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 Any of numerous cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates characteristically having fins, gills,
and a streamlined body and including the bony fishes, such as catfishes and tunas, and
the cartilaginous fishes, such as sharks and rays.

 Fish is composed of 70-80% water, 15-20% proteins, 1-13% fat, and 1% minerals.
 Fat, also known as lipids, contains important omega-3 fatty acids that provide health
benefits by helping to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
 Generally speaking, fish have an easier life in the water than land animals so their
muscles don’t work as hard. This results in a naturally tender product that requires
minimal cooking.
 The proteins in fish are different from meats because rather than bundles of muscle
wrapped in connective tissue they are instead layered with collagen creating a “W” or
wave-like appearance that creates a flaking effect when cooked. Fish collagen is
layered between the folds of the muscle tissues and is weaker than animal connective
tissue. This means that fish do not have to cook for long periods of time to make them
 Fish collagen melts into gelatin at about 120˚F/60˚C. The fat content can vary greatly in
during growth, spawning, or migration periods. Fish that are in colder waters tend to be
fattier than warm water fish. Whether a fish is lean or fatty determines the perceived
moistness on the palate. Fat content also dictates cooking methods.

 For most fish the skeleton is made of bone, but some varieties, including shark, skate,
and ray, are made of cartilage. The skeletal structure, along with the size of the fish,
determines how fish are filleted.


 Fish are generally divided into different categories depending on their family and
species, whether they are fresh or saltwater fish, by their body shape (if they are
round, flat, or cartilaginous fish), by fat content, whether they are fatty or lean fish, and
if they are cold- or warm-water fish.
 Families are large groups of fish, for example salmon, and the species include the
Atlantic, King, or Coho varieties. The salmon family also includes trout and char.There
are differences in flavor between salt water and freshwater fish. Saltwater fish, because
of the salinity of their environment, produce sweet-tasting glycine and savory glutamate
amino acids that milder-tasting freshwater fish lack.
 Round fish are symmetrical with identical coloring on both sides, while flat fish swim
sideways, have asymmetrical eyes (eyes on one side of the head), and are darkly
pigmented on their top side while white on the bottom. Cartilaginous fish includes shark,
skate, and ray, containing no ossified bones.
 Fat content determines the best method for cooking fish. Lean fish that have almost no
fat content become dry when overcooked, while fattier fish are able to tolerate more
heat without drying too quickly.
 Warm-water fish are found along the Gulf Stream, reefs, and warm seas like the
Mediterranean. Cold-water fish are from the deep waters or colder areas of the oceans
and have characteristics that include firm flesh and higher levels of fat.
 Fish categories in this section are grouped according to their families, and in some
cases paired with varieties from other families that possess a similar structure, texture,
and fat content, or if they are fabricated and cooked in like ways.


Anchovy and herring are oily fish high in omega-3 of the Engraulidae family, and although
found fresh in European countries, they are often salted, smoked, or pickled.


Salmon, are found wild in northern oceans, while trout and char are found in freshwater
lakes and streams. These varieties of the Salmonidae family are also extensively farmed. They
are relatively fatty making them versatile for a variety of cooking methods including grilling,
broiling, sautéing, and roasting, and are also served raw, cured, or smoked.


Tuna, swordfish, and mackerel are members of the Scombridae family, and while
marlin is a relative of this family, swordfish is the sole member of the Xiphiidae family. These
large predatory fish are found throughout the globe in temperate to tropical waters of the
Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. Tuna, the most significant of this species includes
Atlantic, Pacific, and southern Bluefin varieties prized for sushi and sashimi, while Albacore
is the most common canned variety. These fish are rich, oily, and have a meaty flavor
suitable for grilling and broiling.
The Cod family, including Haddock and Pollack, are found in northern ocean waters
including New England, Alaska, Canada, Asia, and Europe.These fish are delicate white-fleshed
fish that versatile for cooking by a variety of methods and are particularly suitable for deep-frying,
broiling, poaching, baking, and roasting.


