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Title of Play: Big Love

Character: Lydia
Age of character: Young Adult (the oldest)
Astrological Sign: Libra
Significance of sign: Lydia is a Libra as she is very friendly and gentle in nature. She
also struggles to choose between her sister’s pack and her feelings for Nikos;
betrayal is not easy for Libras, and it is clear it is not easy for her either. She is also
very logical and level-headed, just as Libras are.

Appearance: based on the play, what does your character look like? (age, posture, build,
- Lydia is the oldest
- She stands with good and proper posture almost all the time
- She has an average build
- I see her with an average height as well
- I think she would be the middle ground between both her sister’s height and
Movement: how does your character move? (fast, slow, in bursts, fluid, floor noise,
emblems, etc.) Remember, the movement reflects the character's mental state.
- She explores both speeds when moving. At most times, she moves at a slower and
more relaxed pace, but I believe she has moments when she speeds up when she is
deep in thought, much like Olympia.
- She plays with that movement solely based on her thoughts in the scene I did.
Attitude: what kind of attitude does the character have towards the others in the play?
(positive, negative, rude, polite, bold, modest, tolerant, cynical, sincere, etc.)
- Lydia is a compassionate person toward everyone
- She truly tries to put others before herself in fear of making decisions
- I think she is very honest, but in a tender way
- Positive, polite, kind, open-hearted, logical, passionate, indecisive
Point of view: how does the character view the world? (narrow-minded, logical, rational,
irrational, worldly, provincial, intuitive, commonsensical, puritanical, etc.)
- I think she views the world very logically - she didn’t want to kill Nikos because she
knew it was wrong.
- Strong-willed - when she sees a problem in the world or her circumstance, she is
discreetly willing to do anything to ensure everything is just.
Temperament: Is the character fierce, gentle, lazy, hyper, etc?
- She is very gentle unless you push her to a point where she must show a little bit of
anger and attack, as we see in the last scenes where she is fighting to prove that she
and Nikos should be together and not kill him.
Partner Work
Name an animal that in appearance, movement, manner, etc. seems like your
character. What is it about the animal that specifically relates to your Character?
- I believe she is a swan because they are very kind, loving creatures, but when
they feel in danger, they are very dangerous and are not afraid to stand up for
- They are also very graceful and move slower pace but can move quite fast
when they need to.

Is anyone close to you, family or friends, like your

character? If so, name them:
- I have a friend named Zoey, who is quite similar to Lydia.
- She is a Libra
- She hates confrontation and decision making
- She is very kind and has a welcoming presence
- She is also a natural leader but not an overpowering presence
- Even physically, she reminds me of Lydia. She has a softer look in the sense
of a colour palette. (very light pastels)

How physically active is the character? (Brief description)

- She is active. She is not afraid to take up space. She just doesn’t need to pull
the spotlight. I don’t ever see her stagnate or wanting to be as she is very
wise in that sense.

Vocally, is your character usually loud or quiet or gentle or rough? How would you
describe your character’s vocal life if none of these were?
- I would describe it as a happy medium.
- She is never quiet, but she does have a gentle tone to her voice.
- She is always heard when she wants to be but never overpowering
- I think she is the type of person who you find yourself listening to even if
you’re in a whole other conversation

What is your character's musical instrument? Why?

- Lydia definitely would play the violin.
- Violins are so gentle yet can be jarring when needed
- Aesthetically they look very modest, and when played, you need to uphold
that look, which I think she embodies very well

How does your character to like to dress? (Sloppy, neat, fashionable, colourful, punk,
hippy, preppy, dowdy, fem, non-gendered, sporty, butch, loose-fitting, tight fitting, etc.
- Neat and Fashionable
- Light Palette
- Good mix of loose and tight

How does your character comb/wear their hair?

- I see her in a very delicate updo/ half up
- I never see her hair restrained

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