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Foreign language learning

In my country


The purpose of this report is to outline the foreign language learning in

my country. The usual methods of learning a foreign tongue in Romania
is at school or private lessons.

The government’s part on this topic

Individuals usually start the process of studying a language different

from their native one at a very young age.In my country people learn
English from the first years of their existance(around 6 years old) at
kindergarten. This is a very efficient way of working on this
topic,because children tend to learn and memorize easier at this age so
as a result when they reach maturity they should be able to reach an
intermediate level of English or another tongue.

The effect on the population

Although, in Romania , children and adults are all looking forward in

learning a foreign language over 64% of the country declare that they
don’t speak another tongue besides the native one. People generally
know this fact so as a consequence of the teachers activity in school
people get private lessons for themselves. The most requested didactic
personnel are english,French and German teachers. In my opinion the
reason for these languages being highly requested is that the best
paying jobs require the intermediate level of one of these tongues

Recommended changes that can occur

I would recommend that the government should encourage more

people to learn,reproduce and teach foreign languages by reducing the
taxes for private teachers and raise the state ones salaries. I belive that
these changes will result in a raise of learners who will change that bad
looking percentage of only one language speakers in a better one.

Task completion: 3 1/2\

Vocab: 2 1/2\
Grammar: 3
Structure: 2 ½
Total: 11 ½ / 20

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