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Shift your mind, Live your Best Life

The Best Life Collective


Congratulations on taking the step into a healthier, more
expansive mindset! This is a huge step for you to start
creating and living your best life. Yes, it all starts with
our mind and mindset.
I’ve been working on my mindset unconsciously through
books and podcasts for many years, but I only saw
significant shifts when I started doing it intentionally.
The everyday work made a huge difference, and I started
to see immense benefits in all areas of my life.

In this workbook, we will take a look at the different

mindsets and how we can shift our attitudes and
perspectives to ones that serve us and help us live a
better life. 
After we go through the general concepts, take 10
minutes each day in the next 5 days to go through the
tasks and see your mindset shift. It’s a journey, of
course, and so consistency is key! 
You can come back to the exercises as many times as you
want and use the resources included at the end to enrich
your repertoire of go-to awesome growth materials.
Let’s do this!

This workbook is perfect for you if:

You want to discover more about yourself and your mind.
If you want to develop a strong mindset that will help you
not only shift your perspective on life but also help you
surpass the challenges to create and live a life that
you're totally in love and obsessed with.
It's perfect for you if you're ready to say no to negative
experiences and resistance and instead take
responsibility for your choices and current reality and
say yes to everything you desire and manifest them into
your life

This workbook is not for you if:

You're not willing to put in the work. If you're not ready
to take responsibility for your life and decisions. If
you're not ready to build your best life.

Fixed vs growth mindset

Mindset is defined as the general attitude with what
we frame every experience in our lives. It’s the way
we typically think about things and situations.
Standford psychologist Carol Dweck wrote in her book
“Mindset: The new psychology of success” that there
are two mindsets: fixed and growth.
The fixed mindset assumes that our talents, skills,
intelligence, character and creative ability are fixed
and can not be improved upon, and the level of
success is the mirror of these fixed abilities. On the
other hand, the growth mindset assumes that our
talents, skills, intelligence, character and creative
ability are growing constantly, which means that
success is a result of continuous improvement and
growth in all these aspects. 
We embrace one of these mindsets from a young age
and they end up running our life if we don’t take a
moment to get out of the auto-pilot and assess if it’s
serving us or not.
Being aware of the different mindsets is essential to
our growth and success in life in whatever areas we
prefer. Adopting a growth mindset helps us thrive in
challenges and start seeing failures as lessons and
not as a reflection of our intelligence or skills.

Some of the Concepts that can help you shift into

a growth mindset:

Life happens for you, not to you: The moment you realize that
everything that’s ever happened in your life, happened for you not to
you, you’ll have a much better chance of turning your life around and
living in a much peaceful life. I understand this concept can be hard to
accept by many people. Your hardest moments in life happened for you,
they happened so that you can grow and let your best version shine and
come through. Remember, the only way to make diamonds is through
pressure. Once you accept this, you’ll get out of victim mode and start
seeing your whole life as an opportunity and whatever comes along will
be your chance to step up and empower yourself.

It’s not about others, it starts and ends with us: Your life is your
responsibility. Whatever you do or don’t do or whatever works for you
or doesn’t, at the end of the day it’s on you. You're responsible to make
things work for you, to take actions daily on your work and projects, and
to not let others dictate your life and choices. It is easy to fall into the
trap of blaming others about your problems or failures. This leads to
feeling wronged and victimized but that mindset won’t take you far.
The more you take responsibility for your life and choices, the easier for
you to grow and learn from your mistakes. When you regard your life in
a positive and constructive way, all your interactions with others will
become more productive and inspiring.

What people say are just opinions and not facts/reality: Whether
someone is criticizing your work or sharing thoughts on how you could
or should be, it’s just their opinion. While constructive criticism is
beneficial, it is your prerogative to not take it at face value. This can be
particularly hard when you respect the person or have them on a
pedestal, but you’re the only expert in being you, so you’re the only one
who can know if that opinion can contribute to your truth and life
vision or is it just a comment that will hold you back from reaching your
goals. Last year, during one of my in-person workshops, a student
shared with me her experience receiving criticism from one of her
teachers, it was about her personality and it stuck with her ever since.
She deeply bought into his perception of her and believed it to be the
truth. My advice to her was that even if he was her teacher and she
respected him immensely, it didn't mean that he knew her well enough
to have insights into her character which meant whatever he told her
should be taken with a grain of salt (if not a whole bag) and re-
examined by her. At the end of the day, it is your beliefs about
yourselves that matter and that will be the foundation for everything
you do in life.