The Perciform fish family includes freshwater varieties found in Europe, Asia, and
North America. The yellow perch is native to the Great Lakes Region. Zander is native to
Eurasia and also known as pikeperch. Tilapia, also known as St. Peter’s Fish, is a
freshwater species related to perch found in the Middle East and Africa. Today, tilapia is the
third most important farmed fish, after carp and salmon, in countries including China, the
Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia and Thailand. Perch varieties including tilapia are known for
their firm yet tender meat and delicate flavor suitable for frying, sautéing, broiling, baking,
and poaching.


A name shared with over 475 species, the Bass family, actually a Perch species,
includes varieties located around the world. Atlantic Striped Bass are found along the coasts
from Canada to Florida. Bass are versatile fish, firm yet delicate flesh, medium-flavored, and
are suitable for almost any cooking method from grilling, to sautéing, and poaching.

From the family of Perciforms, there are over 100 varieties of snapper found in
abundance throughout the tropics. These fish share similar characteristics with bass and
other perch varieties. Their meat is light colored, firm yet tender flesh, mild flavor, make them
suitable for most cooking methods including grilling, sautéing, grilling, poaching, and
Flatfish including halibut, sole, and turbot are Pleuronectiformes that swim sideways
and possess asymmetrical eyes on one side of their head. The skin, dark on the upper side
and white on the underside, is thought to act as camouflage. Flatfish are white fleshed and
lean, with a mild, sweet taste and a large flake. Poaching, steaming, sautéing, and pan-frying
are the best methods. The fillets can easily overcook and become dry so special attention to
cooking is required.


Although catfish are caught wild, they are widely
farmed in Africa, Asia, Europe, and in North America,
especially throughout the Mississippi River Delta. Catfish
are bottom feeders traditionally known for their muddy
taste, however today’s farming techniques have developed
lighter tasting flavors that are mild and sweet with a frim
texture suitable for frying, sautéing, grilling, broiling, and

Orange Roughy
Orange Roughy are members of the slimehead
family found in deep waters mainly around New Zealand, but
also near southern Africa, the northeast Atlantic, the South
Indian Ocean, and off the coast of Chile. The fish’s skin is a
bright red color that fades to red-orange after harvesting.
The skin and bloodline is removed from the fillets because
the fish oils produce off-tasting flavors. The milky white fish
is delicate and mild tasting, with a large flake.

Mahi Mahi
Mahi Mahi, also known as Dorado in the Caribbean
and South America, and Dolphinfish (however it is not
related to dolphins which are mammals), is a lean firm fish
with a sweet and mild to moderate flavor similar to swordfish.
The fish is found in tropical waters around the world, and is
the only known member of the Coryphaena family. It can be
handled in in similar methods as snapper and bass. The
flesh gray and pink when raw but white when cooked is firm
and sweet prepared by sautéing, frying, broiling and grilling,
and baking or roasting

Monkfish inhabit the northern Atlantic coasts of North
America and Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, and the coasts
of China and Japan. The fish should be trimmed of the
bloodline and connective tissue surrounding the fillets before
cooking. Monkfish are prepared by pan-frying, sautéing,
roasting, broiling, poaching, and stewing.


Shark, skate, and ray are chondrichthyans with cartilaginous skeletons that have no ribs or bone
marrow. The skin of these fish are tough with tooth-like scales. Sharks are found around the
globe with many species facing over fishing because they are slow growing, some living for as
long as 200 years. Skate and ray are kite-shaped fish related to sharks that are native to the
Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans and can be found in tropical to cold climates. Market sizes for
these fish are about 10 lb./4.5 kg. The wings are the edible portion with cartilage found between
the top and bottom fillets. The mild, sweet fish is sautéed, poached, or roasted.

Many types of seafood contain small amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty fish
contain the most omega-3 fatty acids and seem to benefit the heart the most.

Good omega-3-rich fish options include:

 Salmon.
 Sardine.
 Atlantic mackerel.
 Cod.
 Herring.
 Lake trout.
 Canned, light tuna.



