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Josue, John Carlo C.

The Entrepreneurial Mind

BSBA 2.1 A 09_Journal-1

Three (3) Entrepreneurial Habit I’ve practiced this week.

1. Having a high tolerance for ambiguity. As students we need to set our goals in
life. We should not be afraid to take risks because if we improve our career
that we are taking we will be successful when the time comes.

2. Turns obstacles into assets. Here our stability is tested in facing the obstacles
we face in life. I'm doing this for motivation and not for discouragement.

3. Begin with the end in mind. This is a good habit for me because you can see
what future you want for yourself. when you envision the future you want in
life, you will work harder and persevere.

One (1) thing major challenge I’ve encountered this week.

• The major challenge I faced this week is that it is difficult to apply it to
yourself, especially if you are not used to setting goals and rules for
yourself. I need to think carefully about every action I take. I'm not used to

One (1) thing I’ve learned from my challenge.

• What I learned from this challenge is to train myself in the habits that I
practice. this is a big help for my future self especially if I master it. I am
also having
self-improvement and I am happy.

Two (2) habits I plan to practice next week.

1. Curious Being
2. Proactive

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