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TAC Attack August 1985 Crosschecking for dirstractions type 1 SD may be waiting for you pg 5

angle of attack

T his month TAC ATTACK continues to

provide you with functional tools for mishap
prevention. Our feature articles center on
than during the same period last year.
Unfortunately, the ANG lost over twice as
many lives and nearly three times as many
spatial misorientation and human factors. We aircraft (8 v 3) compared to the first six
introduce General DeHart, the Command months of 1984. The Reserves equalled their
Surgeon, who urges you to think of yourself 1984 record of zero losses for the same
as an Aerospace Athlete. His analogy period. Obviously, TAC and TAC-gained
provides a concept for preparing yourself for Reserve units need to continue their trends
the challenges and demands of aircrew duty. and the ANG needs to reverse its trend. We
Spatial misorientation has been a factor in 40 at TAC Safety are prepared to help, but you
percent of our mishaps this year--the hold the reins to success.
percentage may have been higher in past After nearly two years of directing T AC
years. Two excellent articles address this ATTACK to even higher levels of excellence,
phenomenon and provide specifics that will Maj Lew Witt leaves his word processor to
help you prevent or recover from this return to the cockpit. He has successfully
"unrecognized killer." edited the magazine, written superb articles,
Often we think or even say, "I'm just one fought the battle of bureaucracy and
person. What can I do that will have any printing, and transitioned TAC ATTACK
impact on the success of my shop or my unit from reporting to predicting. Lew, thanks
and will contribute to TAC's safety record?" for your great service and Godspeed in your
Major Lew Witt helps us with the answer in new assignment.
his interview with MSgt Larry Culbertson of
the 31 TTW. Both Maj Witt and MSgt
Culbertson know the meaning of "Make It
Happen, Make It Better, Make It Last." I
encourage you to read this article looking for
ways you can apply these principles of
We graphically present the lives and
aircraft lost by TAC and TAC-gained ANG
and AFR units this year. In TAC, we have HAROLD E. WATSON, Colonel , USAF
lost five fewer lives and four fewer aircraft Chief of Safety

2 AUGUST 1985
5 Crosschecking for Distractions-Type
I SD May Be After You
It's not complacency-rather, it's due to the
impression that everything feels right.
13 F-16 Emergency Situation Training
What'cha gonna do now, Ace?
14 Making it Better
Don't tell me it can't be· done; help me do it.
20 IN THE. CENTER-Our Losses in the
The Centerspread we wish was blank.
22 Spatial MISorientation
It's never been a matter of not being ab le to fly
instruments, just a failure to recognize the need.
25 Our Losses on the Ground
Another page we wish was blank.
30 Aerospace Athlete
Today's fighter pilots must understand their
body's flight envelope.
36 Balancing Risk and the Mission
Should we accept combat levels of risk during
38 The Fighter Pilot's Ego
Few callings require more confidence & self-
esteem, but ...

9 Aircrew of Distinction
10 TAC Tips
18 Weapons Words
26 Chock Talk
28, 29,35 Safety Awards
32 Down to Earth
34 Short Shots

TACRP 127-1
TAC Attach is not directive in nature. Recommendations are intended to comply with existing directives. Opinions ex-
pressed are those of the authors and not necessarily th e positions ofTAC or USAF. Mishap information does not identify the
persons, places or units involved and may not be construed as incriminating under Article 31 of the UCMJ. Photos and
artwork are representative and not necessarily of the people or equipment involved.
Contributions are encouraged, as are comments and criticism. We reserve the right to edit all manuscripts for readability
and good taste. Write the Editor, TAC Attack, HQ TAC/SEP, Langley AFB, VA 23665-5001 ; or call AUTOVON 432-3658.
Distribution F(Xl is controlled by TAC/SEP through the PDO, based on a ratio of 1 copy per 10 persons assigned. DOD
units other than USAF have no fixed ratio; requests will be considered individually.
Subscriptions for readers outside DOD are avai lable from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C. 20402. All correspondence on subscription service should be directed to the superintendent, not to TAC/SEP.


king for dintwyekow

, io 1 SI, inky N riling fat goo

Dear Editor tween the EGSSV and either stab!

I have enjoyed TAC Attack for rudder switching valves; or 2) the
years. but I must draw your atten- left stab!rudder switching valve it-
tion to the F- I5 Emergency Situa- self had failed.
tion Training article in the May Keep up your normally excellent
issue. Either the F-15 has changed work.
in the past year. or there was more
wrong with the mishap jet than you Sincerely
let out. MSgt Robert A. Phillips
PC113 pressure is muted through S4 FITSIMAA
the left stab/rudder switching valve Castle AFB. California
during normal operation, while
UTL non-RLS fluid is held at the
stab selector valve portion of the Dear Sergeant Phillips
EGISSV. What a pilot should see in According 10 Maj Keeney (TAU
your scenario would be a Master DOVF), Mr. King (I ThWIMA) and
Caution light. Hydraulic light. Mr. Mise (MCAIR tech rep). your
PC I A light and then PC I A OFF description of the hydraulic sys-
and PC I B ON. It should end there. tem's operations is correct .for a
When pressure in PC-I is lost, the massive leak. But in the actual sit-
SSV will open and put UTL non- uation that this article was based
RLS tluid to the stabirudder switch- on. a .small leak txcurred at the left
ing valve. The switching valve will stab actuator. With a small kak,
go to a test/fail mode and attempt the system may pass both the leak
to build pressure in the return lines test (two cubic inches/minute) and
downstream to the rudder actuator. the return pressure lest (250 psi or
If pressure holds, the UTI. non- greater) and will send IITLinon-
RLS fluid will be sent to the rud- RLS utility fluid to the actuator.
TAC Attack t ISSN 0494-38801 is der. Since your leak was at the eventually depleting all utility fluid.
published monthly by HQ TACSEP, rudder actuator. the switching valve In other words, a massive leak will
Langley AFB. VA. POSTMASTER: would not be able to build pressure fail the test. isolating the problem;
Send address changes to TAC and stay at test/fail. The loss of all a pinhole leak will pass the lest and
Attack, TAC;SEP, Langley AFB, VA
UTI. in this aircraft should have allow utility .fluid to enter the sys-
2:3665-5001. Second-class postage
paid at Hampton, Virginia, and ad- only happened if: I) the UTL tem.
ditional mailing offices. non-RLS line was leading be- ED

4 AUGUST 1985
Crosschecking for distractions type 1 SD may be after you

g for

Capt Bob Hesselbein

Chief of Safety, 549 TASTG
P atrick AFB, Florida

to rejoin on his flight leader.

Seconds later his aircraft unex-
pectedly struck the ground,
k illing the pilot and destroying
the aircraft. What happened?
Another pilot, flying an ACT
mission above the gray waters
of the Atlantic, observed his
target moving across the top of
his canopy. As he pulled the
nose of his aircraft up toward
the bandit's six o'clock, the un-
expected sound of accelerating
wind across the canopy caught
his attention. Accelerating up-
hill? A quick glance at the ADI
confirmed he was accelerating
straight down toward the water

It was a dark night close below. He rolled and

pulled toward the ADI horizon,
hoping not to hit the water.

when a single-seat What happened?