Stop identifying with mistakes: Making mistakes is part of life, which

means that every single person makes mistakes regularly. Having a
growth mindset means embracing the lessons inside every mistake and
seeing it as a strength and not a weakness. Viewing challenges and
mistakes as opportunities for growth and improvement can help you
self-esteem and confidence stay intact (if not increase) because failing
or making mistakes is no longer tied to your identity, it is just part of
the process of growing and living, in general.

Recognize you have a choice: A choice to live better, a choice to go

after your dreams, a choice to be whoever you want to be. The moment
you start choosing for you instead of choosing for approval or to fit in,
your life view shifts and you start the process of living your best life.
Choosing yourself times and times again, will help you be aware of your
blocks and limiting beliefs, and then you can intentionally and actively
eliminate them.

Below you can find statements that someone with a growth mindset
would opt to say instead of those of a fixed-mindset

fixed mindset Growth mindset

“I’m not good at this. Maybe, I don’t “I’m not good yet but I can learn to do it
have the talent.” with time and effort.”

“What if I fail—I’ll be a failure” “If I fail, I will learn. Most successful people
had failures along the way, but they were
resilient and kept trying until they reached

“If I don’t try, I can protect myself “If I don’t try, I automatically fail, and I
and keep my dignity.” won’t learn or get better. Where’s the
dignity in that?”

“This would have been a snap if I “This only needs effort. Basketball wasn’t
really had talent.” easy for Michael Jordan and science wasn’t
easy for Thomas Edison. They had a
passion and put in tons of effort.”

“This is too hard” “This requires finding the right strategy to

learn and grow.”

We will now start the 5 days of mindset

work. Every day for the next 5 days go
through each tool and then do the task as
instructed. You can always come back to
the concepts whenever you want.
There are more resources at the end of the
workbook, with more exercises and
different materials.

Let the concepts and tasks flow through

you, let the pages guide you towards your
own breakthroughs.

Make the intention to find your clarity,

inspiration, growth or whatever you need
at this moment. (You can go through the
workbook multiple times and make
different intentions)

You got this!


We usually get stuck in the past and lost in the future feeling scared and
anxious about the unknown, but mindfulness simply means staying in
the present and being present. What you practice grows stronger
(because we get better with repetition), we tend to practice judgment,
impatience or frustration. What do you want to practice?
The main role of mindfulness is being in the here and now and not get
trapped in our autopilot going from one movement to the other without
paying attention.

When you feel caught up in complaining or criticizing, simply notice it

and take a step back and accept it, let it go.

A very simple way to introduce it into your life, is meditation or a body

and emotions scan, where you simply notice your feelings and
acknowledge them. It can be for 3 or 5 minutes and as you become
more comfortable, you can extend it to 15 minutes or more. And
throughout the day designate moments where you always come back to
your breath and do a body and emotions scan.
Maybe you’re holding your muscles too tightly, make sure to push your
shoulder further down from your ears and pay attention to any pressure
points or small headaches you’re feeling because you’re gazing at the
screen for too long or putting your eyebrows in a frown.
You can check your feelings, if you feel tired or sleepy, maybe you
forgot to drink water or you can have some chocolate to boost your
You can be mindful about your thoughts, notice how to speak to
yourself. Are the majority of your thoughts negative. Do you always stop
yourself from exploring new ideas, if that’s the case then ask yourself
Gently and non-judgmentally, take a step back and look inward to
evaluate and be aware of your inner dialogue. For no reason, just to be
aware of it and be open to be aware of the moments you limit yourself,
maybe you can recognize patterns. You don’t have to do anything about
it. Becoming aware of these moments is a big step.
Of course with time, as you take more and more moments during the
day to check with yourself and thoughts, it will be easier little by little
to do it all the time. Mindfulness will become an easier practice. And I
call it practice because it is something we improve at step by step, one
day can be great and the next can be too difficult but what matters is
that we get back to it the next moment and the next and the next.

