015; Posted by Mila; Cohesion in English grammar is the logical organization of phrases, clauses and sentences to make them easier to read. These differentiated activity sheets give children the
opportunity to practice identifying and describing a range of … Need more practice? Cohesive Devices: Conjunctions; Task One; Task Two; Task Three; Rate this Exercise; Task One Look at the conjunctions below and insert them into the correct sentences by typing them into the spaces provided.
Previous question Next question. Use appropriate cohesive device(s). Example: Our dean has two remarkable traits. Hence, English is becoming the language of communication globally. Keywords: cohesive devices, grammatical and lexical devices, cohesion, student’s writing 1. Email. the end of the
day. Cohesion refers to the organization of sentences and ideas in your essay working together as a whole within their paragraphs. Second, he is on friendly terms with his entire faculty. Following are few cohesive devices that make your writing shine! Cohesive devices ensure that your essay has a flow
and is readable. Jane and Joan favourite hobby was to … Cohesive devices 1. cohesive devices link your sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas. Harry was careful to walk a little far apart. I'm Seonaid and I hope you like the website. Get
more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. This can increase your band score in the coherence and cohesion section.. a) True b) False 5) I have to use at least one Power Result Verb to get 7.0 in my Essay. I bought a pocket calculator last year.That calculator has proved very useful. Consider this
example of organising ideas: Paragraphs give structure to … There are a variety of cohesive devices, both lexical and grammatical, of which linkers (and, so ,but) are just one. (Cohesive Devices) Presentation and Discussion: Present what cohesive devices means and what cohesive devices are. This
article will focus on giving advice and exercises to help you use cohesive devices correctly. • To do all this they use one or more word or/and more than one sentence. Cohesive devices Multiple-choice exercise ELT Concourse home page. Exophoric referencing ? Sufficient use of linking words/discourse
… Name. 6. Cohesion Cohesive devices: grammatical. o. Cohesive devices are words like ‘For example‘, ‘In conclusion‘, ‘however‘ and ‘moreover‘. 4 Why do you use them? Exercise 1: Fill in the … SE A TRANSITIONAL … What are cohesion and cohesive devices build cohesion … These next ones are
more difficult. • Human beings use language to communicate with each other and to represent their ideas or thoughts, • Communication can be in the form of written as well as spoken discourse (stretch of lang). Sara slipped in the paddle and never went to the market again. Sometimes it is clear from the
use of pronouns or the repetition of words or the use of synonyms. 2. having a swim we lay in the sun, watching the boats in the distance. Cataphoric demonstrative pronoun referencing ? Linking words are a great way to join your ideas together and make your sentences and your paragraph much more
coherent, but their use can cause several problems … B: Thanks for that. Cohesive devices are also known as linking words and they … If you really want to hear about it, the first thing youll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were
occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I dont feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth. Linking Words Exercise 2 (Reason) Review linking words of reason here. Exercise Cohesive Devices. Cohesive device or Linking words Exercises. Show all
questions. Exercise 2. You can do the exercises online or download the worksheet as pdf. How does this resource excite and engage children's learning? 2) I need to use “advanced” Cohesive Devices to get 7.0 for my Writing. Many cohesive devices can be used as both a connective or conjunction,
depending on how they are used. Pronouns and reference words help writers avoid repetition by referring to something which has already been mentioned. Halliday & Hasans Taxonomy ofCohesive Devices : Reference : Replacement of words and expressions with pro- forms. This is typical of a student
who knows the meaning and how to use cohesive devices … Rewrite the following passages filling in the blank spaces with suitable linking words from the lists given at the end of each passage. • Cohesive devices are words or phrases that show the relationship between paragraphs or sections of a text
or speech. Read each sentence carefully to understand the relationship between the different parts of the sentence before deciding on the conjunction that expresses this … Language learners … Class. Cohesive Devices are words or phrases that show the relationship between paragraphs or sections of
a text or speech. • The wide range of sentences can be used as a … In this post, we will look at how to use cohesive devices in your IELTS writing task 2 essay.Being able to include cohesive devices in your writing is important because it shows the examiner that you know how to use them effectively. e.g
pronouns,pro-modifiers. Download this quiz in PDF here. Coherence refers to the linking of ideas in a logical sequence or order. ? Connective = joins two separate sentences; Conjunction = joins two clauses in a single sentence . Practice Using Cohesive Devices. 2. Communication allows language users
to interact with each other and … In the IELTS exam, to reach a band 7 or above you need to be able to use a range of cohesive devices accurately. Cohesive devices are essential elements that have long been recognized as important features of good writing. WHAT ARE COHESIVE DEVICES?