The pilots in these incidents
were h ighly experienced,
fighter pilot pulled off-target highly motivated individuals
familiar with the design and
after delivering his final bomb. characteristics of their respec-
tive aircraft. I don't believe
The tough part of the mission was over. they were complacent, indiffer-
ent or unqualified. Rather, I
On downwind he secured his weapon believe t hey were good pilots
;ystem switches. Arriving at the base position in the pattern, he quickly who became victims of Type I
crosschecked his instruments, called "Base," turned an d acceler ated SD (spatial disorientation) .

sschecking for distractions

Sadly, only one survived the crosscheck is not due to com- of the machine. Yes, they're
encounter. placency, but rather due to the waiting for an emergency to
In his book Aviation Med- impression everything feels happen, but flying the simu-
icine Physiology and Human crosschecking for distractions lator remains the primary task.
Factors, Dr. X. Y. Dhenin de- Type I SD wiU only happen
scribes two categories of spatial The decrease in in- when the pilot feels comfort-
disorientation. He defines Type able in the cockpit.
I SD as phenomena where the strument crosscheck Although Type I SD is in-
pilot is unaware his orientation sidious, it is not inevitable or
is inaccurate and Type II SD as
is not due to com- unavoidable; we simply need to
phenomena where the pilot is placency ... understand why it happens and
aware his orientation is inac- how to counter it.
The distinction is important. right. The pilot unconsciously Why it happens
Type II SD is what most of us allows flying the aircraft to Understanding why requires r
have heard about throughout remain of secondary impor- a brief (I promise) review of
our flying careers. The pilot tance while the immediate dis- how we maintain our equi-
struggling with Type II SD rec- traction is made the primary librium. We have three differ-
ognizes a conflict between what consideration . ent sensory/balancing reference
his flight instruments are tell- Many pilots may feel that systems-visual, vestibular
ing him and his seat-of-the- Type I SD will never happen to (inner ear) and somatosensory
pants sensations. A classic ex- them. After all, the phenomena (sensory endings in the skin,
ample is the leans. It happens probably never happened to joints, ligaments, etc., which
to everyone: student pilots, in- them in the simulator (even sense gravitational pull). The
experienced and experienced pi- though the simulator is often interaction of these sensory
lots. But Type II SD rarely difficult to fly while handling systems combine to give us a
causes T AC fighter pilots to various inflight emergencies). composite perception of our bal-
crash. And the simple fact is Type I ance in a one G environment. It
Type I SD, however, is caus- SD rarely happens to the typi- is important to note all three
ing severe problems for the cal line pilot during simulator are so well integrated that we
fighter force. Why? Look again sorties; the reason is simple- are not aware when we tran-
at the definition-the pilot is the simulator doesn't fly like sition from one system to
unaware he's in trouble. Why is their jet. Pilots are distrustful another. We simply do it. For
he unaware? Simply put, Type example, when you stand up,
I SD is insidious. It creeps into you use your eyes (visual sys-
the picture when a pilot gets so Type I SD tvill only tem) as your primary source of
caught up in the mission that balance. Sure, your vestibular
he unconsciously focuses inor- happen when the pi- and somatosensory systems are
dinate attention on a cockpit confirming your balance in
task, a distraction or any thing
lot feels comfortable space, but your visual system is
that competes with cross- in the cockpit. the primary source of finding
checking flight instruments. where "down" is. Now, close
The decrease in instrument your eyes. You've just tran-

6 AUGUST 1985
sitioned from visual to best of them. As a matter of havioral terms, the process of
vestibular/somatosensory to fact, you became so good at performing basic flying tasks is
keep you on your feet. I call balancing the bike that you no longer primary-it's second-
this process sensory transition. stopped thinking about the bal- ary, and handling the aircraft
In the same way, highly expe- ancing process involved. becomes almost automatic. It's
rienced pilots automatically The same concept holds true quite important for fighter pi-
transition from accurate visual for flying fighters today. Learn- lots to develop this skill level-
or instrument information (vis- ing to fly jets requires the total the mission requires it-but we
ual cues) to inaccurate seat-of- effort and attention of the nov- must be aware of the associated
the-pants cues. It's automatic. ice pilot to deal with the prob- risk: Type I SD.
It happens comfortably, inad- lems of getting the airplane off If a pilot becomes padlocked
vertently and often fatally . the runway, through maneu- to a bandit maneuvering in a
Understanding sensory tran- vers, and back onto the ground horizonless milk bowl, or chan-
sition will help you counter in one piece. After many sorties nelized on the flight lead or a
Type I SD. and checkrides, the student pi- cockpit task, Type I SD can be-
Another consideration is how lot progresses to the come a potentially fatal reality.
oNe perform learned tasks. Re- challenge of learning The aircraft may be maneu-
member when you were learn- the intricacies of a
ing to ride a bicycle? Initially specific aircraft
the challenge of balancing mission. In be-
yourself on that two-wheeled
vehicle took all the skill you
could muster. But you eventu-
ally mastered the task and
learned to maneuver with the


schecking for distractions

vering in undetected ways. when pilots are saturated with reality, we must train our-
Studies have revealed roll and other tasks-that's a reality of selves to increase the rate of in-
pitch rate changes of up to 8 the fighter mission that we see strument crosscheck when
degrees per second before the almost daily. The amazing cockpit tasking is high and
pilot senses the change in mo- thing is that the pilot is rarely other conditions for Type I SD
tion using vestibular and som- aware of his decreased instru- are present. How much is
atosensory systems. ment crosscheck; he generally enough? More frequently than
feels the rate of instrument what is natural or comfortable
How to counter it crosscheck is unchanged. Time for you.
So how do we deal with the expansion (temporal dis- While future cockpit aids,
challenge? First, fighter pilots tortions) seems to take place such as the GCAS (ground col-
are going to have to learn to during periods of heavy task- lision avoidance system), will
recognize when and where ing. To compensate for this help alert us to Type I SD,
Type I SD is likely to occur crosschecking for distractions
training ourselves to deal with
when you're- it must begin immediately .
• involved with switch changes We must train our- And no formal training pro-
• distracted by other cockpit gram exists. So it starts with
tasks selves to increase the you. The next time you're fly-
• heading out of the cockpit perceived rate of ing along and find yourself
without an adequate horizon busier than a one-armed paper
• dealing with an inflight crosscheck when hanger, if you feel your cross-
emergency. check is sufficient, chances are
The flying environment most cockpit tasking is excellent you're spending too
conducive to Type I SD is- high. much time between peeks at
• marginal!horizonless VMC the instruments. What you
• IMC don't know may kill you. ~
• night
Then, we need to make our-
selves aware of the basic by-
product of complex tasking-
crosscheck deterioration. In-
strument crosschecks decrease

The amazing thing

is that the pilot is
rarely aware of his
decreased instrument

8 AUGUST 1985

n 29 January 1985, 1ST LT WILLIAM R.

