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I saw a ghost

There´s rumors that a spectrum lives in the UMB university, and they go around
the whole school.
A groups of friends witnessed the manifestation of them
[ a cellphone is charging while everyone gets ready to leave]
[the group of friends is getting inside the car. They star the car]
Minutes later…
Karla: [looking for something in the pocket] hey, does anyone have my cellphone?
Cindy: No, last time I saw it was charging in school, didn´t you forget it?
Karla: Oh boy, I think I forgot my cellphone
[Everyone at the back sit starts complaining and yelling at her]
[they go back to the school]
Giss: Hurry up because it is late and apparently there´s a ghost here
Karla: Yes, I´m going. Can somebody come with me?
Manuel: No, I can´t. I´m tired
Giss: Just go yourself. Hurry
Karla leaves while everyone else stars on the car]
[Karla enter the classroom and a big noise of a door closing is hard]
[Leo gets a phone call]
Leo: [looks at this cellphone] Hey, look. Karla is calling [answer the phone] Hello?
Hello? Hurry please [hangs up]
[another phone call from Karla is received, Leo answer and he hears breathing]
[Leo puts it on speaker phone]
Leo: Guys, listen to this
[ a sound of breathing is heard. Then the sits fall down] [Leo worries and goes to
find Karla]
Leo: Karla isn´t here, here is only her phone
[Everyone look at each other; they are scared]
Cindy: Okay, there’s no reason to be scared. Maybe she is just messing with us.
Manuel: I don´t think so. We clearly saw her getting in here.
[A noise of somebody running is heard. They are getting more and more scared]
Giss: We need to leave, because something is happening here and I don´t want to
know what it is.
Leo: We can’t leave without Karla.
Manuel: What do you want to do, then?
Cindy: Lets looking for her, I’ll go with Giss, and you go with Leo. Whoever finds
Karla just call and we leave, because it’s getting really dark.
[they break and try to find Karla] [Manuel walks through the hallway with Leo
looking around and trying to find Karla]
Leo: It is so strange. We all really saw her up there, didn’t we?
Manuel: Yeah, well… you know how she is, she seemed upset because nobody
wanted to go with her.
Leo: You really think she is just joking?
Manuel: Yeah, I do.
[Leo hears a big scream coming from the bathroom]
Leo: Did you hear that?
Manuel: No, what was it?
Leo: I will check.
[Leo enters the bathroom]
Monse: Hello. Are you looking for someone?
[Leo disappears; Manuel receives a call from him]
Manuel: Hello? Did you find Karla?
Monse: Why don´t you come and see?
[Manuel panics, and rush into de bathroom, but he doesn’t come out]
Giss: I’m getting colder, it’s getting darker and Karla doesn’t appear.
Cindy: I know, maybe it’s time to go, maybe she just left a while ago. I’m going to
call Manuel. Oh look, he is actually calling.
Monse: Hi, do you wanna leave now? Are you gonna leave without your friends?
Cindy: Who’s this? Karla if this is one of your jokes is not funny.
Monse: Karla? [laughs] She’s not here.
Cindy: Who are you? Why do you have Manuel cellphone? Where are my friends?
Monse: You should leave, before you find out where are they. You will not like it.
[Giss and Cindy hear a big noise coming from downstairs] [They come down and
Cindy goes to the offices]
Giss: Hey! Where are you?
Cindy: I hear something coming from here. I will check, just wait.
[Giss wait for a while, but doesn´t hear anything.]
Giss: Cindy, are you there? [Gets no answer] Hey!
Monse: Hello.

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