1. Branzino 14. Haddock

2. Tilapia 15. Turbot
3. Codfish 16. Basa
4. Hake 17. Sardines
5. Sea Bream 18. Red Mullet
6. Salmon 19. Perch
7. Mackerel 20. Walleye
8. Brill 21. Catfish
9. Sea Bass 22. Halibut
10. Yellowtail 23. Amberjack
11. Tuna 24. Dover Sole
12. Trout 25. Flounder
13. Pollock


1. Pufferfish or blowfish or locally known as 6. Mantis Shrimp

butete 7. Sea Robins
2. Copperband butterflyfish 8. Triggerfish
3. Stonefish 9. Filefish
4. Lionfish 10. Hagfish
5. Scorpionfish 11. Aquarium Fish


 Shellfish is a culinary term for aquatic animals that are not fish, mammals, or reptiles,
that are used as food; generally, mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms.
 Shellfish are distinguished from fin fish by their hard outer shells and their lack of
backbone or internal skeleton.

There are two classifications of shellfish:

1. Crustaceans are animals with segmented shells and jointed legs.
2. Mollusks are soft sea animals that fall into three main categories:
• Bivalves, which have a pair of hinged shells (such as clams and oysters).
• Univalves, which have a single shell (such as abalone and conch).
• Cephalopods (such as octopus, squid, and cuttlefish).


 Shellfish is generally composed of 75-80% water, 15-20% protein, 2-5% fat, 1-2%
 The meat of crustaceans including lobster, shrimp, and crab is white fleshed, with
connective tissue that has more collagen and is therefore not as tender as fish.
 Mollusks, including abalone have a muscular foot that helps them move around, while
clams and oysters have an adductor muscle to open and close their shells. Squid and
octopus are mollusks turned inside out that have tough-collagen rich muscles.


 Crustaceans including lobster, shrimp, and crab

have exoskeletons with hard outer shells
protecting their bodies.
 They have segmented bodies that protect their
muscles and organs giving them structural
support, and periodically shed their shells
through molting as they grow larger.
 Mollusks have hard shells that protect them
from predators composed of a chalky material
called calcium carbonate.


Shellfish are divided into two general categories that include crustaceans and mollusks
Crustaceans are arthropods, related to the insect family, and easily identified by their hard,
segmented bodies. Mollusks are divided into gastropods with a single shell like snails; bivalves
with hinged shells like clams; and cephalopods like octopus are without shells. Echinoderms
represent a small class of shellfish that includes the spiny sea urchin with hard shells and long
spines that are very sharp and protect them from predators.


 Crustaceans include lobster, shrimp, crab, and fresh-water varieties including

 Shrimp and lobster meat is most abundant in the tail with the exception of the
American lobster which has large claws and a fair amount of meat.
 Crabs have a shorter body and because they don’t move around much the muscles in
their tentacles and claws make up most of the edible meat.
 Soft shell crabs are molting crabs and are prepared and consumed whole. Unless held
live, crustaceans will deteriorate quickly because the mid-gut glands, liver and
intestines, will break down and turn the muscles into mush. Most crabs are pre-cooked
because of this rapid deterioration, while lobster and shrimp tails are commonly
separated and frozen in their raw state.
 Crustaceans are a dark green-to-blue color that blends in with their environment, but
when cooked turn a bright orange or red color from carotenoid pigments caused by
the plankton in their diet.

Shrimp are swimming crustaceans that can range in size from less than 1 in./3 cm to about 10
in./25 cm in length. There are about 300 edible varieties of saltwater and freshwater shrimp. The
term prawn is the term commonly used in Great Britain for shrimp but in the United States a
prawn can refer to a large shrimp. Dublin Bay Prawns are actually langoustine, related to

1. Shrimp are small crustaceans that look somewhat like tiny, claw less lobsters. Only the
tail is marketed and eaten, as a rule.
2. Shrimp come in many varieties, depending on where they are caught, but the particular variety
is usually of little importance to the cook.
3. Shrimp are classified by count per pound—the higher the count, the smaller the shrimp. (For
example, 16/20 means 16 to 20 per pound.) Classification systems differ by market—that is, in
different markets a given size shrimp may have different names.
4. Large shrimp are more expensive per pound but require less work to peel and devein.
5. Yield: 1 lb raw shrimp (tails) in the shell yield about 1⁄2 lb peeled, cooked shrimp (500 g raw
yields 250 g peeled, cooked).
6. The term prawn is sometimes used for large shrimp, sometimes for langoustines


1. Frozen shrimp should be solidly frozen when received.

2. Glazed shrimp should be shiny, with no freezer burn.
3. All shrimp should smell fresh and sweet. A strong fishy or iodine smell indicates age
or spoilage.