O ROBERTS was number two of a two-ship of
F-15Cs flying a low-altitude intercept mission.
During the last planned intercept, as Lieutenant
Roberts advanced power, he heard a loud ex-
plosion and felt the aircraft shudder. Then he
saw a left engine Fire light, a left Bleed Air light
and an AMAD (airframe mounted accessory
drivel Overheat light. Lieutenant Roberts im-
mediately climbed out of the low-altitude struc-
ture while retarding the left throttle to idle. He
accomplished the appropriate emergency pro-
cedures, shutting off the left throttle and dis-
charging the fire bottle, and headed for the near-
est divert field, a municipal airport 25 miles 1st Lt William R. Roberts
away. 94 TFS, 1 TFW
The flight lead, flying cha e, reported flames Langley AFB, Virginia
on the top and bottom of the left side of the
Eagle. After 3 1/~ minutes, the fire appeared to
subside. Then the chase pilot noticed missing and Lieutenant Roberts' quick reactions and out-
burned-through panels and several holes on the standing airmanship prevented loss of a valuable
aircraft's side and belly. The left engine Fire fighter aircraft and possible injury to himself. He

light was still on steady. has earned the Tactical Air Command Aircrew of ,
Lieutenant Roberts spotted the airfield and Distinction Award. .-:-
contacted the tower on Guard channel. As the
aircraft neared the field, the Fire light finally
went out. Lieutenant Roberts flew a flawless
single-engine approach to the short runway that
had neither cables nor overruns. After touching
down on the first few feet of concrete, he aero-
braked to 100 knots, then applied maximum
wheel braking. The Lieutenant turned off the
runway onto the taxiway where fire trucks were
waiting. As he shut down the right engine, the
left Fire light came on again. He made an emer-
gency ground egress and ran a safe distance from
the aircraft as firefighters battled three- to four-
foot flames from the left engine bay.
tac tips

Thor: Alive and well

C ollapsed pi tot tubes, disintegrated radomes,
chunks of wing blown off. We've seen those
pictures of aircraft with lightning damage many
As the F -15 pilot began an en route descent
into the nearest recovery base, the AMAD Fire
light indicated an overheat and then a fire. His
times, but we may grow a little calloused to the primary ADI failed shortly after that and the
danger that always lurks in the vicinity of fuel quantity gauge wound down. As the pilot
thunderstorms. safely rolled out from a single-engine landing,
An Eagle driver felt anew the wrath of Thor as tower gave a call that he was on fire. Stopping on
he cruised along during a cross-country. He was the runway, he shut down and stepped over the
in the weather at FL330 following Center's vec- side.
tors to avoid thunderstorms in the area when he What happened? Lightning had struck the ex-
saw a bright flash of light and received a severe ternal centerline fuel tank in five places which
jolt inside the cockpit. The left Boost Pump light subsequently caused it to explode. Shrapnel from
the tank caused the resulting problems in the
engine, hydraulics and fuel system. The force of
the explosion was so strong that it embedded the
centerline tank's nose cone in the forward fuse-
lage of the jet. Several other pieces also pene-
trated along different parts of the underbody.
During the approach, heat and fire in the area of
the pylon cartridges caused the remaining por-
tions of the tank and the centerline pylon to
Thunderstorms and lightning still demonstrate
unbelievable power that commands our respect.
Lightning strikes have caused bomb doors to
open, activated wing folding motors, screwed up
navigation equipment and caused fuel tanks to
came on followed quickly by the PC-1A hydraulic explode. And you don't have to be in clouds or
light. When the AMAD Fire light illuminated, he precipitation. It can come from "out of the blue"
brought the throttles back and realized that the 25 miles from the nearest cloud. The best idea is
right engine was stuck at 82 percent. to stay well away from Thor's hammer.

10 AUGUST 1985

Which way is up? In the barrier, but ...

W e all know not to fly when our ears and
sinuses are plugged up from a cold, flu or
sinus problems. When sickness does catch us,
A n A-7D pilot showed quick thinking when a
barrier engagement didn't go quite as
planned on the first try. He'd been flying a low-
we're always anxious to get off DNIF and back in level route when his generator gave out before
the air as soon as possible. But before we do, we the flight was finished. Returning to base, he ac-
need to make sure we're just as airworthy as our complished all necessary emergency actions and
jet. set up to take the barrier as recommended. He
One aircrew member ran into some unexpected landed 500-600 feet short of the cable with the
physical problems when he thought everything hook down and nose gear extended, but the hook
.... was in fine running order. The F-15 pilot had
been off DNIF status from a cold for seven days
apparently hit a support block on the cable and
did not engage.
and didn't notice any further aches or pains. Dur-
ing a formation climbout, he noticed pressure
building up in his ears as the flight passed 4,000
feet. One ear cleared itself, but the other
wouldn't even when he tried to valsalva.
The real problem came as he looked over at his
leader and suddenly had the sensation of rolling
right and pushing over. Realizing his disorien-
tation, the pilot got on the gauges and tried to
regain his bearings. The feeling of disorientation
continued until he passed 7,000 feet and the ear
block finally cleared.
The F-15 driver had fallen victim to vertigo
caused by the pressure in his blocked ear. Ear
blocks are not only uncomfortable, but they can
get us into insidious "attitude" problems. Be
aware of your physical condition and knock it off
if you're not 100 percent. If you get as far as
wheels-in-the-well, stop your climb as soon as
possible if you can't relieve ear pressure.

TACAJTA!l}t> 11
tac tips

The Corsair II driver initiated an immediate a bit terse while nearly 20 seconds passed as he
go-around and set up for another try while the tried to find and cycle the generator switches.
ground crew gave the cable a quick once-over. Finally, one generator did agree to come back to
The second attempt went just as advertised. work; and the approach was concluded safely.
Flexibility is essential in everything we do . What if it had been you? Can you find those
Being too committed to just one plan may get us few critical switches that are vital in resetting
in trouble when it's obvious that things have your electrics during total darkness? Try it some-
gone awry. We've always got to be ready to go to time when you least expect it during your next
a Plan Bravo, Charlie and so forth that were well sim and see how you fare. Maybe you'll decide to
thought through before the mission ever began. turn your utility and/or floodlights on very dim
This guy was ready. Are you? during your preflight - at least enough to help
you find the switches if everything else goes
black on a PAR. Make sure your flashlight is
where you can readily find it if all else fails.
Nite- That's called preparing to cope with the
It can happen. Ready?
D ouble generator failure- it never happens,
right? Certainly not at the most inopportune
time - at night in tl·.e weather. Wrong. It can
and has happened. Are you ready for it?
An Eagle was midway through a night PAR
and had just broken out of the weather when all
Glass attack
of the li ghts in the cockpit went out. Both gene-
S leek and racy F-16 sits number one for
takeoff, holding short of the active runway. It
may be 108 degrees on the ramp , but this smug
looking pilot doesn't care; why he's almost flaunt-
ing his comfort, taxiing around like that with his
canopy closed.
Enter one hot and bothered A-7 (or F -4, or
AT-38, etc. l jock on his third sortie of a surge, in
the ninth hour of what feels like a very long day.
See this pilot taxi up a couple of hundred feet
behind the Falcon. Sweat, sweat, suck a little
Now watch tower clear both aircraft across the
runway. See the A-7 taxi behind the F-16. See
the A-7's canopy depart the aircraft as the F-16
adds power to depart the number one position.
It's another busy season. We're stacking air-
planes at both ends of the runway. All that con-
gestion can lead to more blowhard stories like
this unless we learn to anticipate. What's the
rators had kicked off the line and the emergency other guy's jet gonna do to my beast? And what's
generator cycled in, but the pilot didn't have the my blast gonna do to the joker with his lid open
floodlights or utility light turned on. Things grew at my six?

