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SEMESTER: 2023/2024 Ganjil (2023.2)

Fakultas : FKIP/Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Kode/Nama MK : PBIS4427/English for Business and Office
Tugas :1

No. Soal
1. In face to face communication, there are three aspects of giving instruction. One of the aspects is the
need for practice and recapitulation. What does it mean? Do you think that it is important?

2. Explain the differences between Multi-line system and Multi-operator system!

3. Write a telephone conversation based on the illustration below. Pay attention on the use of expressions
in telephone.

You are as a head of organization in your campus. You plan to hold an international
conference. But you need agreement from the Dean of your faculty. You try to call the secretary
to get the schedule of the Dean. Unfortunately, the secretary says that you must call back
tomorrow because the Dean is not on the office that day.

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