Lobsters are crawling crustaceans that live on the ocean floor. They are divided into several
species for commercial purposes. The American lobster, found along the eastern seaboard of the
United States and Canada, is notable for its claws. Caribbean warm-water tails have distinct
yellow spots and a yellow band across the tail. Maine Lobster Tails, of the American Lobster
variety have whiter meat and are considered more tender because they grown more slowly in
colder winters.


1. The northern lobster is perhaps the most prized of all shellfish. It has a large, flexible tail, four
pairs of legs, and two large claws. Its shell is dark green or bluish green but turns red when
2. Meat from the tail, claws, and legs is eaten. It is white and sweet, with a distinctive taste. Claw
meat is considered especially good. The coral (roe or eggs), which is dark green when raw and
red when cooked, and the green tomalley (liver) in the thorax or body portion are also eaten.
3. Lobsters are classified by weight.
Chicken 1 lb (450 g)
Quarters 11⁄4 lb (575 g)
Selects 11⁄2 to 21/4 lb (675 to 1025 g)
Jumbos over 21⁄2 lb (1130 g)
4. Lobsters weighing over 20 lb (9 kg) have been caught, but they are rare.


1. Live lobster must be alive when cooked. This is indicated by movement of

the legs and claws and by a tightly curled tail.
2. If the lobster is dead when cooked, the meat will fall apart. If it is alive, the
meat will be firm and the tail will spring back when straightened.
3. Sleepers (dying lobsters) should be cooked immediately so the meat will still
be usable.
4. Cooked lobster meat (fresh or thawed) should smell fresh and sweet.

Unlike shrimp and lobster which are prized for their tails, crabs have small bodies but long legs
and claws where most of the edible meat is concentrated. Crabs vary from very small to quite
large in size and weight. Although live crabs are purchased and consumed fresh near the coasts,
most crab meat is cooked, processed, and sold as fresh pasteurized or frozen.
Five kinds of crab are important in commercial kitchens.
1. Alaskan king crab.
Largest of the crabs, weighing 6 to 20 lb (2.7 to 9 kg). The meat can be removed in large chunks,
making it especially attractive to serve in restaurants. It is expensive.

2. Alaskan snow crab.

Smaller than the king crab. Often used as a less expensive substitute.

3. Dungeness crab.
Another West Coast crab, weighing 1 1⁄2 to 4 lb (0.7 to 1.8 kg). The meat is very sweet.

4. Blue crab.
Small crab from the East Coast, weighing about 5 oz (150 g). Most frozen crabmeat is from blue

5. Soft-shell crab.
Actually a molting blue crab, harvested before the new shell has hardened. It is sautéed or fried
and eaten shell and all; only the gills and head are removed.


1. Live crabs should be kept alive until cooked. They are packed in damp seaweed and kept cool.
2. Frozen crab meat should be treated like any other frozen fish. It is very perishable when


1. Shrimp are small crustaceans that look somewhat like tiny, claw less lobsters. Only the tail is
marketed and eaten, as a rule.
2. Shrimp come in many varieties, depending on where they are caught, but the particular variety
is usually of little importance to the cook.
3. Shrimp are classified by count per pound—the higher the count, the smaller the shrimp. (For
example, 16/20 means 16 to 20 per pound.) Classification systems differ by market—that is, in
different markets a given size shrimp may have different names.
4. Large shrimp are more expensive per pound but require less work to peel and devein.
5. Yield: 1 lb raw shrimp (tails) in the shell yield about 1⁄2 lb peeled, cooked shrimp (500 g raw
yields 250 g peeled, cooked).
6. The term prawn is sometimes used for large shrimp, sometimes for langoustines (see
above). Use of the term varies from region to region.