12 AUGUST 1985


Lt CoJ Luke Lowery the right answer under a different set of cir-
HQ TAC/DOV cumstances; unless the situation is time-critical ,
using the checklist may keep you from making a
SITUATION: You are number two in a trail dumb mistake. Option C can also be an aid at
departure; current weather is 500 and 2 with some other time. How do you preset your auto-
tops at 16,000 feet. As you raise the gear and en- pilot? Alt Hold wouldn't be a player for two
ter the clouds, you notice a Master Caution light reasons: you really don't want to level off at low
and a corresponding CADC light on in the cau- altitude while still in the murk, and Alt Hold
tion panel. Not a real serious problem but one uses CADC inputs to maintain level flight. Op-
that has the potential to become unforgiving. tion D must be the answer since this is an AF
What'cha gonna do now , Ace? test, right? In this situation, it is the right an-
OPTIONS: A. Reach down to the left side and swer; the malfunction presented is no big deal -
move the Servo Elec Reset switch to Elec to reset wasn't meant to be. Just some food for thought
the malfunction. for you to review your own personal reactions,
B. Refer to your checklist since you are not sure habit patterns and recognition of priorities.
if you should reset the malfunction while IMC. T AC has lost too many good people in the past
C. Turn on the autopilot while you refer to your few months. Some lost SA, others were inattentive
checklist. to the primary job of flying the jet. I honestly be-
D. Disregard the light for now. Concentrate on lieve that the majority of our "instrument-
good instrument flying and get some altitude be- related" mishap were not caused by a lack of in-
tween your bod and the ground. strument flying ability, but rather the inability
DISCUSSION: Option A may fix the problem. to recognize when to fly the gauges. MAINTAIN
However, diverted attention while in the weather AIRCRAFT CONTROL has always been the
~· and/or at low altitude can very easily lead to number one priority - other tasks fall some-
...._~ permanent kill-removal. Option B might also be where lower on the list .
Adios My Friends

ifty-percent failure rate, 48
F discrepancies and 14 1/~
workdays per aircraft. Those
numbs were the cost of doing
business whenever one of the
31 TTW F-4s rolled into the big
hangar at Homestead AFB,
Florida, for a 600-hour phase
inspection . Time wasn't the
only problem - aircraft reli-
ability was suspect. So most of
the aircraft that completed
major phase inspections were
flown on functional check
flights <FCFs) which increased
the workload and took more
time. But that was 1981. To-
Making it better day , the 31 EMS phase dock
completes the work in ten days
and QA <Quality Assurance)
finds an average of only two
write-ups per aircraft; many
birds are di screpancy-free. And
It better
confidence in the product is so tenance before the bird can fly There are three squadrons of
high that most Homestead air- again. We do scheduled mainte- aircraft here. Each one requires
craft are not FCF'd when they nance in the hangar. Scheduled scheduled maintenance every
complete a major phase inspection. maintenance takes care of the 100 hours. That's a tremendous
How did the unit make such major things that we know workload. To meet the chal-
a dramatic turnaround? Can from experience are due to lenge, each phase dock is dedi-
similar increases in productiv- break - and replaces them be- cated to a particular AMU and
ity and aircraft reliability be fore they fail. If you do sched- color-coded red, green, blue-
matched elsewhere? We asked uled maintenance effectively, the AMU's colors. By marrying
MSgt Larry Culbertson, a flying is interrupted less often the dock to the AMU, the flight
senior supervisor at Home- by failures of major time- line doesn't lose sight that t he
stead's phase dock. change items. aircraft is still an important
Phase inspections are done at part of their operation. We're a
The job regular intervals, after each separate squadron, but we're
The Air Force learned, many 100 hours of flying time. The not in a separate Air Force.
years before you and I came in, two major inspections are the I've been at a lot of hases
that keeping its airplanes 300-hour and 600-hour. Our where, when the airplane goes
ready requires both scheduled goal is to get the aircraft out of into the dock, the flight line
and unscheduled maintenance. the hangar on time while has a tendency to forget that
· Tnscheduled maintenance is maintaining the highest qual- problem ____:_ it's in for mainte-
v'hat you do between flights; ity work. nance and will not come back
the aircraft lands and you do to the line for a couple of
some minor or semimajor main- Divide and conquer weeks. Here, we work together
as a team. We have a common
mission - getting these F -4s
phased and back out on the
flight line so they can fly and
support the wing's mission.
There's no cross-docking - if
it's a green tail aircraft, it's
phased in the green dock. One
of the long-range benefits of
that plan is that the same crew
that works on the airplane this
month will see it again during
its next scheduled inspection
three months from now. That's
when they reap the rewards of
doing qua lity maintenance be-
cause they won't have things
that they have blown off for
someone else to do later. Look
at human nature: if I'm in r ed
dock and I have to fix a green
jet that I'm probably not going
to see again, maybe I'm not go-
ing to be quite as critical.
Here, we also bring the dedi-
ing it better

cated crew chief in with the We made the decision to pro- do that here by saying, "OK,
aircraft to give him x-number vide quality equipment and a you deliver an aircraft with no
of days to do unscheduled working environment that's QA write-ups and we'll reward
maintenance or cosmetic re- commensurate with his posi- you with a day off." And we do
pairs that have piled up. That tion. We spent some money. that- sometimes it's tense,
gives him a sense of pride and We bought quality tools. We but we've made a commitment.
responsibility and allows the upgraded our facilities- We also engrave plaques on
dock to relate to the crew chief mostly by self-help -every- our "board of excellence" with
and vice versa. The crew chief thing from paneling walls to the tail numbers of our aircraft
comes to work with us and goes recovering furniture to building that have zero-defects for all
home with us. He makes our computer desks to building the workers to see. Each dock
roll calls and acts as assistant what many consider the finest box has one. We're not talking
dock chief with an inherent in- break room in TAC. Now our about a quirk- if you track
terest in that airplane. Besides facility reflects pride in the the dates on these plaques,
dedicated crew chief involve- outfit. you'll find it runs a smooth
ment, we have several special- Another need is recognition. line; and you'll see several of
ists assigned who cover the We have a responsibility to the same tail numbers repeating
areas on the aircraft that his- recognize our people who de- their zero-defect performance.
torically give us a problem - liver what we ask for- qual- Excellence is not an accident,
hydraulics, sheet metal, envi- ity and timely performance. We it's a result of pride- pro-
ronmental and engines .
making it better

Motivating for excellence

There's no secret to what we
did here - we put the people
in here that had the right atti-
tude. I worked for a man when
I first got here who had a fa-
vorite saying that I put on a
plaque on the wall: Don't tell
me it can't be done ; help me do
it. That's the right attitude.
I believe that if you give peo-
ple a good place to work and
live, you're going to get good
maintenance in return. Today's
aircraft mechanic is a profes-
sional who basically wants to
do good. To encourage him to
give his best, we have made a
firm commitment to meet his
needs because meeting the
workers' needs is what makes
or breaks any organization -
that's no secret.

