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Lesson Proper for Week 13

Lesson 1 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

After the data have been collected, analyzed and interpreted through the used of statistical analysis, the researcher is now ready
to consolidate the above to give meaning and rise to the acceptance and rejection of the assumptions or hypothesis formulated
in Chapter 1.

Summary of Findings

The summary of findings is the responses in context of the problems stated. This part is the categorical answers of the specific
questions of the thesis. Categorical because such answers came from the data gathered from the respondents of the study. They
are carefully analyzed through statistical analysis, without biases, opinions and personal comments of the writers of the study. In
other words, summary is the summation of what transcribe in the entire text giving considerations to all the answers of the

Summary statements must be clear, concise and precise leaving no room for doubts and imaginations to the readers, It must
provide information that will lead to conclusions, suggestions and recommendation.

In other words the summary statements should confirm to the answers of every question stated, meaning if there are 5
questions, there should also be 5 statements. However, if there are sub-questions in any number stated these sub-questions
should also be answered categorically.


1. What is the profile of the respondents according to:

1.1 gender;

1.2 age;

1.3 educational gratification;

1.4 position;

The direct summary must be stated.

2. As to Profile:

The respondents are female, with 36 to 40 years of age, with units in Masters Degree, permanent and belonging to Teacher 1

As you see, the summary is clearly stated, and answered categorically all items in all the questions enumerated in the statement
of the problem, and these questions should be re-written in Chapter 5, as introductory statement.


Drawing conclusions must be based from the summary of findings indicated above. This conclusions showed be based from
evidences discussed in the preceding chapters. Conclusion statements must also be direct to the point, understandable by any
ordinary reader. Although this part, gives the researcher opportunity to discuss the meaning of the results of the data, in solving
problems or improving situations in short or long term basis.

All these statements are important in formulating recommendations, the main purpose of research.

It is important to emphasize however, that every summary statement, must state a conclusion.


After the conclusions are drawn, the next step is to formulate recommendations based on the results of the study. State practical
steps researchers take to implement the findings of the research.

All recommendations should directly respond to every findings arrived at, A process of prioritization is essential and
recommendations should be aligned to the findings and stated conclusions.

However, other recommendations maybe appropriate. It is not limited to the number of conclusion you have stated. Preferred
alternative must be suggested similar to the following:

1. State what should be done, steps to implement it and the resources needed;

2. Who will benefit from it, what problems may be corrected or avoided?

3. A feasibility of the proposed policy, if any;

4. An evaluation plan, if any to determine the effectiveness of the proposed policy.

Finally, future researches may be included are added to verify or supplement your research.

Lesson 2 Write-ups for Chapter 5

After the discussions on the formulation of summary, conclusions and recommendations, the researchers is now ready to
organize these topics as write up for Chapter 5.

Chapter is entitled: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations. The

Write-up is as follows:

1. Start your chapter with the introductory paragraph

2. Recall the statement of the problems written in Chapter 1. These statements will guide you organize your ideas one by one
because based from your problems you will make the answer per problem and titled it as you summary of findings

3. After the last problem, write your summary of findings from spaces after the last line. The summary of findings should also
start write an introductory paragraph. Then start summarizing the findings from Problem 1 to the last problem. Take note that
the summary is brief, direct to the point and concisely, consistent with the orders indicated in the statement of the problem.
4. After all problems are answered, start the conclusion part. Begin with your introductory paragraph and after which starts
formulating the conclusion from your summary of findings

The conclusion statement must be congruent to the numbering stated in the summary of findings. Be sure that the conclusion
should jive or relevant to the summary of findings.

5. Finally, the researcher is now ready to recommend solutions that aims to benefit individuals organizations, communities and
the society in general. This is the product of research to improve the current situation in the academe, social behavior economic
status and for well-being of mankind.

Lesson Proper for Week 14

Lesson 1 Bibliography

Bibliography refers to the listings of reading materials used during the conduct of the study. It provides the information
necessary for the reader to locate and retrieve any source cited in the body of the paper. Each source must appear in the listings
of the bibliography. For uniformity in the listing of the references, this institution uses the American Psychological Association
styles or known as APA.

Example format:

Author, AA (Year of Publication) Title of Book, Publisher, City, State, Publisher

Below is the arrangement of listings to be indicated in the bibliography page. A separate page with the word Bibliography written
on it in bold letters with font 20 should be placed to separate it from Chapter 5.

A. Book

B. Journals and Magazines

C. Unpublished Materials

D. Electronic References

Lesson 2 Appendices

Appendices are all written materials used in the conduct of the study. This includes the letters, the instrument used, permit to
conduct the study and all other documents used in the research. These materials are important and necessary as part of the
research, to give credit, appreciation and acknowledgement in the success and completion of paper. The arrangement of the
appendices are hereby suggested:

A – Letter of Request to Conduct the Study

B – Letter of Approval to Conduct the Study

C – The Questionnaire

D – Additional Document Used

E – Additional Document
F – Additional Document

Lesson 3 Curriculum Vitae

The resume known as the Curriculum Vitae is a written sales tool that summarizes the researchers’ personal data, education,
experiences and other qualifications. This is included as part of the research to introduce him for the readers in the future. As
the thesis is a formal communication, it is also suggested that the format and the contents must be formal including the picture
of the researcher following the size, the attire, and background of the picture.

Below are the suggested information and format of the curriculum vitae:

I. Personal Data







II. Educational Background

Name of Institution, Degree, Inclusive Years

Elementary: ________________ ______________________

Secondary: ________________ ______________________

College: ________________ ______________________

Graduate: ________________ ______________________

Post Graduate: ________________ ______________________

III. Work Experience

Inclusive Year, Name of Company, Position

IV. Training

Name of Training, Sponsored by, Year/Date

V. Membership Organization

Name of Organization, Position, Year

VI. Community Involvement

Type, Name of Community, Date

Lesson Proper for Week 15
Lesson 1 Abstract Defined

1. An Abstract is a brief summary of a research, article, stating the entire context often used to help the reader quickly ascertain
the purpose of the paper. (Wikipedia)

2. How do you write an Abstract?

As stated earlier the abstract is the summary of the entire text. It is therefore important to include the following parts:

a. State the introductory background of the study that leads to the statement of the problem, including all the specific problems
of the research

b. Then, briefly discuss your methodology, the research design, the respondents, construction of the instrument, the dry-run,
determining the validity and reliability, administration of the instrument and statistical techniques used in the study.

c. Then, clearly describe the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations.

Lesson 2 Writing an Abstract Paper

Based from the entire text of your thesis, write your abstract following the suggested parts in Lesson 2.

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