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Have you ever thought how social media how social media can have drawbacks over people

in young
age ? As , it was proven that “ Anxiety on the Rise among the Young in Social Media Age “ by Robert
Booth . Anxiety affecting younger age people have been on increase due to social media factors . Social
media does a real pressure over teens , which makes them always unhappy . However this problem is a
psychological problem which many suffer from . I totally believe that social media harms teens in many
ways and on of them is adding pressure over them which leads to anxiety and having sad life and we can
see this in every home nowadays . And as Rober booth mentioned in his article that “ A similar amount
agree that social media makes them feel “ inadequate” .

Social media do really exerts a pressure over teens in many ways as it always pressure them to act in
such a specific way or to be in a specific shape for body or even to live in a specific way . Which is really
hard for teens to resist this pressure for long time and some times if any is facing a weak personality , he
is influenced in a bad way by coping anything from social media in order to fit in or to be as the rest of
people even if this trait or the thing he is copying is a bad trait .Added to that , social media affects the
relationship between parents and teens In a negative way . As one of my friends , used to be on social
media apps all the time , he wasted most of his money buying the latest designers clothes in order to
look “ cool “ and we he lost all his money , he went through depression because he can no longer buy
these designers clothes . He took about 3 months in order to accept thee idea that he can look “ cool “
with normal branded clothes . If I was in his situation I wouldn’t spend all this money on the designer
clothes and I wouldn’t get influenced by celebrities over the social media .

However , many researchers claimed that social media always have negative Impact over people I young
age . As Caroline Miller stated that “ there are some teenagers who aren’t successful in connecting with
peers offline, because they are isolated geographically or don’t feel accepted in their schools and local
communities “ and supposedly we find this cases around us everyday , the main reason for this isolation
is social media as they used to see people always having photos with their friends . so automatically
when he didn’t live this life he will feel un wanted . Added to that , as Jacqueline Sperling Mentioned
that “ FOMO—fear of missing out—also plays a role. If everyone else is using social media sites, and if
someone doesn’t join in, there’s concern that they’ll miss jokes, connections, or invitations. Missing
experiences can create anxiety and depression “ . As young people nowadays are always on their mobile
phones using social media , this happens because they are afraid not to be included in any fun activites
and they think that social media will bring them the happiness and the joy but it really brings them
envy , anxiety and depression . Moreover most of the scientists who researched in this topic claimed
that the main reason for depression , sadness or losing the hope in living , is social media .

To sum up , social media can lead us to a very dark situation , so we must only take the positive side
from it . Added to that , everyone should live his own life , in his own style and personality . Always try to
get out of social media if you felt that it’s influencing your life style or it started to let you make things
you don’t like in order to look cool or trendy because it will lead you to depression and living a life full of

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