16 AUGUST 1985
fessionalism applied daily. plots QVI pass rate with the about saddling him with a tool
The people I work with in number of discrepancies per box up here.
this hangar are undoubtedly aircraft. When a large number Our dock supervisors u ed to
the best mechanics I have ever of your aircraft are passing in- work out of little lean-tos set
worked with because of the spection and are getting few up in the middle of this big
pride aspect. You can teach write-ups, you are achieving hangar. It was noisy and hot.
ability, but they've got to have quality and quantity at the So we gave them a place to
a sense of pride before the abil- same time . By plotting these come in out of the heat and
ity will surface. two goals together, we can noise. We went through local
show our workers that they've purchase and got four dock
Goals done just that. boxes, had them put up, air
From the lowest to the high- conditioned them, installed
est in rank , if the people who Listening phones and brought in desks
work for you don't understand Another thing is listening to and chairs. Now, it's better.
the goals, they're never going your people. What are they
to achieve them; then the griping about? If you let the Coordination
.ving's never going to achieve people that do the work have We have a predock meeting
1ts goals, TAC's not going to, an input on how they can make where people from the AMU,
etc. We hang charts with our their job easier, it will help the the scheduler and the dock
goals out where the people see whole operation. We have qual- chief sit down and discuss the
them everyday and we brief the ity circles where members of upcoming inspection , what's go-
goals to every newcomer. The the work center talk to super- ing to be accomplished, by who
average mechanic understands visors about the way things are and when. We make a con-
the goals and knows why he's going, or should go. Then man- certed effort to put the right
pushing for that goal. Our peo- agement acts on that. We found people in the right jobs. There
ple know that our goals are our dock members were spend- are no bad people in the Air
both realistic and achievable. ing a lot of time going into the Force, just some people doing
support section getting tools, the wrong job. Everybody here
Feedback safety wire or whatever they is after the same thing- it's
Our people also need to be needed to do the job. So we just a matter of finding out
kept informed of their progress. built CTKs (consolidated tool how we are going to get to that
One way we do that is with our kits) containing all the tools same objective together.
progress charts . We track each they needed and located them
dock's success rate on passing in the dock. The CTKs are on Is it working?
their QVIs (quality verification wheels for accessibility, and Back when we weren't doing
inspections) done by QA at the each drawer is lockable. We things very smart, we had to
completion of phase. Each dock give each person a key to his FCF every aircraft that came
is color-coded on this chart. Red own drawer. Besides making out of major phase. Now, first-
dock in March 1985 had two the job easier for our people, we flight reliability is an accepted
600-hour inspections and have eliminated the tool con- thing. Our QVI pass rate is the
passed two with a pass rate of trol problems we had prior to highest of any F-4 base in TAC.
100 percent. And each month 1982. We also have a drawer in AMUs schedule them for a mis-
this is tracked so each dock the CTK for the crew chief who sion effective sortie the first
member can see exactly where comes in with the aircraft so flight out of phase. They have
his dock is. One of the charts the AMU doesn't have to worry that kind of faith in the program .

TA C ATTA!J_j{> 17
before the new shopping mall was built off the
What's plan B end of the runway, or is it still current? And
when Plan A isn't going to work, does your unit
T he range work went as planned except one of
the A-7's practice bombs didn't release. The
pilot chose a route home that avoided populated
have a Plan B? If you only have one runway,
Plan B may mean dragging a hung bomb else-
areas. He planned to recover on the runway des- where to land.
ignated by the unit for hung ordnance. Unfortu-
nately, a thunderstorm was parked on final ap-
proach to that runway , so the pilot flew to the
reciprocal runway. The flight path to the other
end of the runway is over more populated terri-
Masked man
he base is under alarm black, everybody's in
tory. About four miles from landing, the BDU-33
practice bomb quit hanging around. T their chemical defense gear. The war is heat-
ing up. The frag order has changed and it's time
to reload several airplanes for another sortie.
We've all been there before. There's no question
that a routine job takes on a new and unique
twist when you're working under chemical war-
fare conditions.
Two bomb handlers in full CW (chemical war-
fare) gear rediscovered the need for communica-
tion under such conditions. One was using a
"bobtail" to back an MHU-110 trailer into a
building while his partner spotted for him. The
driver's vision was hampered by his gas mask,
but he continued to back up even though he
It may have been an act of God, luck, or the didn't know where he was going. The spotter
zoning commissioner's good work, but the bomb tried to shout a warning but couldn't make him-
hit in a vacant lot causing no damage or injuries. self heard through his mask. The trailer hit a
By the way, there was nothing wrong with the pallet of rocket motors and damaged several of
bomb rack. The weapons folks' best guess was them.
that the impulse cartridge CCCU-44/Bl did not Knowing that we're going to work in CW gear
generate sufficient pressure to completely open time and again during exercises (perhaps for
the bomb-rack hook. real), we've got to practice first during less in-
Hung bombs are probably going to continue to tense conditions. Make the most of each exercise
be a problem for this or any number of reasons. and do as many of your normal job tasks as pos-
The point is, What's your plan? Was it developed sible under those conditions. We all know you

18 AUGUST 1985
can't be heard much beyond your nose with a gas versed, the adjacent. stack was pulled along and
mask on. Visual signals become critical and we eventually fell off the trailer. The crew's spotter
need to make sure that we can be seen so we can saw what was happening but was unable to stop
be understood. Know the limitations that you the forklift operator before it was too late. He
personally have when living and working in CW wasn't in the right spot. to see and be seen. As a
conditions. Chemical defense situations won't go result, several MK-20s and storage containers
away in the future, and we need to learn to live were badly damaged.
and work effectively now before we have to do it Being a spotter for any task around the flight
for real. line or base support areas may not be the most
glamorous job, but it is one of the most important
parts of doing the job right. Working and driving
around aircraft, AGE (aerospace ground equip-
Right place, wrong time ment.), munitions and other vehicles can be diffi-
cult because of restrictions to our visibility. The
A munitions storage crew was unloading a spotter can, with just one word or a single ges-
trailer full of MK-20 Rockeyes. The tarp had ture, keep us from making a wrong or unsafe
been folded back, the banding cut and the job move. They might be the only person at the right
was going well. Midway through, as the forklift place and the right time to keep us from that one
was moved into position to pick up another stack, wrong move that results in damage or physical
the handing from the adjacent stack caught be- injury. Use that second set of eyes to keep your-
tween one tine of the forklift and the container self from getting into an embarrassing or
stack being moved. As the forklift driver re- dangerous spot.


