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Top Three (3) Entrepreneurial habits I practiced this week

1. using fears and anxiety as fuel

2. begin with the end in mind
3. turn obstacle into assets
One (1) major challenge I encountered while practicing the habit.
- It makes starting with an end goal difficult because if we don't get there, we feel like we failed.
Setting an end goal before you begin eliminates excuses and ensures that you know exactly
what you're working towards. However, if you never decided where you were going, you can't
blame yourself for not getting there.

One (1) thing I’ve learned from my challenge

- I’ve learned that if I you start with the end in mind, I will obtain clarity, which helps me
become more efficient. I’ll be able to plan and strategize the best path towards my objectives.

Two (2) habits I plan to practice next week

1. Be proactive
2. Sharpen the saw

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