Day 1 task: Today and for the next days of the challenge, take 5
minutes everyday to do a breathing exercise or to meditate. You can
use a timer or one of the apps in the resources page at the end of
this workbook.
"Your journey begins with a
choice to get up, step out, and
live fully."

-Oprah Winfrey

Being grateful for the things and opportunities you have in life helps
you be content with your day to day and helps you see the positive and
best sides of your life.
Numerous research and journals were made around the benefits of
gratitude, whether on the moral or behavioral aspects. Gratitude can be
a personality trait, a mood or an emotion. With time the gratitude
practice can increase our self-esteem and reduce anxiety and stress and
it can boost our overall moods and strengthen your positive emotions
When you feel gratitude, no other emotion can surface especially
negative ones, and so it’s a great tool to get out of any weird, shadowy
mood that has the potential of ruining your day or even week.

Day 2 task: Fill up the next two lists


Things you are grateful for


Things you appreciate about your loved ones

"Whatever you can do or
dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, magic,
and power in it."

- Johann von Goeth


Journaling is one of the most useful ways to shifting the mindset. By
asking questions, you’re able to process information and experiences in
a different way than your mind is used to, which in turn can lead to a
change of perspective or even a breakthrough.
Writing your thoughts and ideas clarifies your thinking. It brings your
inner reflections into the light and helps you discover the way you think
So, to get started, you can either use pen and paper or a device. Building
journaling into a habit is very beneficial to give yourself more time to
get used to writing and for your mind to start relaxing to spill the beans.
While writing your heart out, give yourself the permission to include the
bad as well as the good. Don’t show your writings to anyone, so that you
feel comfortable with airing your dirty laundry all over the page. You’re
supposed to get clarity and relief afterwards.

Day 3 Task: I assembled some prompts that you can use to begin
your journaling adventure. Make sure to answer what spoke to you
(not what's easiest!).

How am I making choices based on ‘I should’ instead of ‘I desire’?

What consistent negative patterns do I have?
In what areas am I making my own life more difficult or complicated
than it needs to be?
What am I passionate about? How can I spend more time pursuing the
things I’m passionate about?
In what areas am I spending too much time on things that are not my
What is my intuition telling me that I might have been ignoring?
What really pushes my buttons that doesn’t need to ?
In what ways am I behaving as a ‘reactor’ rather than an ‘initiator’?
"Always remember you are braver
than you believe, stronger than you
seem, smarter than you think and
twice as beautiful as you'd ever

- Rumi

day 4: affirmations
Repeating and affirm “I am” statements does not only reprogram your
subconscious but also it reminds you daily of who you are and things
that guide you to build your best life.
There are many ways to introduce them into your life. You can listen to
audios or you can record your favorite affirmations with your own voice
and listen to them every morning. Or you can take a few minutes to
write them down as many times as you can.
Doing this consistently can help to boost your confidence and overall

Day 4 task: In the next pages write down the affirmations of your
choice. You can use your day 3 journaling to extract affirmations for
what you wrote to help you shift your mindset. Or you can choose
the ones that suit you from the list on page 27.

I am strong

I am abundant
"People often say that
motivation doesn’t last. Well,
neither does bathing – that’s
why we recommend it daily."

- Zig Ziglar

day 5: Visualization
When Roger Bannister broke the record in his 4-minute a mile run,
everything changed in the world in terms of what was possible. Before
1954, everyone decided that it was dangerous for any human to run a
mile in 4 minutes, so no one did it. It was a limitation that the whole
world decided to believe and hold as a universal truth. Until Roger
Bannister decided that he was going to do it. On top of his other
preparations, Bannister used visualization to bring his mind to the end
of the race with 4 minutes on the timer, over and over he saw it with his
mind’s eye and believed it more and more. “When you’ll believe it, you’ll
see it”.
Our mind doesn’t differentiate between what we’re physically doing and
what we are seeing with our mind that we’re doing. The same parts of
the brain will light up in both instances.

This is a great tool to maximize your brain’s potential. It is adopted by an

array of successful people from different industries.

