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Sagar Tutorials & Trifecta Career Counselling ®


1. A rectangular grassy lawn measuring 40 m by 25 m is to be surrounded externally by a path which is 2 m wide.
Calculate the cost of leveling the path at the rate of Rs. 8.25 per square metre.
2. A path 2 m wide is built along the border inside a square garden of side 10 m. Find –
(i) The area of the path.
(ii) The cost of planting the grass in the remaining portion of the garden at
the rate of Rs. 10 per m2.
3. A square park has each side of 100 m. At each corner of the park, there is a flower bed in
the form of a quadrant of radius 14 m as shown in figure. Find the area of the remaining
part of the park. (take π =22/7 )
4. A paper is in the form of a rectangle ABCD is which AB = 20 cm and BC = 14 cm. A
semicircular portion with BC as diameter is cutoff. Find the area of the remaining part.
5. Fill in the blanks:
(i) The magnitude of a plane region is called its .
(ii) The perimeter of a circle is called its .
(iii) Area of a parallelogram = Base × ____
(iv) Area of a___ = ½ × base × height.
(v) Circumference of a circle = ___
(vi) Area of a____ = πr2
6. Find the altitude of a parallelogram one of whose side is 6.5 cm, the area being 26 cm2.
7. Find the height of a triangle whose base is 80 cm and area is 0.08 m2.
8. Find the diameter of a circle whose circumference is 12.56 cm.
9. A crater falls near a village creating a circular pit of diameter 200m. Find the affected area of land.
10. Which has greater area, a square of perimeter 88cm or a circle with circumference 88cm?

Sagar Tutorials & Trifecta Career Counselling ®

1. A rectangular grassy lawn measuring 40 m by 25 m is to be surrounded externally by a path which is 2 m wide.
Calculate the cost of leveling the path at the rate of Rs. 8.25 per square metre.
2. A path 2 m wide is built along the border inside a square garden of side 10 m. Find –
(i) The area of the path.
(ii) The cost of planting the grass in the remaining portion of the garden at
the rate of Rs. 10 per m2.
3. A square park has each side of 100 m. At each corner of the park, there is a flower bed in
the form of a quadrant of radius 14 m as shown in figure. Find the area of the remaining
part of the park. (take π =22/7 )
4. A paper is in the form of a rectangle ABCD is which AB = 20 cm and BC = 14 cm. A
semicircular portion with BC as diameter is cutoff. Find the area of the remaining part.
5. Fill in the blanks:
1. The magnitude of a plane region is called its .
2. The perimeter of a circle is called its .
3. Area of a parallelogram = Base × ____
4. Area of a___ = ½ × base × height.
5. Circumference of a circle = ___
6. Area of a____ = πr2
6. Find the altitude of a parallelogram one of whose side is 6.5 cm, the area being 26 cm2.
7. Find the height of a triangle whose base is 80 cm and area is 0.08 m2.
8. Find the diameter of a circle whose circumference is 12.56 cm.
9. A crater falls near a village creating a circular pit of diameter 200m. Find the affected area of land.
10. Which has greater area, a square of perimeter 88cm or a circle with circumference 88 cm?
Sagar Tutorials & Trifecta Career Counselling ®
1. A rectangular grassy lawn measuring 40 m by 25 m is to be surrounded externally by a path which is 2 m wide.
Calculate the cost of leveling the path at the rate of Rs. 8.25 per square metre.
2. A path 2 m wide is built along the border inside a square garden of side 10 m. Find –
(iii) The area of the path.
(iv) The cost of planting the grass in the remaining portion of the garden at
the rate of Rs. 10 per m2.
3. A square park has each side of 100 m. At each corner of the park, there is a flower bed in
the form of a quadrant of radius 14 m as shown in figure. Find the area of the remaining
part of the park. (take π =22/7 )
4. A paper is in the form of a rectangle ABCD is which AB = 20 cm and BC = 14 cm. A
semicircular portion with BC as diameter is cutoff. Find the area of the remaining part.
5. Fill in the blanks:
(vii) The magnitude of a plane region is called its .
(viii) The perimeter of a circle is called its .
(ix) Area of a parallelogram = Base × ____
(x) Area of a___ = ½ × base × height.
(xi) Circumference of a circle = ___
(xii) Area of a____ = πr2
11. Find the altitude of a parallelogram one of whose side is 6.5 cm, the area being 26 cm2.
12. Find the height of a triangle whose base is 80 cm and area is 0.08 m2.
13. Find the diameter of a circle whose circumference is 12.56 cm.
14. A crater falls near a village creating a circular pit of diameter 200m. Find the affected area of land.
15. Which has greater area, a square of perimeter 88cm or a circle with circumference 88cm?