 Mollusks are divided into separate categories including gastropods (also known as
univalves), bivalves, and cephalopods.
 Gastropods have a single shell and include snails (escargot), conch, and abalone.
These mollusks, because of their connective tissue, can be very tough when cooked.
They are often mechanically tenderized, sliced thin, and either cooked minimally, or
stewed for several hours.
 Bivalves including oysters, mussels, clams, and scallops, have hinged shells that open
and close helping them maneuver in the water. Clams and oysters are often served raw,
while mussels are often gently steamed for a few minutes. Scallops are prized for their
white adductor muscles that are quite tender when minimally cooked.
 Cephalopods any marine mollusk of the class Cephalopoda (e.g., cuttlefish, nautilus,
octopus, and squid), which includes the most active and largest living invertebrates.

Clams are a bivalve mollusk found in various sizes around the world. There are over 2000
species of clams and about 150 edible clam varieties. Unlike mussels and oysters that attach
themselves to rocks and reefs, clams bury themselves in sand or sediment. Clam species are
divided into hard-shell and soft-shell varieties. Soft shell clams live off the coasts in shallow
waters and hard shell varieties live in deep waters and tend to be larger.

Same as for oysters. Clams in the shell must be alive. Live and shucked clams should smell

Oysters are a bivalve mollusk found globally usually in the beds and reefs of shallow waters and
estuaries. Salinity, mineral, and nutrient variations in the water influences their flavor profile. They
are able to reproduce on their own and will change their sex from male to female. The most
common oysters include the Eastern American Oyster, on the eastern Atlantic coast from Canada
to Argentina, and the Pacific Oyster, found off the shores of Japan to Washington State and as
far south as Australia.
1. Oysters in the shell must be alive to be good to eat. Tightly closed shells, or shells that
close when jostled, indicate live oysters. Discard dead ones.
2. Live or shucked oysters should have a very mild, sweet smell. Strong odors indicate

Scallops are marine bivalves found around the globe with most harvested off of the east coast of
the United States and Canada as well as in the Asia off the coasts of Japan and China. Scallops
are commonly processed for their abductor meat although in some markets they are sold with the
roe intact. Two common market varieties are the larger variety of Sea Scallops and the smaller
variety of Bay Scallops.

A sweet, clean smell is a sign of freshness. Strong fishy odor or a brownish color is a sign of age
or spoilage.

The most common mussels resemble small black or dark-blue clams. Their shells are not as
heavy as clamshells. Their flesh is yellow to orange in color and firm but tender when cooked.
Mussels are harvested worldwide and are also extensively farmed.

1. Like oysters and clams, mussels must be alive to be good to eat. Check for tightly closed shells
or shells that just close when jostled.
2. Discard any mussels that are very light in weight or seem to be hollow. Also, discard any that
are much too heavy—they are probably full of sand.


Cephalopods are classified as mollusks, even though they have no external shell. The
term cephalopod means “head-foot,” referring to the fact that these animals have tentacles, or
“legs,” attached to the head and surrounding the mouth. The most important cephalopods in the
North American kitchen are squid and octopus. A third type, cuttlefish, is similar to squid but is
usually seen only in limited markets.

Squid are usually referred to on menus by their Italian name, calamari. They are soft-bodied
animals somewhat resembling octopus, but they have 10 tentacles, 2 of them longer than the
others. Squid must be skinned and eviscerated. The head, beak, and the internal plastic-like quill
are discarded. The hollow body and tentacles are eaten. Figure 14.12 illustrates how to clean

Octopus (the name means “eight feet”) range in size from less than an ounce to manypounds. All
sizes are firm-textured, even chewy, but the larger sizes are usually considered too tough to eat.
Because of its texture, octopus requires either mechanical tenderization (such as pounding with a
mallet) or long, slow cooking in a court bouillon. Like squid, octopus is cleaned by cutting off the
tentacles, discarding the head and beak, and eviscerating the body cavity. Pull the skin off the
body pouch and tentacles; it may be necessary to parboil the octopus a few minutes to loosen the
skin. The skin is reddish gray, turning purple-red when cooked.
Related to squid and popular in the Mediterranean and Asia, the cuttlefish is a cephalopod
mollusk with a flatter body than that of the squid, a closely related species. The cuttlefish adopts
the color of its environment as camouflage. The white flesh of the cuttlefish is very firm and is
similar to squid in texture.

