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It was all becoming a blur. The same "results" came in, and then Toal would be shuffled away.

I was beginning to be fed up, and I wondered if I was aloud to just take him away and return home. That idea had returned to my mind everyday and everytime he was taken into a lab. I thought up a real witty remark to say to the professional Doctors. Something along the lines of "You call yourselves professionals? Your results have been useless and my brother is more ill than ever," But I knew if I had ever even recieved the chance I wouldn't have said that. I was becoming more friendly with the nurse, Jonsy. I learned that she was 27 years of age and that up until the age of graduating, she couldn't stand the sight of blood. I told her that she may have picked the wrong profession, and she would laugh. She says that she never even considered this job until her older brother had been in a terrible accident during a protest. I couldn't believe she had told me this. For many reasons, especially since we were in a Governs buliding. Then I had learned he was a police officer, working to stop a protest. Her mother and herself had rushed to his aid. "There was so much blood gushing from his head, and he couldn't move his legs. I hadn't even noticed the blood, it didn't phase me at this time. All that had mattered to me was that he needed help," She explained. He was paralyzed from the waist down after that protest, and that was the time she had realized that nursing was the career for her. I felt so much anger built up inside of me when I heard this story. She must hate any of the protestors. Including me, being the offspring of one. I decided that day that I couldn't tell her about my parents. I couldn't open up to her, and that really upset me. She was one of the only people I have actually been able to talk to for weeks now. She was telling me her life story, about her friends and her existence. And I had to hide from her. Jonsy walked across the room to reach a little remote that flicked on a screen on a box hanging about the ceiling. I had seen one of these boxes once before at my cousins house. They were able to watch 'The News" and hear about things the Governs were doing. They called it the Television. I loved watching it when we visited. I was able to here about all sorts of things going on in the surrounding Levels. But my parents tried to keep me from it. My mother would shoo me from the room when my uncle would watch The News, and up until now, I hadn't realized why. I was playing with Toal when I heard my mother and aunt talking in the room across the way. "You can't hide it from them forever, Megest. Your children can't live like this. You hiding them away from what's really going on!" My aunt had scolded. "Don't tell me how to raise my babies. I know they will grow up to be fine children, no matter what Kirb and I do!" My mother shouted back. "Oh, Megest! You know that isn't true, just come off it and admitt it! You're children are growing up in a low Level, and you are letting them whither away! You're too busy out there doing what you think is right," I could feel the bitterness raise into the air as the spoke. My mother looked around her shoulder to see me looking at them, lowering her voice she said, "This is what I must do. There has to be justice for these people. Life needs to return as it once was, the way Mother used to talk,". I hadn't ever met my grandparents. In fact I forget they even had existed. Everyone's ancestors are always kept "hush hush". My aunt had no intent in lowering her voice, she stared into my mother's eyes and said, as cold as can be, "You will die doing what you think will help. But life will never return as Mother spoke of it. This is life from now on. Stop living in a fantasy and grow up. Or you could lose everything you ever had,". I had known my aunt wasn't the friendliest woman, but the words she said were so strong that they had my mother frozen. I looked up at the tiny television and watched Jonsy make her way over to a cusion. "You won't tell if I stay here and watch the special, will you?" I hadn't known what "the specail" was but I liked Jonsy. And I had no intent in talking to whoever controls her job. I shook my head "no" and stared up at the screen. There was a quirkey man sitting at a large desk mumbling about the salery of workers in a large factory somewhere in Level 2. But I was shocked when in the corner of the screen a small picture of me had appeared. "And now, for our 8 O'clock special; The Journey from Level 20." My jaw dropped and I felt my eyes widen. I could feel Jonsy look over to me, biting at her finger nails. I looked so clean and trim in the picture. Then the screen changed to the boy who had interviewed me. "I met Poison Logging at the hospital in Level 1. She had made her journay from Level 20 to seek help for her brother Toal Logging. It seems as though Level 20 people may

not have the proper care for health. It was quite an amazing journey for her brother an heself to travel all the way up to Level 1. When I met her, she acted as if it was another world. She had been confused and a bit scared during the whole thing,". I felt my eyes twitch, this had nothing to do with my brother! This specail was to make awarness for him, so that other doctors can help him! I could feel my fists clench as the specail went on. "Her brother seemed to be getting through it, but some people are questioning 'Why do these children get specail treatment?'. There are other children that are ill." He went on but I couldn't stand to hear any more. "Turn it off," I said calmly. Jonsy stood up and turned off the Television. Her nails still to her mouth, she shook her head in disbelief. "How could they," she started to say. But I cut her off, "My brother is seeking specail attention. My brother is sick and needs help. The doctors said so themselves! He has this disease that can't just recieve the other cheek. Jonsy, tell somone! Make them stop telling these lies. People need to know!" I started getting worked up. She shrugged, "Pioson, I can't. I mean I don't have that autority to do that." She said with sadness in her voice. I knew it wasn't her fault, I was just so angry. I looked around for another answer, but I just didn't know what do to. She piped up, "Well I know what we can do," She said modestly. I noticed by the way she said "we", that she wanted the help for Toal just as much as I did. "I may be able to bring you to the News building. We can talk to someone, and maybe we can get them to understand what really happened!" I nodded with agreement. When the clock struck 9 O'clock, Jonsy walked into the room. Toal was sitting up reading a book my father had read to me when I was small. "Toal, I will be back in awhile." His eyes peered over the top of the book. "Where are you going?" He asked. I couldn't tell if he was just curious or if he didn't want me to leave. "Jonsy is going to take me to talk with something, it isn't anything to be concerned about. I'll be back in a few hours." I said to him as I put on my jacket. Jonsy and I left the room and walked down the porcelin hallways. They were so pale and cold looking, like Jack frost was staying on this floor. Jonsy had waved goodbye to some other ladies still dressed in nurses outfits, bopping around from room to room. This is the first time I had seen Jonsy without her uniform on. She was wearing a sparkly shirt and a jacket made of leather. Her pants were denim and her shoes were nice and shiney. She looked so good, and this is how she must always dress outside of the hospital. I looked her up and down a few times in envy, then watched as family members left and entered hospital rooms. I noticed one family in particular. An older women with tears streaming down her face, a man holding her around her shoulders. And a child, stone faced and slightly blue, with tears forming. Jonsy noticed me staring at them, "They just lost a family member. That little boy there, he doesn't talk much. I think it's because he's been so worried for his older brother." She said shaking her head in pity.

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