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Top three (3) entrepreneurial habits I practiced this week.

One (1) major challenge I encountered while practicing the habit.

One significant obstacle I faced as I tried to practice one of my habits is "

Consistency is important because it helps you succeed, make genuine progress, and constantly improve
your work. You must repeat what you are doing in order to be consistent, and with each repetition, you
will get better.

One (1) thing I’ve learned from my challenge.

My challenge taught me that positive thinking frequently starts with positive self-talk. The constant
stream of thoughts that go through your head silently is known as self-talk. Automatic thoughts can be
either positive or negative. Some of the self-talk you engage in is based on logic and reason. Other self-
talk may be brought on by false beliefs you come to hold due to a lack of knowledge. Your outlook on life
is probably more pessimistic if you tend to think negatively most of the time. You probably consider
yourself an optimist who believes in positive thinking if the majority of your thoughts are upbeat.

Two (2) habits I plan to practice next week.

1. Make Time for Yourself
2. Be Flexible and Open To Changes

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