Gastropods, also known as univalves, are known for their single shell, are saltwater, freshwater,
and terrestrial mollusks which include abalone, conch, and snails.
Abalone have flattened, slightly spiraled shells, soft white body, and a muscular foot, and clings to
rocks in cold water. It is found along the coasts of New Zealand, South Africa, Australia, Western
North America, and Japan. The white meat is tough and is often tenderized by pounding with a
mallet, and is sliced thin for eating raw, sautéing, or grilling. The texture and flavor is similar to

Conch is a large snail found in warm waters of the Atlantic and the Caribbean from Florida to
Brazil. It is popular in the Florida Keys, Puerto Rico, and other Caribbean islands. Conch in the
United States is listed on the endangered species list so it must be imported from other areas of
the Caribbean. Conch meat has a mild, sweet clam-like flavor, but like abalone it is extremely
tough and must be tenderized before cooking.
Varieties of land and water snails are consumed in various cultures, better known by the French
term escargot. The French “petit gris” (for little gray) and the larger “très gro” or Roman Snails,
are the most popular. Snails are rarely sold fresh, but more likely canned requiring little
preparation. Indonesia, is a large producer of snails along with Greece, Turkey, and Nigeria.


INSTRUCTION: Write the letter of the best choice of your answer on your answer sheet.

1. What do you call as the cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates characteristically having fins, gills,
and a streamlined body and including the bony fishes?
A. Shellfish C. Crustaceans
B. Fish D. Mollusk

2. It is distinguished from fin fish by their hard outer shells and their lack of backbone or internal
A. Shellfish C. Crustaceans
B. Fish D. Mollusks

3. What do you call to the animals with segmented shells and jointed legs?
A. Shellfish C. Crustaceans
B. Fish D. Mollusk

4. What do you call the soft sea animals that has three main categories, namely: bivalves,
univalves and cephalopods?
A. Shellfish C. Crustaceans
B. Fish D. Mollusk

5. They are called a large groups of fish, for example salmon, and the species include the Atlantic
King or Coho varieties?
A. Families C. Colony
B. Species D. Groupmates

6. What percentage of shellfish composition is typically composed of water?

A. 5-10% C. 30-35%
B. 15-20% D. 40-45%

7. Which of the following is NOT a crustacean?

A. Lobster C. Oyster
B. Shrimp D. Crab

8. How are crustaceans typically identified?

A. By their segmented bodies C. By their muscular feet
B. By their single shells D. By their lack of shells

9. When referring to shrimp, what does "16/20" mean in terms of classification?

A. It's a variety of shrimp C. It's the number of legs the shrimp has
B. It means 16 to 20 inches in length D. It means 16 to 20 shrimp per pound.

10. What is a key indicator of freshness when dealing with live lobsters?
A. Color C. Size
B. Smell D. Sound

11. Which type of crab is actually a molting blue crab, harvested before the new shell has
hardened and eaten shell and all?
A. Alaskan King Crab C. Dungeness Crab
B. Alaskan Snow Crab D. Soft-shell Crab

12. What should you check for when determining the freshness of clams in the shell?
A. Their color C. The sound they make
B. Their size D. Whether they are alive

13. Which mollusk category includes snails, conch and abalone, and is known for its tough
connective tissue?
A. Gastropods C. Cephalopods
B. Bivalves D. Crustaceans
14. What should live oysters in the shell do when jostled to indicate they are still good to eat?
A. Open up C. Turn blue
B. Close tightly D. Float

15. Where are scallops commonly harvested?

A. In the Midwest C. Off the coast of Japan and China
B. Off the coast of California D. In the deep ocean

16.What percentage of fish composition is typically composed of water?

A. 10-20% C. 50-60%
B. 30-40% D. 70-80%

17.Which component of fish, known for its omega-3 fatty acids, helps lower cholesterol and blood
A. Proteins C. Fat
B. Water D. Minerals

18.What structural difference in fish proteins sets them apart from meats like beef and poultry?
A. Fish proteins have more connective tissue. C. Fish proteins are wrapped in muscle
B. Fish proteins are layered with collagen. bundles.
D. Fish proteins contain more fat.