TAC ATTAL214:0- 19
........................................ ~~



20 AUGUST 1985

MISORIENT AT ION everal TAC crewmembers
Major Mike Lichty
HQ TAC/SEF-16 S have experienced the ex-
tremes of spatial mis-
orientation and, resultantly,
are the most qualified to tell
you about it. Unfortunately,
they are all dead; victims of an
unrecognized killer. Perhaps
not too subtle, but I'm out of
two-by-fours, and I need to get
your attention.
Spatial misorientation is an
unrecognized incorrect orienta-
tion during flight which results
from an illusion, or an anomaly
of attention or motivation. Un-
like the classic spatial dis-
orientation you hear about in
physiological training or in-
strument school, spatial
misorientation is not associated
with discomfort or confusion .
An insidious killer, it claimed
the lives of 15 fighter pilots
and destroyed 12 fighter air-
craft in 1983 and 1984. It was
a contributing factor in a num-
ber of other fatal spatial dis-
orientation mishaps.
This fatal phenomenon
occurs most frequently in the
F-16, but all of you fighter pi-
lots have lost at least one of
your compatriots to spatial
misorientation over the last
two years.
No one is exempt, regardless
of aeronautical rating, flying
experience or job title. Spatial
spacial misorientation misorientation has claimed the
lives of at least one squadron
commander and three stan eval
flight examiners. Flight experi-

22 AUGUST 1985
ence ranged from a recent UPT of disorientation, the ambient tant than a timely instrument
graduate to a command pilot. mode will very readily lead us crosscheck. Once again we see
Experience in the F-16, specifi- to accept uncritically any line a deficiency in knowing when
cally, was either between which would appear to be a to transition to instruments
50-200 hours or 400-500 valid horizon. and how frequently they need
hours. Knowing this, it is easy to to be referenced. A simple dis-
Before going further, let's see, yet difficult to comprehend, traction may consume an ex-
look at the conflict between the how two highly experienced cessive amount of a pilot's time
two ways our eyes process in- fighter pilots fZew their F-16s if he lacks good habit patterns
formation . That is part of what into the ground in night VMC. for monitoring the flight path
sets us up for spatial mis- False or misleading ambient air- vector of the aircraft. In some
orientation. The focal mode speed and attitude cues in cases, pilots have gone as much
identifies objects, is exclusively combination with false horizon as 45 seconds to a minute with-
visual, and involves conscious cues allowed the pilot's atten- out monitoring the aircraft's
ttention. The ambient mode is tion to be diverted from a nor- attitude. In every case, the re-
mcerned more with the qual- mal instrument crosscheck in sult was an empty helmet peg
Ity of our visual surroundings. order to accomplish a lesser in squadron life support.
It is uncritical and easily de- mission task. The lesson Problems with spatial mis-
ceived, the result of a pre- learned? To overcome false or orientation can also occur in
conscious level of awareness misleading ambient orientation day VMC where a misdirection
keeping track of and closely cues, the pilot must insure that of attention is most likely the
interrelated with other sensory a timely reference to attitude culprit. One pilot spent an ex-
inputs. instruments is part of his nor- cessive amount of time with his
• tactile (touch) mal cockpit routine. How fre- eyes inside the cockpit correct-
• kinesthetic (sensation of quent is dependent upon how ing a low-level chart error.
movement in muscles, close you are to the ground. Failing to notice a change in
tendons and joints) The lack of auditory and aircraft heading, the pilot's
• auditory (hearing) tactile cues, or the presence of last-ditch effort to avoid obvi-
Together, they provide the false and misleading ambient ous vertical terrain was un-
means for ambient orientation. cues, presents a similar hazard successful. Another pilot flying
The ambient mode operates in weather. Two F-16 pilots low-altitude intercepts was dis-
at more of a reflex level , and failed to detect a change in tracted by targets of opportu-
the part of the brain con- pitch or roll during IMC de- nity. Ambient orientation cues
trolling the ambient mode partures. Each aircraft's flight presented by a river valley
seems to contain receptors that path resulted in an attitude likely gave the impression of
are most responsive to lines and from which ejection or recovery safe terrain clearance. Un-
edges. Recent research has was impossible. One pilot fortunately, that was not the
shown that peripheral vision, placed a radar trail departure case. Had he been checking
which contributes to ambient ahead of flying good instru- twelve, he would have seen
orientation, provides nine times ments. The other determined buildings directly in line with
~s much balance information as radio calls, navigation tasks, his flight path.
.mtral vision. Since the human and an Oxygen Pressure Low The heart of the issue is that
body can't long tolerate a sense caution light were more impor- all of these fatal crashes were

preventable. Timely visual or nize the need. We need toes- that a trail departure can be
instrument references used to tablish habit patterns that will flown without a radar lock-on,
establish or monitor the air- take over during critical situa- and that a good instrument
craft's flight path vector would tions, help us to maintain air- crosscheck takes precedence
have overruled erroneous craft control and prevent us over radar acquisition. At
ambient orientation cues. So from becoming victims of our every opportunity, training
why didn't they? ambient environment. Above flights and simulators should
For the squadron commander all, when these habit patterns evaluate a pilot's ability to
and stan eval flight examiners, are disrupted, pilots must be- maintain aircraft control while
the scenario suggests a false come critical of task prioritiza- analyzing a serious EP or ac-
sense of well-being. When the tion. A pilot in control of his complishing a complex mission
hair on the back of their necks aircraft doesn't unintentionally task in all kinds of weather
should have been standing on land gear up, flameout as a re- conditions. For those of you ap-
end, they were too comfortable. sult of fuel starvation or die as proaching 400-500 hours in
For those pilots with less than a result of an undetected the aircraft, a recurring,
200 hours in the airplane, it change in aircraft attitude. critical self-evaluation of your
appears to have been a matter As supervisors, we need to performance and personal atti-
of proficiency and task satu- insure that pilots stay pro- tude will enhance your ability
ration. It's never been a matter ficient at critical mission tasks to cope with your ambient en-
of not being able to fly instru- such as IMC radar trail de- vironment. Above all, each of
ments, just a failure to recog- partures. We need to emphasize us needs to admit that we can
Spacial misorientation fall victim to false ambient
cues if we become careless or
task saturated. Analyze the
mishaps for yourself, become
familiar with the circumstances
and realize that the pilots were
in fact quite capable. Unlike
you, however, they may not
have been aware or respected
the hazards projected by their
ambient environment.
Forewarned is forearmed. As
the level of cockpit tasking in-
creases, so should the fre-
quency of crosschecking accu-
rate attitude references. If
you're too comfortable, double
the rate of your instrument or
visual crosscheck. It won't hurt
to find you are exactly where
you thought you were. It might
hurt a lot if you aren 't and
don't. _-.....

