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With a background in food technology and a love for baking, Rabiha founded 'The Siblings Kitchen'

on Instagram, promoting her cakes, floral arrangements, and table decorations.

Her journey began after completing her university studies and realizing that it was time to follow her
heart and passion. She was determined to make her dream a reality and worked hard to build her
business from scratch. Despite being young and inexperienced, she embraced the power of the
internet, social media, and interactive technologies to promote her products and attract customers in
the competitive online market.

Rabiha's passion for entrepreneurship was evident from her early days, where she sold ice cream to
her primary school friends and learned from her family members involved in various businesses. Her
willingness to learn and adapt quickly, combined with her tech-savviness, helped her thrive in the
online business space.

Throughout her journey, Rabiha faced challenges and risks, especially during the COVID-19
pandemic. She had to overcome delivery difficulties and supply shortages. However, she
demonstrated resilience, continuously improving her products and services, and staying connected
with her customers through social media and networking.

Rabiha's business strategies revolved around understanding her target market, offering unique and
creative products, and setting prices based on customers' budgets. She maintained a strong focus on
customer satisfaction, providing personalized services, and offering discounts to retain loyal

Despite not maintaining detailed financial records, Rabiha managed her revenue and expenses
responsibly, saving and investing in her business's growth. She expanded her product offerings to
include bouquet arrangements and table decorations, further diversifying her business.

Looking ahead, Rabiha envisions expanding her business further, opening a cake studio, and hiring
staff to support her. Her determination, creativity, and courage make her poised for continued
success and excellence in the future.

Overall, Rabiha's story is an inspiring example of a young entrepreneur who pursued her dreams,
utilized technology to her advantage, and persevered through challenges to build a thriving online
Vision and Mission: Strategic management starts with defining a clear vision and mission for the
business. Rabiha's vision to be a successful businesswoman and her mission to provide unique and
attractive cakes and floral arrangements align with her passion and creativity. Establishing a well-
defined vision and mission helps guide the business's overall direction and decision-making.

SWOT Analysis: Conducting a SWOT analysis, as seen in the scenario, is a fundamental strategic
management tool. It enables Rabiha to identify the business's internal strengths and weaknesses and
external opportunities and threats. Understanding these factors helps her develop strategies that
leverage strengths and opportunities, while addressing weaknesses and mitigating threats.

Strengths: 1. Passionate and Creative Founder: Rabiha's passion for baking and creativity
allows her to produce unique and attractive cakes and floral arrangements.

2. Tech-Savvy and Social Media Presence: Rabiha's proficiency in technology

and active presence on Instagram help her effectively reach and engage with
customers online.

3. Resilience and Determination: Rabiha's determination and ability to adapt to

challenges contribute to the business's ability to withstand difficult

Weaknesses: 1. Limited Physical Presence: The business's online focus may restrict its reach
to customers who prefer in-store experiences or are located outside the
delivery area.

2. Lack of Formal Business Training: Rabiha's lack of formal business training

may lead to potential gaps in strategic planning and decision-making.

3. Inventory Management: The absence of detailed inventory records could

result in potential stock shortages or inefficiencies in managing materials.

Opportunity: 1. Diversification: The opportunity to expand the product range beyond cakes
and floral arrangements, such as offering other confectionery or related
catering services for events.

2. Geographic Expansion: Potential to reach new markets and customers in

nearby cities and regions by expanding the delivery network.

3. Collaborations and Partnerships: Partnering with local event planners or

cafes can increase brand exposure and attract more customers.

Threats: 1. Intense Competition: The online bakery industry is highly competitive, with
numerous players vying for customers' attention and loyalty.

2. Economic Conditions: Economic fluctuations may affect consumer spending

on luxury items, potentially impacting the demand for cakes and floral

3. Supply Chain Disruptions: Dependence on suppliers for raw materials and

ingredients may expose the business to potential disruptions, affecting
product availability and delivery

TOWS 1. SO Strategy: Capitalize on Rabiha's creative skills and social media presence
Strategies: to introduce new and unique cake designs, leveraging opportunities for
diversification and attracting more customers.

2. WO Strategy: Overcome the lack of formal business training by seeking

mentorship or business workshops to enhance strategic planning and
decision-making capabilities, enabling better utilization of opportunities.

3. ST Strategy: Utilize the business's strong Instagram following and customer

base to introduce promotions and discounts during economic downturns,
mitigating the impact of threats from fluctuating economic conditions.

4. WT Strategy: Implement better inventory management systems to reduce

the risk of stock shortages during supply chain disruptions, thus addressing
internal weaknesses and external threats.

Business Strategy: Rabiha faces intense competition in the online bakery industry. Developing a clear
business strategy is crucial to gaining a competitive edge. This may involve focusing on unique
product offerings, creative designs, and exceptional customer service. Rabiha's focus on leveraging
her creativity, tech-savviness, and social media presence exemplifies strategic decision-making.

Diversification and Innovation: Identifying opportunities for diversification, such as expanding the
product range and exploring partnerships, aligns with strategic management principles. By venturing
into table decorations and floral arrangements, Rabiha demonstrates an innovative approach to
meeting customer needs and expanding her business.

Risk Management: The scenario highlights potential threats like economic fluctuations and supply
chain disruptions. Strategic management involves identifying and assessing risks and developing
contingency plans to mitigate their impact. Rabiha's consideration of economic conditions and her
need to manage inventory effectively show her awareness of risk management.

Market Research and Customer Focus: Effective strategic management involves understanding the
target market and customer preferences. Rabiha's use of Instagram and social media for market
research, as well as offering discounts based on customer demands, reflects her customer-centric
approach to business.