Welcome to your EXERCISE ON COHESIVE DEVICES. time to complete: 10 minutes. The most common way to organize writing in this way is through cohesive devices. Halliday & Hasan identify general categories ofcohesive devices that signal coherence in texts: Reference Ellipsis Grammatical
Substitution Cohesion Conjunction Lexical Cohesion 11. Pronouns and reference words. Former and latter are used … However, making use of them appropriately is viewed as problematic for learners. Simple Ways to Improve your Written English . 1. Cohesive Devices (Transition Signals) Listing Giving
examples Generalising first, second, third for example in general first, furthermore, finally for instance generally to begin, to conclude as follows: on the whole next that is as a rule Reinforcement in this case for the most part also namely in most cases furthermore in other words usually moreover […] The
biggest mistakes many students make is to use cohesive devices in nearly every sentence. 1. Linking … • They connect and relate ideas, sentences, and paragraphs. Cohesive devices When we read a piece of writing, we need to pay attention to how the various sentences are related to each other. First,
he never made decisions without examining alternatives. DEFINITION • Cohesive devices, sometimes called linking words, linkers, connectors, discourse markers or transitional words. Logical Sequencing. Endophoric referencing of some … DOWNLOAD OUR FREE EXERCISES. Types of Cohesive
Devices. Re-write each sentence, replacing the nouns in the bolds with the correct pronouns. Cohesive devices are those words, punctuations and sentence structures, which link your ideas in writing. cohesive devices cohesion cohesion within paragraphs adverbials for cohesion cohesion across
paragraphs ellipsis adverbials subordinating conjunctions relative clauses fronted adverbials spag adverbs . Anaphoric demonstrative pronoun referencing ? Pronouns. They hold together by cohesive devices (transitional words and … (For a comprehensive list, see the entry under cohesion in An A-Z of
ELT, Macmillan, 2006). Cohesive device. COHESIVE DEVICES: LIST OF ITEMS FOR WRITING A COMPOSITION (d) Use of determiners (the, this, that, etc.) 1. Welcome to Perfect English Grammar! For example: by combining as many sentences as you can in the following paragraph,, Cohesion and
cohesive devices in writing explained for primary-school parents. U. Which best explains this example (in italics)? a) True b) False 4) I can use a Clause after using a Preposition. They signal the relationships among … cohesive words and phrases are used to link sentences and paragraphs, to show
which direction your thought patterns are going, to help the reader accurately follow your train of thought. A: Here's your porridge. “Bob decided to eat … These words refer to something else in the text. If you look at the IELTS Writing Marking Criteria it states that a Band 7 ‘uses a range of cohesive
devices appropriately although there may be some under-/over-use‘. CONNECTORS GAPS FILL 1 . These little words refer to a noun without having to repeat it. to refer back to a previous noun phrase Thieves broke into a jeweller’s shop in North Street last night.The thieves entered the shop through a
small back window. Whenever you are listing something, use words like “firstly, secondly,” etc. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. Coherence in Paragraphs YouTube. Linking words exercises. Examples of Cohesive Devices This is a vital feature of writing – manage this
effectively and your readers task becomes much easier – that would be a sign of excellent coherence & cohesion. Introduction English is considered the first language for the majority of the population in several countries and the second language for others. Cohesive devices are like ‘engine oil‘: in an
engine, the oil helps all the parts of the engine move smoothly; in writing, cohesive devices help your writing to flow smoothly. Three types of reference: … a) True b) False 3) I don’t need to know the difference in usage between and Adverb and a Conjunction. Linking words exercises are meant to help
students join sentences so as to improve their oral and written skills .They are also meant to help them get familiar with the types of questions they will find in the English National Exam.You may wish to revise THE LINKING WORDS LESSON before you do these important exercises.. Cohesive Devices
Exercise 1 - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Cohesive devices online worksheet for 10. Cohesive devices, sometimes called linking words, linkers, connectors, discourse markers or transitional words. Sometimes this relationship is apparent
through the logical development of ideas. English Cohesive device or Linking words Exercises. Sara went to the market in the rain. Linking Words or Devices. One of the most wonderful inventions of modern times is television. Cohesive Devices 2. USE ENUMERATIVE DEVICES. You have to choose the
right linking word, making sure that the sentence makes sense! Ofcohesive devices: Reference ellipsis grammatical Substitution cohesion Conjunction lexical cohesion 11 A-Z of ELT Macmillan! And latter are used … cohesive devices pro- forms with the correct pronouns sun, watching the boats the!
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