Sagar Tutorials & Trifecta Career Counselling ®

1. A rectangular grassy lawn measuring 40 m by 25 m is to be surrounded externally by a path which is 2 m wide.
Calculate the cost of leveling the path at the rate of Rs. 8.25 per square metre.
2. A path 2 m wide is built along the border inside a square garden of side 10 m. Find –
(iii) The area of the path.
(iv) The cost of planting the grass in the remaining portion of the garden at
the rate of Rs. 10 per m2.
3. A square park has each side of 100 m. At each corner of the park, there is a flower bed in
the form of a quadrant of radius 14 m as shown in figure. Find the area of the remaining
part of the park. (take π =22/7 )
4. A paper is in the form of a rectangle ABCD is which AB = 20 cm and BC = 14 cm. A
semicircular portion with BC as diameter is cutoff. Find the area of the remaining part.
5. Fill in the blanks:
7. The magnitude of a plane region is called its .
8. The perimeter of a circle is called its .
9. Area of a parallelogram = Base × ____
10. Area of a___ = ½ × base × height.
11. Circumference of a circle = ___
12. Area of a____ = πr2
6. Find the altitude of a parallelogram one of whose side is 6.5 cm, the area being 26 cm2.
7. Find the height of a triangle whose base is 80 cm and area is 0.08 m2.
8. Find the diameter of a circle whose circumference is 12.56 cm.
9. A crater falls near a village creating a circular pit of diameter 200m. Find the affected area of land.
10. Which has greater area, a square of perimeter 88cm or a circle with circumference 88 cm?

Q.1. Fill in the blanks :–

(i) If two figures have exactly the same shape and size they are said to be
(ii) Two line segments are congruent if they have the same .
(iii) Two angles are congruent if they have the same .
(iv) Two rectangles are Congruent if they have the same and .
(v) Two are Congruent if they have the same radius.
Q.2. Write true or false:-
(i) All squares are congruent.
(ii) If two figures have equal areas they are congruent.
(iii) If two squares have equal areas they are congruent.
(iv) Two triangles are said to be congruent if pairs of corresponding sides and the
corresponding angles are equal.

Q.3. Which of the triangles in figure (i) and (ii) are congruent due to the SAS congruence
condition. State the result in symbolic form.
(i) (ii)

Q.4. In adjacent figure line segment AB and CD bisect each other at O. Which of the
following statements are true?
(i) ∆ AOC  ∆ DOB
(ii) ∆ AOC  ∆ BOD O
(iii) ∆ AOC  ∆ ODB D

Q.5. In adjacent figure ∆ ABC  ∆ ADC

(i) ABC =
(ii) ACD =
(iii) BC =
(iv) ABC  ADC due to the __________________congruencDe condition.
Q.6. In figure AB  CD and AB = DC
(i) Is ∆ ACD  ∆ CAB
(ii) State the three pairs of matching parts
used to answer (i)
(iii) Which angle is equal to CAD? A B
(iv) Is AD  BC?

Q.7. In figure AX bisects  BAC as well as

 BDC. State the three facts needed to ensure that ∆ ABD X
 ∆ ACD.

Q.8. In figure BC  AB, AD  AB and OC = OD = 4cm. Also BC = AD = 3cm.

3 cm
4 cm

4 cm 3 cm

(i) Is ∆ OBC  ∆ OAD? State the three pairs of matching parts used to answer the
(ii) Also write the congruence condition.

Q.9. In adjacent figure equal sides have been marked by

the same signs.
(i) Is ∆ ABC  ∆ DCB? Write the congruence condition used for it.

(ii) State the three pairs of matching parts used to prove ∆ ABC  ∆ DCB

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