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Question 7: Language

Category: Patterns and preferences:

Key Findings:

● 50.2% of the sample prefer English

● 43.3% of the sample prefer Tamil
● 3 % of the sample prefer Hindi
● 3.7% of the sample prefer Other regional languages like Tulu,Dimasa, Telugu,

● English is favored due to its widespread urban use.
● Tamil reflects the state's linguistic identity.
● Hindi shows its influence as a widely spoken language in India.

Question 10: What factors influence your decision to seek medical advice or treatment?
Category: Patterns and preferences

Key Findings:

● Severity of symptoms tops the list with 49.3% of respondents prioritizing it.
● Trust in healthcare providers (30.6%) and recommendations from family/friends (30.2%)
follow next in importance.
● Previous experiences with healthcare is the least influential at 24.2%.

Severity of symptoms tops the list because it directly indicates the urgency of a health issue,
prompting middle-aged individuals to seek immediate medical attention. Previous experiences
with healthcare rank lowest due to varying, sometimes mixed, past encounters, leading to less
reliance on them in health-related decisions. Instead, factors like symptom severity and trusted
recommendations play a more immediate role in decision-making.

22. Question: What motivates you to search for health information?

Category: Patterns and preferences

Key Findings:

● General health maintenance is the primary motivation for 39.5% of respondents.

● Specific health concerns or conditions drive 29.6% to seek health information.
● Family health history serves as motivation for 16.8% of participants.
● 1.5 % of the sample chose other factors as their primary motivation to search for health
information, making it the least chosen option.

Question 23: What type of health information are you most interested in seeking?
Category: Patterns and preferences

Key Findings:

● The top three types of health information that most interest middle-aged individuals are
diet and nutrition (51.1%).
● Followed by exercise and fitness (36.9%), and preventive healthcare (31.7%).
● Alternative or complementary medicine (20.9%) ranks the lowest among their interests.

Interest in diet and nutrition is high among middle-aged individuals due to increased health
consciousness, the desire for preventive health measures, a focus on lifestyle improvement,
weight management concerns, body image issues, and the widespread availability of
information on these topics.

Question 11: Which healthcare providers or facilities do you typically visit when seeking
medical advice or treatment?
Category: Sources

Key Findings:

● Private hospitals are the most common choice, selected by 38.5% of respondents.
● Specialists, like cardiologists or dermatologists, are the second most visited, with 34.4%
of respondents favoring their expertise.
● 34% of the sample visit General practitioners
● Traditional or alternative medicine practitioners are the least preferred, chosen by only
7.2% of participants.

The preference for private hospitals and specialist care among middle-aged individuals can be
attributed to their trust in established healthcare institutions, recognition of the need for
specialized expertise, a preference for modern medical approaches, and a perceived
effectiveness of evidence-based practices. This results in limited interest in traditional or
alternative medicine practitioners.
Question 9: When you have a health concern or issue, how likely are you to seek medical
advice or treatment?
Category: Frequency

Key Findings:

● Likely: 42.4%
● Neutral: 30.2%
● Very likely: 24.8%
● Unlikely: 4.6%
● Very unlikely: 0.8%

These findings indicate that the majority of middle-aged individuals tend to seek medical advice
or treatment when facing health concerns, with a smaller percentage expressing hesitancy or
unlikeliness to do so.

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