19. What is the melting point of fish collagen, which allows fish to cook relatively quickly?
A. 32°F (0°C) C. 120°F (60°C)
B. 98.6°F (37°C) D. 212°F (100°C)

20. Which type of fish is typically found in colder waters and tends to be fattier, providing a moist
texture when cooked?
A. Warm-water fish C. Freshwater fish
B. Saltwater fish D. Cold-water fish



INSTRUCTION: Write the letter of the best choice of your answer on your answer sheet.

1. What is the primary difference between catfish caught traditionally and those that are farmed?
A. Farmed catfish have a muddy taste. C. Farmed catfish are firmer.
B. Farmed catfish are smaller. D. Farmed catfish have a lighter taste.
2. Which fish category includes perch and tilapia and is known for its firm yet tender meat?
A. Bass C. Perciform fish
B. Salmon D. Cartilaginous fish

3. What type of fish are known for their muddy taste when traditionally caught but have developed
lighter flavors when farmed?
A. Salmon C. Orange Roughy
B. Catfish D. Mahi Mahi

4. Which type of fish is typically found in colder waters and tends to be fattier, providing a moist
texture when cooked?
A. Warm-water fish C. Freshwater fish
B. Saltwater fish D. Cold-water fish

5. What is the skeletal structure of sharks, skates, and rays primarily made of?
A. Bone C. Muscles
B. Cartilage D. Scales

6. These are all the characteristics of fresh fish, EXCEPT.

A. Fresh and mild, no off- odors C. The eyes are cloudy and sunken
B. The gills are red or pink D. The skills are shiny and tight on skin

7. The following are poisonous fishes, EXCEPT.

A. Butete C. Aquarium Fish
B. Lionfish D. Salmon

8. What distinguishes shellfish from fin fish?

A. They have fins and gills. C. They have a backbone.
B. They have hard outer shells. D. They live in saltwater.

9. How many classifications of shellfish are there?

A. Three C. Five
B. Four D. Two

10. What distinguishes crustaceans from mollusks?

A. Crustaceans have single shells. C. Crustaceans have jointed legs.
B. Mollusks have segmented shells. D. Mollusks have hard exoskeletons.

11. What is the primary difference in the skeletal structure of crustaceans and mollusks?
A. Crustaceans have an exoskeleton, while C. Crustaceans have segmented bodies,
mollusks have a soft shell. while mollusks have joints in their legs.
B. Crustaceans have hard shells made of D. Crustaceans have no skeletal structure.
calcium carbonate, while mollusks have
segmented shells.

12. Which of the following is an example of a cephalopod?

A. Lobster C. Octopus
B. Clam D. Shrimp

13. Which type of shellfish has more collagen in their connective tissue and is therefore not as
tender as fish?
A. Crustaceans C. Univalves
B. Bivalves D. Cephalopods

14. What is the key difference between shrimp and lobster meat distribution in their bodies?
A. Shrimp have more claw meat. C. Shrimp have more tentacle and claw meat.
B. Lobster has more tail meat. D. Lobster has more leg meat.

15. What happens to the color of crustaceans like lobsters and shrimp when they are cooked?
A. They turn black. C. They stay green.
B. They become white. D. They become blue

16. What is the primary part of a shrimp that is marketed and eaten?
A. The head C. The tail
B. The legs D. The tentacles

17. What is the key difference between fresh and soft-shell crabs?
A. Fresh crabs are larger. C. Fresh crabs are cooked whole.
B. Soft-shell crabs are sweeter. D. Soft-shell crabs are molting crabs

18. What is the primary part of a crab where most of the edible meat is concentrated?
A. Legs C. Tail
B. Body D. Tentacles

19. What is the key characteristic of mussels that indicates they are still good to eat?
A. Heavy shells D. Dark-blue color
B. Orange flesh
C. Tightly closed shells

20. Which cephalopod is typically referred to as "calamari" on menus and resembles octopus but
has 10 tentacles, 2 of them longer than the others?
B. Cuttlefish
C. Snail
D. Abalone

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. D
10. B
11. D
12. D
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. D
17. C
18. B
19. C
20. D


16. C
17. D
18. B
19. C
2O. A

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