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of the llano
Names: Maria Jose Gomez, Mariana Salamanca
Teacher: Luz Marina
The llanera bandola is a key musical
instrument in the interpretation of the
traditional music of the Llanos in
venezuela, and plays an important role
in the preservation of the culture and
traditions of this region
The llanera harp is an essential part of the
cultural identity of the Venezuelan and
Colombian Llanos. His music and playing
style reflect the traditions and way of life
of this region.
maracas have multiple applications in
music and culture in general. Their
distinctive sound and versatility make
them an important component in a
wide variety of musical genres and
cultural contexts.
The cuatro is a versatile musical
instrument rooted in the culture of
various Latin American regions. Its
role ranges from accompaniment in
traditional rhythms to the
interpretation of melodies and
solos, and its importance extends
beyond music

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