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Season 6 © From the eyes of an English speaking player Summary You begin by choosing Wei or WuShu There is not much difference in my opinion 1. Naval War is here! its 2. Fire attacks for the hidden arsonist! 4 3. Delicious new SP generals Zhou Yu & Zhuge Liang. 4, More Collections Generals@ 5. fllliance special ability to MOVE enemy Castle 6. Developers have reduced resourceixs 7. Bandits back.. yawn.. Start Starting and opening for season 6 would be very much like season 5. 15 CP generals. I would recommend opening with ChengPu Bows ChengPu - Single Duel LuXun - Unrecognisable change CaiWenji - Rarified Formations Awaken ChengPu - Single Duel, Borrowing Arrows+ LuXun - Way of tao, Unrecognisable change CaiWenji - Rarified Formation, Antidote However, any other teams with sufficient damage and heals will also do. (JiangWei Calvary, LuXun Bows, SSX Bows/Calvary) 1. Naval War Yes. Wu is Naval Kings. But that does NOT mean Shu, Wei, or Others teams are useless for Naval Warfare. Simply because you can build a Dock, and at level 3, all Navy is at grade A. You get to choose 3 types of Ships © Light Warship - For fast speed and charge ability (like MaTeng, but on sea) © Warship - For multiple battles as it heals your teams when they draw any battle © Tower Ship - Increase siege damage, and makes your A navy ) S! A Personal note : Tower Ships do more siege damage to Ports and Docks. So if you taking over any of them, your land troops can hit the Garrison troops, but your Navy siege would do more damage! 2. Fire attacks & You can effectively burn the ground next to your land and do continuous damage to enemy troops AND tents/structures. Be careful, though, for there is also WIND direction, which can spread the fires NSEW! 3. New Generals. Only for whales. SP ZhouYu is BEST team you can make for Season 6... I will share later. SP ZGL.. super useless. Maybe effective at later seasons. & 4. More Collections Generals More <2 <2 <2 5. Alliance ability to MOVE Castle. When you want to move a gatekeeper from the enemy team... here you go. Merlin Magic! “ 6. Resource.. erm what?! Start province has NO LEVEL 10!! 7, Bandits.. ban whor@ Now, to share the top 3 teams of Season 6. (In my personal opinion) Number 3 CP 20 Yiumber 2 cP 19 And my Number 1 performer! € CP 18 Please feel free to add your own Knowledge to this. Thope this helps every English player going into Season 6! Cheers! RaDz

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