24 AUGUST 1985

Motorcycles tttt
Automobiles t~t~
Pedestrian t
Drownings tt
Hiking t
Dune buggy t
Ca!bo~ monoxide
pOISOning ww
' '


Industrial t
TAC ATTA!J}r> 25
chock talk
incidents and

The eyes had it

A n EF-111 pilot was leading another Aard-
vark in formation back to base for landing
when all of a sudden he no longer saw the light.
around blind. Good thing the EWO was there to
reach across the cockpit and take control of the
aircraft. Once the pilot recovered, the two-ship
In fact, he no longer saw anything. landed uneventfully.
Troubleshooters found that the sound sup-
pression foam used inside some air conditioning
ducts had deteriorated. It was original
equipment-old, brittle and dry (a lot like the
original pilot who's now retired). The foam ap-
parently chose this flight to break down into
small particles that were picked up by the air
conditioner's airflow and carried into the cockpit.
There was a problem with the airflow too.
Some time earlier when maintenance was per-
formed in the main wheel well, someone un-
hooked and moved the air conditioner's pressure
sensing line out of the way. When he or she was
done, the line wasn't properly secured. After a
while, a leak in the pressure sensing line sent
the signal to the air conditie:ner that the cockpit
needed more air. It had been blowing pretty near
Just before the aircraft entered the clouds dur- full blast for half the mission when the particles
ing the descent portion of an instrument pro- attacked.
cedure, the air conditioner began blowing full Maybe you don't work on one of the more ...
blast and pelted the pilot and electronic warfare uh ... mature Air Force aircraft like this one
officer (EWOl with orange colored foam particles. (the EF-111 is new to the inventory; however,
Although both crew members were wearing their some of its equipment is original F-111A model
oxygen masks and had their visors down, some of vintage from whence it camel. But chances are
the material (about the size of sand particles) excellent you still have the opportunity to move
found its way into the pilot's eyes. It caused such things out of your way while you're trying to fix
irritation that he couldn't open his eyes. a sick system. Sometimes the things that seem to
It was about a full minute before the pilot was be intentionally placed in our way aren't even
able to see again. A single-seat pilot could have mentioned in the tech data or work card. Those
been in a lot of trouble after a minute of flying can be the little foxes that spoil the vine.

26 AUGUST 1985

After a job where we encounter these things infamous characteristic of the Phantom. This sad
that get in the way , we have some extra respon- incident reminded us once again that when elec-
sibilities when it's time to button up. First, since trical power is interrupted or shut off, the aux air
they may not be covered in the tech data, it's up doors can slam shut. So we should use the aux
to us to remember to put them back together. air door locks anytime there's work to be done
')COnd, to do that, it may mean looking at an- inside. We also need to remember that's not the
ner TO or getting some help from someone else only danger underneath the Phantom.
o see how to correctly assemble, torque, wire, An F-4 had to taxi back from the arming area
etc. Finally, to save the next guy from all this when the arming crew noticed hydraulic fluid
trouble, we should suggest these little omissions dripping from the speedbrake well. Once the air-
be included in the tech data for the original job craft returned to the chocks, a hydraulic special-
that we started. ist plugged in the intercom and asked the pilot to
Sounds like some extra work. But there are lower the speedbrakes. Contrary to the tech data,
two good reasons to go for it. First, you may save he placed a wheel chock vertically in the recess
some pilot from flying around blind up there within the speedbrake well while he searched for
some day (or something worse). Second, if "they" the source of the leak. When he discovered a
adopt the changes to the procedure that you rec- leaking B-nut, he told the crew chief he'd have to
ommend, you'll be saving a lot of time and come back. So the crew chief took the headset
trouble for the next guy who has to do the and told the pilot to shut down the engines.
work-who knows, a few months down the road When the generators dropped off the line, not
it may be you.

Chock chewing
ome time ago, an engine specialist was hurt
S when the aux air door slammed shut during
"'ngine shutdown. He had been troubleshooting
1 oil leak and apparently was so engrossed in
11is work that he momentarily forgot about this

chock talk

you don't get a fund cite on your TDY orders, yOl....

don't get any money. If Finance messes up your
pay, you find it hard to buy groceries.
An F-5 pilot discovered what happens if a
minor detail like a cotter pin is left out of a sup-
only did the aux air doors close, so did the t;peed- posedly completed job. During a functional check
brakes. And the chock was stronger than the flight, one of the engines stuck at full military
speedbrake; it punched an $11,000, six-inch hole power and would not respond to any throttle
in the metal. movements. High-powered flight is a thrill, but
In both cases, the tech data that was designed you can get too much of a good t hing. The pilot
to prevent incidents and accidents like these was finally had to shut the engine down and return to
ignored for some reason. We may never know base for a single-engine landing.
how good the reason was-but we do know the The maintenance troops who took the engine
results-and we can't afford them. Use the book. apart found that the throttle cable was com-
pletely disconnected. A recent 600-hour inspec-
tion involved taking apart the throttle con-
nections, but a vital cotter pin was left off when
it wa put back together. Neither the engine spe-
cialist who did the work nor the seven-level in-
Attenshun to dee-tail spector could recall whether or not the pin was
put back in. It probably wasn't. Only a small de-
Y ou've heard it before, right? Attention to de-
taiL. It may be an overworked phrase, but the
idea is critical to what we do in the Air Force. If
tail, but it played a vital role in the successful
operation of the aircraft.


T he Chief of Staff Individual

Safety Award for 1984 is
presented to Lieutenant Colonel
Henry R. Kramer, Chief of Safety,
56th Tactical Training Wing,
MacDill Air Force Base, Florida,
in recognition of his outstanding
contribution to the accident pre-
vention programs of the Tactical
Air Command and the United
States Air Force.

28 AUGUST 1985
didn't look right. Upon closer behind the catapult, which
examination, he discovered made the egress system inop-
that the cotter pin was missing erable. He investigated further
from the gear scissors bolt. Un- and discovered that the con-
corrected, this bolt could have tractor had installed a new
vibrated loose in a short period catapult assembly. Rather than
and caused a serious landing simply fix the discrepancy,
gear malfunction. The fact that Sergeant Yutzy called quality
Sergeant DeSiano found such a assurance and wing safety and
significant yet tiny detail in helped them draft a message
such a short period of time is that went to all A-10 units
commendable. alerting them of this potential
Sergeant Daniel Eighinger,
Airman First Class Robert Airman First Class Eric A.
Maas, and Airman First Class Anderberg, 1st Equipment
Stephen Taylor, 56th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, 1st
Generation Squadron, 56th Tactical Fighter Wing, Langley
Tactical Training Wing, Mac- AFB, Virginia. During a thru-
Dill AFB, Florida, were per- flight on a transit CT-39, Air-
Sgt Andrew J. Clary, 33d forming end-of-runway checks man Anderberg found that the
~quipment Maintenance on two MacDill F-16s that were brake bolts had been mounted
quadron, 33d Tactical Fighter already in the EOR parking backwards and were chafing on
ing, Eglin AFB, Florida. Ser- area when a Nellis F-16 taxied the antiskid system. He quickly
geant Clary was driving a bob- to the area. As the Nellis plane notified his supervisor and the
tail towing vehicle when he approached its parking slot, the problem was corrected.
suddenly heard a loud ex- crew noticed that the left main
plosion, then he saw smoke ris- gear was on fire. They quickly Staff Sergeant Lester L.
ing from underneath the hood. waved all other aircraft in EOR Billings, Airman First Class
He pulled to the side of the out of the area, ran for the fire Cecil A. Brunson, and Airman
road, grabbed the fire extin- extinguishers, and put out the First Class John R. Spradlin,
guisher and went to the front fire. The timely actions of Ser- 33d Aircraft Generation Squad-
of the vehicle where he saw geant Eighinger, Airman Maas ron, 33d Tactical Fighter Wing,
flames inside the engine com- Airman Taylor, and minimized Eglin AFB, Florida. During
partment. He extinguished the damage to a valuable Air Force the launch of an F-15 , the
(ire through an opening in the aircraft. jet fuel starter (JFSJ disin-
fender well. Had he opened the tegrated. This caused a fire be-
hood to fight the fire , the fire Sergeant Robert Yutzy, 23d neath the aircraft which was
could have intensified, possibly Component Repair Squadron, fed by fuel being pumped to the
causing personal injury and 23d Tactical Fighter Wing, JFS and residual fuel vented
greater vehicle damage. England AFB, Louisiana , was during the number two engine
performing the egress portion shutdown. Working as a team,
Sergeant Lee DeSiano, 34', th of an aircraft acceptance in- Sergeant Billings, Airman
Aircraft Generation Squadron, spection on an A-lOA that had Brunson, and Airman Spradlin
34 7th Tactical Fighter Wing, received major repairs from a extinguished the fire and
Moody AFB, Georgia. During a contractor. He was removing moved the aircraft away from
routine EOR check, Sergeant the ejection seat to check its other aircraft. Their quick re-
DeSiano was inspecting the left components when he noticed action to this situation kept a
nain landing gear on an F-4E the M-26 initiator line was dis- more serious mishap from de-
when he noticed something just connected, plugged, and tucked veloping.