Resource Allocation: Strategic management includes allocating resources wisely to achieve business
objectives. Rabiha's judicious use of profits to invest in equipment and her savings for business
expansion demonstrate responsible resource allocation.

Long-term Planning: Strategic management is about planning for the long term. Rabiha's vision of
opening a cake studio and recruiting staff indicates her ambitions for sustainable growth and long-
term success.

The main issues faced by "The Siblings Kitchen" are as follows:

1. Limited Physical Presence and Geographic Reach: The business primarily operates through an
online platform, which may limit its potential customer base and reach beyond a specific
geographic radius.
2. Lack of Formal Business Training and Inventory Management: Rabiha's lack of formal
business training could pose challenges in strategic planning, financial management, and
overall business operations. The absence of detailed inventory management might lead to
inefficiencies and stock-related issues.

3. Dependence on Social Media and Online Platforms: Heavy reliance on social media platforms
like Instagram can be a risk, as changes in algorithms or policies could impact the business's
visibility and reach.

4. Seasonal Fluctuations and Demand Variability: The bakery and floral business may face
seasonal fluctuations and varying demand throughout the year, requiring effective strategies
to handle peak and off-peak periods.

To restructure "The Siblings Kitchen" for improved efficiency and growth:

1. Business Training and Skill Development: Rabiha should consider investing in business
training and skill development courses to enhance her strategic management capabilities.
Acquiring knowledge in areas like finance, marketing, and operations can help her make
informed decisions and optimize business processes.

2. Diversification of Marketing Channels: While social media platforms like Instagram have been
beneficial, the business should explore diversifying its marketing channels. This may include
creating a website to showcase products, implementing email marketing campaigns, and
leveraging other social media platforms to reach a broader audience.

3. Physical Store or Pop-Up Shops: To expand the business's physical presence, Rabiha could
consider opening a small physical store or setting up pop-up shops during peak seasons or
special occasions. This would allow customers who prefer in-store experiences to interact
with the products and place orders directly.

4. Geographic Expansion: To overcome the limitation of the current delivery area, "The Siblings
Kitchen" can explore options to expand its geographic reach. This might involve partnering
with local delivery services or utilizing third-party logistics to fulfill orders in distant areas.

5. Inventory Management System: Implementing an efficient inventory management system is

crucial to optimize stock levels, reduce waste, and ensure products are readily available to
meet customer demand. This system should track inventory levels, anticipate demand
trends, and facilitate timely restocking.

6. New Product Development: Continuously innovating and introducing new products can
attract a broader customer base and retain existing customers. Rabiha should explore new
cake flavors, unique floral arrangements, and innovative combinations to differentiate "The
Siblings Kitchen" from competitors.

7. Focus on Customer Experience: Providing exceptional customer service and personalized

experiences can build strong customer loyalty. Rabiha should actively seek customer
feedback, address their concerns promptly, and implement customer-centric initiatives.

8. Strategic Partnerships: Collaborating with local event planners, cafes, or businesses can open
up new opportunities for "The Siblings Kitchen" to cater to special events and reach a wider
9. Financial Management: Strengthen financial management practices by maintaining detailed
records of income and expenses, creating budgets, and conducting periodic financial reviews.
This will enable Rabiha to make informed financial decisions for the business's growth.

10. Team Expansion: As the business grows, consider recruiting and training a team to assist with
production, delivery, and customer service. Having dedicated staff can increase productivity
and allow Rabiha to focus on strategic aspects of the business.

By implementing these restructuring measures, "The Siblings Kitchen" can position itself for
sustainable growth, increased competitiveness, and long-term success in the online bakery and floral

One recommendation for a new branding approach:

Create a Signature Collection: Develop a unique and exclusive Signature Collection that showcases
Rabiha's most creative and extraordinary cake designs and floral arrangements. This collection
should represent the essence of "The Siblings Kitchen" and reflect Rabiha's passion for baking and
floral artistry.
"Threats, Opportunities, Weaknesses, and Strengths" analysis. It is an extension of the traditional
SWOT analysis, incorporating external factors (threats and opportunities) with internal factors
(weaknesses and strengths). The TOWS analysis helps businesses identify strategic options and
formulate strategies based on their internal capabilities and external environment.

Here's how a TOWS Analysis is conducted:

1. Identify Strengths (Internal): List the internal strengths of the business. These could be
unique resources, capabilities, or advantages that give the business a competitive edge.

2. Identify Weaknesses (Internal): List the internal weaknesses or limitations of the business.
These are areas where the business may be at a disadvantage compared to its competitors.

3. Identify Opportunities (External): Identify external opportunities in the business

environment. These could be emerging trends, market developments, or favorable
conditions that the business can capitalize on.

4. Identify Threats (External): Identify external threats in the business environment. These
could be factors or challenges that may hinder the business's growth or pose risks to its

5. Match Internal Strengths with External Opportunities (SO Strategies): Explore strategies that
leverage the business's strengths to capitalize on external opportunities.

6. Match Internal Weaknesses with External Opportunities (WO Strategies): Develop strategies
to overcome internal weaknesses by taking advantage of external opportunities.

7. Match Internal Strengths with External Threats (ST Strategies): Devise strategies to use the
business's strengths to minimize the impact of external threats.

8. Match Internal Weaknesses with External Threats (WT Strategies): Formulate strategies to
address weaknesses and mitigate the effects of external threats.

By conducting a TOWS analysis, businesses gain a deeper understanding of their competitive

position, identify potential courses of action, and make informed decisions to achieve their goals.

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