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Names: Yeslith Sandoval, Alisson Vargas, Cecilia Garces, Josue Ponce

Group: 6

A young child named Ethan used to live in a quiet village away among rolling hills. He had a
heart full of dreams and a smile that could light up any space. But tragedy struck when Ethan
was involved in a horrible accident and lost both of his parents. He was plunged into a world
of misery and uncertainty at such a young age.

Ethan's world turned into a lonely place, but he sought comfort in the company of his
neighborhood buddies. They had always been there for him, providing encouragement and
a sympathetic ear. They wanted to do something to cheer Ethan up because they realized
how hard it was for him to deal with his loss.

One day, when they were talking about past on Ethan's porch, an idea suddenly entered
their heads. "Hey, why don't we start a band?" said James, the funniest and charismatic
friend. People can be united and their hearts can be healed through music.

Tragedy had clouded Ethan's gaze, but now, his eyes shone with a renewed intensity. The
inspiring idea of creating something beautiful with his friends ignited a spark deep in her
soul. Without wasting a moment, they gathered and collected all the musical instruments
they could find. Ethan reverently took his father's old guitar, James took over a worn-out
drum kit, Emma wowed everyone by revealing her hidden talent on keyboard, and Sarah
found her perfect rhythm on bass.

In a small garage tucked away behind Ethan's house, the neighborhood band, christened
"Harmony's Haven," arose, symbolizing the sanctuary they found in the music they created.
They practiced with unwavering dedication, pouring their emotions into every chord and
rhythm with unparalleled fervor.

Over time, Ethan began to transform into something magical. Each strum of his guitar
allowed her to connect with his parents, as if they were watching him, encouraging him. The
band members noticed the change in Ethan's behavior and it gave them hope that they were
helping him heal.

News of his band spread and they were invited to perform at local events and gatherings.
People were moved by the talent. Their music had the power to touch hearts, and Harmony's
Haven became a symbol of resilience and the strength of friendship.

Over the years, Harmony's Haven continued to grow, both musically and personally. They
faced challenges and obstacles along the way. His music had become a pillar of support not
only for Ethan but for all the people who followed his music.

One night, while Harmony's Haven was performing at a benefit concert, Ethan looked out
over his audience and saw his parents' faces shining up at him through all the crowd. It was
as if they were there, dancing and clapping with pride. Tears ran down his cheeks, but they
weren't tears of sadness, they were tears of gratitude and joy. In that moment, he knew that
his pain had turned into something beautiful.

The band Harmony's Haven achieved great success, releasing albums, touring the world
and spreading their message of hope through their music. But no matter how far they
traveled, their humble beginnings in that small town and the bond they shared stayed with
them throughout their journey.

After all, the boy who had lost his parents found solace, purpose, and a new family in his
friends and his gang. Together, they turned his pain into melodies that touched the hearts of
many around the world, reminding everyone that even in the darkest of times, love, friendship
and music can light the way.

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