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SEMESTER: 2021/22.1 (2021.2)

Fakultas : FKIP/Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Kode/Nama MK : PBIS4202/Introduction to Linguistics
Tugas :3

No. Soal
1. How is the term “prototype” used in semantics?

2. What semantic feature differentiates the following sets of nouns?

Table – Horse – Boy
House – Teacher – Love

3. Choose the correct one! The word robin and the word bird are related as follows:
a. Robin is a prototype of bird
b. Robin is a stereotype of bird
c. Robin is a hyponym of bird

4. Assume a child is acquiring English. Which of the following representations of stick would be most likely
to appear: [tik] or [sti]? Tell your reason.

5. Languages with front round vowels, like French, also have front unround vowels; but languages with front
unround vowels, like English, don’t necessarily have front round vowels. According to markedness theory,
would the vowel system of French or English be harder for a speaker of the other language to learn? Tell
your reason.

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