The main region in the brain responsible for this is the Reticular Activating
System (RAS). Which is particularly your very own GPS. The more you focus
on something, the faster it will be translated into your reality. Your RAS
helps your brain pay attention and filter out all the mental chatter and
information that is receiving from the outside to bring you only what it
deems useful to you.

So the more you focus on what you want, visualize your dreams and
articulate the details you want in your life, the easier for your brain to filter
in opportunities, ideas, and thoughts that support your vision and goals. Of
course, the opposite is also true. The more you focus on what you don’t
want, the easier for your RAS to bring up more ideas, thoughts and beliefs
that are limiting for you and that hinder you from achieving your dreams.

This technique is extremely easy to apply and doesn’t need any tools or
accessories. Just sit comfortably on your bed, a chair, while commuting (or
anywhere), take deep breaths to bring your mind to a relaxing state and
then focus on the thing you want to have most in life. See yourself living it
and doing it. And believe that your brain will do everything to get you

Day 5 task: Decide which goal you would like to visualize, or which
affirmation from Day 4 that you would like to embody and take 10
minutes daily to visualize yourself already having and being it.
"Life is about the management
of energy, where you place
your attention, is where you
place your energy."

- Joe Dispenza

Use the following resources
to further and deepen your
mindset growth and shifts.
We are the average of the
five people we hang out with
regularly, if your friends are
not interested in self-
development then exposing
yourself to books and videos
can be of huge help to your
growth. You can find my
favorites in the next pages as
well as affirmations and
some more journaling

I choose to be confident
It's safe for me to be confident
I am supported
It's safe for me to step into my power
I have the power to choose
I am the CEO of my life
I have the strength and ability to be powerful
I am my own best advocate
Others’ opinions are reflections of who they are, I don’t
base my self-worth on them
I am a magnet for wonderful people who respect me
I can figure out anything my heart tells me I must do
I am responsible for my own happiness
I possess the qualities needed to be successful
I am safe being who I am
Doors of opportunity are opening for me
My work is highly valuable and I am massively
compensated for it
Getting through each day comes easy to me
I believe in myself
I give and receive multitudes of love every day
I choose to be happy and motivated every day
I am doing enough and I am enough just the way that I

journal prompts
What are three things that you think about every single
What is your inner critic telling you today? How are you
going to counteract these thoughts?
If you could change one thing in your life, what would it
be and why?
Did you learn anything new about yourself during this
How have you changed from the person you were 5 years
What’s a compliment that you received recently? How did
it make you feel?
What can you do or change in your life to focus more on
your health and well-being?
What immediate changes do you need to make your life
more fulfilling?
What areas in your life are working really well? Why?
What is your life vision
Doors of opportunity are opening for me

The Universe Has Your Back – Gabby Bernstein
Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill
How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie
The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle
You are a Badass – Jen Sincero
The Art of Not Giving a F*ck – Mark Manson
The untethered Soul – Michael Singer

Headspace: A meditation app with a 10 day free challenge
and beautiful and fun graphics
Calm: An app with many free guided meditations and music
for relaxation
Oak: A meditation app with guided (and unguided)
meditations, breathing exercises and sleeping sounds
Shine: A self-care app to check in daily and listen to pep talks
and motivation messages
Mind Tools: A library of articles and tools about the mind and
its faculties
ThinkUp: An app where you can record your affirmations and
then play them all with beautiful background music

The Tim Ferriss Show by Tim Ferriss
This is Your Life Podcast by Michael Hyatt
The Lavendaire Lifestyle by Aileen Xu
The 5 am Miracle Podcast by Jeff Sanders
Style your Mind Podcast by Cara Alwill Leyba
Manifestation Babe Podcast by Kathrin Zenkina


you did it!

Thank you for going through the workbook
and for giving yourself the chance to shift
your mindset. I'm sure that it was not easy,
so I applaud your effort. I'm glad you put in
the time to reach more clarity about your
Remember, consistency is key. So, work on
your mindset daily in order to see the
changes you desire in your life.

For more content and life changing goodness, join me at

my Facebook group.

The Best Life Collective:

Much love and light,

-Khaoula E.

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