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Mina Armanious


AP Language

18 October 2023

Universal Love

It's the small things that ultimately stick in our minds as children. The little memories that

stay, good or bad, we never forget. Our kindergarten graduations, our fifth grade band concerts,

and all the class parties we had with the sugar frosted cookies you get from the supermarket.

These universal experiences are all things that we shared growing up. Looking frantically in the

crowd to make sure your mom made it to your school choir performance and that big rush of

emotions after is a memory. There's a memory that sticks in our mind and keeps our heart

beating. Our families will do anything to make sure we are safe in the world we live in. They

shield us from the hate of the people and as selfish it might sound they form a circle around us to

protect us from the bad. All the late nights sick my mom stayed by my side. All the nights spent

on school work with tears flooding my math homework because I don't get it. That's a memory. It

ends with my mom and I sitting together on the couch wrapped in a blanket and eating ice cream.

My family made the move to the United States in 2013. At the time I was six years old and my

brother was four. We left our home for a start. My parents took it upon themselves to leave the

neighborhoods, friends, and people that shaped their lives from the day I was born, so that my

brother and I could live out our “American dream” To make their dream a reality my father
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stayed in Abu Dhabi, in the Emirates, and my mother took the twenty hour plane ride to

America, the beginning of our future. Going into school was hard. I had to redo my first grade

year and the language barrier was a struggle. At six years old I managed to join a brand new

school, a brand new community, and eventually flourished. My father came on short vacations

when he could and we saw him every Christmas. When he surprised us with his trips a rush of

excitement filled the apartment, but when he would leave it felt like the whole world was going

to end. At eight years old I considered myself the man of the family. I could tell it hurt him just

as much as it hurt us. I'd throw a tantrum the day his vacation ended because I knew I wouldn't

see him for the next couple months. I hid his passport and travel ticket under my bed so he

wouldn't leave. At that moment all I needed was my friend. He didn't mean to but he missed

some of the important events in my life. My first band concert, school choir performance, and

some birthdays. Despite all the hardships that affected our relationship growing up I began to

value our relationship more and more knowing he did all this for me. In 2017, my father moved

to the United States permanently. Our family felt whole. We became connected once again, our

relationship was slowly growing, and I realized my family is a shoulder to lean on. My family,

whether present or not, is connected not just by the blood that pumps our heart but the universal

love we have for each other. While every kid my age had two parents on award night I had my

mother. With her big smile in the front row at all my concerts I had my mother. Getting called up

to the school office for all the trouble I caused and fights I instigated my mother was my support

through it all. A woman who took it upon herself to bring up two children in an environment she

wasn't familiar with, she became a mother, father, and friend all in one. I learned that no matter
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what my family will always be there for me. My family is my rock no matter when no matter


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