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1. Talk about traffic problems.

Good…, Miss. Now, I would like to talk about my topic. That is “talk
about traffic problems”.
Nowadays, there are a lot of problems in Viet Nam. Traffic is one of
So what happen? The population explosion leads to too many people
using the roads. Because of that, there are too many vehicles. Therefore,
traffic jams become the concerns. Moreover, the roads are narrow and
bumpy; they will be difficult for the users. On the road, the pot-holes and
obstacles can appear everywhere but most in rural areas. In addition, young
people are not aware of their actions with riding bikes dangerously.
These problems are the major causes of many deaths and injury,
especially in big cities, including Ho Chi Minh City and Ha Noi, there is
about more than 30 people die everyday.
And, how to solve? I will give some opinions. Firstly, government should
build new roads also repair, widen the old ones. Secondly, improving
driver’s experience and habit. Besides that, to decreasing traffic jams, we
can use public transport to travel. Thirdly, we must strictly obey traffic
rules and traffic signs as well; teach the children about the traffic and
making them follow the law are the important things to do. The last,
pedestrians ought to walk on the pavement or footpath.
Another question is why must we obey traffic rules? Obeying traffic
rules is the way to avoid traffic accidents for the drivers and pedestrians.
Next to that, having a safe road can help people have less annoying.
To sum up, I want to say that carefulness is very necessary.
That’s all. Thanks for listening.
2. Talk about your favourite film.

Good…, Miss. Now, I would like to talk about my topic. That is “talk
about my favourite film”.
Like everyone, I have my favourite films. Train to Busan is one of those.
Train to Busan is an action thriller film, which was directed by Yeon
Sang-ho. Moreover, it is also about a disease. It stars Gong Yoo, Jung Yu-
mi and Ma Dong-seok.
The film takes place on a train to Busan, as a zombie apocalypse
suddenly breaks out in the country and compromises the safety of the
passengers. The main characters are Seok-woo, Seong-kyeong and Su-an.
Seok-woo – a father without much time for his daughter – Su-an. For her
next birthday, she wishes for her father to take her to see her mother. They
board the KTX - a fast train that will bring them from Seoul to Busan. On
the same train, they meet Seong-kyeong who is Sang-hwa’s pregnant wife.
However, during the journey, the chaos begins so the passenger must fight
for their families and lives against the zombies. At the end, there are only
two survivors Seong-kyeong and Su-an. They get off the train and begin
walking through a train tunnel. On the other side of the tunnel are soldiers,
the soldiers question if they are survivors or zombies as the vision isn’t too
clear. But just when they decide to shoot, they hear Su-an singing, which
makes them realize the newcomers are human. She continues to sing while
they both are rescued from this unforgettable trip. The film has a sad
ending: more than a million people die.
Critics say it is a must-see. I agree, because the story is moving and
gripping. The acting is excellent. The special effects, visuals and music are
also incredible.
Train to Busan is a very sad film. Nevertheless, many people love it.
That’s all. Thanks for listening.
3. Talk about the popular festival in your country.

Good…, Miss. Now, I would like to talk about my topic. That is “talk
about the popular festival in my country”.
As you know, there are many festival in Viet Nam. But Tet is the most
It is the grandest and most important occasion in the year which falls
sometime between 21st January and 20th February on the Western calendar.
Tet is throughout the country. It is also a traditionally celebration among
families and friends.
At Tet, streets are decorated with colored lights and red banners. Shops
are full of goods. People are busy buying gifts and cooking traditional
foods. Homes are often cleaned and decorated with plants and flowers.
Peach blossom is in the North while apricot blossom is in the South. One of
Tet's most special foods is “banh chung” which is made from sticky rice,
green beans and fatty pork.
On the days of Tet, everyone try to be nice and polite to each other.
People believe that what they do on the first day of the year will influence
their luck during the whole year. People visit other family members or
friends and they exchange New Year's wishes. Children receive their lucky
money inside red envelopes. Many people go to pagoda to pray a happy
year for themselves and their family. Moreover, not only adults but also
children take part in games and various forms of entertainment. The parade
will include different masks, and dancers hidden under the guise of what is
known as the Mua Lan or Lion Dancing. The Lan is an animal between a
lion and a dragon, and is the symbol of strength in the Vietnamese culture
that is used to scare away evil spirits. Fireworks displays have also become
an traditional part of a Tet celebration, as well. People also often participate
in some competitions presenting their knowledge and strength.
Tet is held to mark the beginning of spring, the start of new year, for
agrarian people, pilgrims and family reunions.
Tet is really a time of fun.
That’s all. Thanks for listening.
4. Talk about how to save energy.

Good…, Miss. Now, I would like to talk about my topic. That is “talk
about how to save energy”.
As you know, nowadays, energy is being run out more and more so what
should we do to save energy?
Before of all, we have to know there are two types of energy sources:
renewable and non-renewable. For more specific, renewable sources means
that they take a short time to replace, such as solar, wind, rain, tides, waves
and geothermal heat etc. In contrast to those, non-renewable means they
take a long time to replace, such as oil, coal, petroleum, natural gas, nuclear
fuel and so on.
We need to save energy because nobody of us can live without energy.
Moreover, how to save energy is the most important question. Firstly, we
should use electricity more efficiently. We should turn the light, the
television and other electrical appliances off when we are not using them.
We can also use low energy light bulbs to save electricity. Secondly, we
should use less private transports. Instead of that, we can travel by bus or
train. In addition, we can avoid using cars or motorbikes for short trips by
walking or riding a bike. Thirdly, we should reduce the use of water.
Taking showers instead of baths is a good way. Besides, we should turn off
the tap when brushing our teeth; this can save 6 liters of water per minute.
In the future, I think solar power will be used by over the world. Solar
panel wills be put on the roof of houses or buildings. It will be used to
generate electricity and heat water.
In conclusion, those ways can save our lives in the future so we should
raise our awareness of saving energy.
That’s all. Thanks for listening.
5. Talk about the popular mean of transport in the future.

Good…, Miss. Now, I would like to talk about my topic. That is “Talk
about the popular mean of transport in the future”.
As you know, science-technology is developing. People have created
many means of transport. However, I think flying car is the most popular in
the future.
Terrafugia Transition is an autonomous flying car which was designed by
It uses batteries what are rechargeable by the engine. Development of it is
expected to last 8–12 years, which means you can’t own yours before
2021–2025. It looks like a normal car but it has two rotors placed on two
sides. It has many advantages. With its automated system, the car can avoid
traffic jams also traffic accidents. There is a touchscreen where passengers
can select their destination. During the trip, people can read the news or
magazines, check e-mails, play video games, and watch videos on the
screen. It has s GPS system which helps the users know where they are and
how to avoid obstacles along the way. In addition, learning to drive
Terrafugia Transition is very simple. Moreover, on the road, it can drive up
to 110 km per hour; in the sky, it can see as the iron bird with the flight
speed of 172 km per hour. Besides, nowadays, traffic jams and air pollution
is happening everywhere, therefore, a flying car is the best way to solve
these problems. Nevertheless, it has two defects; it is very expensive, about
279,000 dollars. Maybe it will be discounted in the future. Next to that,
there is only one person who can travel which means you can’t invite your
family or friend join the journey with you.
In conclusion, I believe that Terrafugia Transition will be a perfect
transport for people's daily rides to work in the future. People can share the
ride so they can reduce their cost and traffic congestion as well.

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