e aero

first ,is
ty ti
old Oiur
t-geon and
ye a pers,11:11
(Mr- ttrdnt you to live
healthy iffy And he thr
t. LI my first article for TA('
TTACK I want to share a
, -

ew thou.fhts and intriKluee a

ew concept- -a neviriV. or
ou to think of youne11 -as
opecial kind 01 athlett.. an":
spave athlete.
ni\ .
LI tht.

g to lead- -- -
a g,ojtd
re on your
The Aero Space Athlete

space athlete Brig Gen Rufus M. "Dee" DeHart

T AC Command Surgeon
Langley AFB, Virginia

own. As a single-seat driver, realize these goals, fighter pi- haven't mentioned is physical
you're it. Therefore, it stands to lots will need to develop a new conditioning. I would expect
reason that you need to be the mental set, to think of them- that many of you have placed a
best you can be because being selves as a special kind of pro- low priority on physical condi-
alone, you're more susceptible fessional athlete- an aerospace tioning programs because of
to human-factor mistakes. athlete. your busy schedules and be-
Really good fighter pilots I Many aspects of fighter oper- cause they aren't mandatory. If
have known have been good ations are quite similar to pro- this is the case, please re-
aviators-smart, aggressive, fessional athletics-football for evaluate your priorities. A
with an inherent desire to example. We have a playing regular physical conditioning
excel. They have also had a field and game strategy, rules program, like the one recently
thorough understanding of and plays. We wear a special sent to the field , will definitely
their aircraft's flight envelope. uniform designed to reduce in- increase a pilot's ability to en-
These are constants. Today, juries. We have offensive, de- dure high Gs. Therefore, he can
however, there is more. Physi- fensive and special teams. We handle high G-loads for a
ological stresses, workload and have a head coach-the wing longer period before the onset
perceptual demands on the pi- commander, and assistant of fatigue . Indirectly, this re-
lot during many mission sce- coaches-squadron/flight com- duces the potential for GLC in-
arios are formidable. And manders, ops officer, etc. Our cidents.
.-~erhaps for the first time, man athletes are expensive-$1.5 A conditioning program will
is the potential limiting factor million a piece. We bring our also increase the strength of
in realizing the full capability rookies to summer camp at your neck muscles. Why is that
of a weapons system. Yesterday LIFT (AT-38 lead-in fighter important? Neck sprains and
we worried about over-G-ing training at Holloman AFB, strains have been common
the aircraft; today (particularly New Mexico); then, we polish occupational hazards of fighter
in the F-16), we worry about their skills during preseason pilots for many years. In the
over-G-ing the pilot. One could games at RTU. We have special past, most have been minor;
construct a future air-to-air en- playoffs, like Gunsmoke and the players only missed a few
gagement between two adver- William Tell, and we are con- days of practice. Today, how-
saries flying fighters with com- stantly preparing for the Super ever, we are beginning to see
parable performance where the Bowl-WW III. We have our some serious neck injuries-
outcome is decided solely on own fouls and penalties when compression fractures of cer-
the basis of who is in the best the rules of the game are vical (neck) vertebra and her-
physical condition. broken. Some of our broken niated cervical disks (the soft
Really good fighter pilots plays-SD (spatial dis- padding between disks ). Physi-
from here on out are going to orientation), GLC (G-induced cal conditioning helps prevent
have to be physically healthy loss of consciousness), midairs neck injuries.
and in excellent physical condi- and CWG (collisions with the Your team physician's main
tion. They will need a thorough ground)-have serious conse- purpose in life is to keep you
understanding of their body's quences. We can be retired players in top condition and
flight envelope. (from life) and our coaches are help you get ready for the
I believe our pilots can per- in danger of losing their jobs Super Bowl. Use him. He or
form quite well in the 9-G after a poor season. she can help you establish a
environment- if they are prop- I'm sure you get the idea. good physical exercise program
·rly selected, educated, trained But one very basic ingredient to condition yourself and your
.md conditioned physically. To of professional athletics that I players. __:>

TACATTAf}t> 31

H odgepodge
A recent automobile accident involving a mili-
tary member once again surfaced the danger
of carrying a gasoline container in the trunk of a
the stove, turned off the burners and pulled the
extinguisher D-ring that activated the dry-
chemical extinguishing system above the stove.
car. He was driving down the road and was hit She ran back to the dining area to evacuate
head-on by another car. In two minutes, both the kids, picked up three of them all at once and
cars were engulfed in flames. Upon impact, the started to run out, but she slipped on the dry
cap came off the gasoline container. A small fire chemical substance and fell against the wall.
had already started in the engine due to a broken Everyone got out OK, except for the attendant's
fuel line and was rapidly fueled by the fuel/ badly strained back. Beware of that dry-chemical
vapors that spilled from the container. stuff- it can be slippery. The fire might not get
Other factors were involved: alcohol and not you, but the slippin' and slidin' will.
wearing seat belts. But the real danger was
carrying that extra container of gasoline in the
trunk of the car. It was fatal. •••
Good supervisors not only have to be made of
the right stuff, they have to provide the right
••• stuff. A maid was cleaning a bathroom at the
After a contractor had finished repairing the VOQ. She was standing on the edge of the bath-
stove at a child care center, one of the attendants tub with her left hand up against the wall tile to
decided to clean it up. After cleaning, she left the brace herself, using her right hand for cleani-ng.
burners on to dry the stove, then went into the She leaned forward to reach for a high spot, lost
dining area to feed some of the smaller children.
A few minutes later, she heard a pop coming
from the stove, then she saw flames. She ran to
the ground

her balance and jammed her elbow against her turned out to be a bad guy, although it has good
ribs. She knew the proper procedure was to use a qualities: it's resistant to fire and acid, strong
ladder or stool, which should have been avail- and a great insulator.
able; however, the portable aluminum ladders Manufacturers have been using asbestos in
that she normally used had been turned in by household products for years. Here's a list of
qr supervisor because they were defective. The things in your home that could contain asbestos:
1pervisor didn't order new ones. • Vinyl floor tiles and vinyl sheet flooring.
• Insulation on hot-water and steam pipes and
••• some furnace ducts.
• Some roofing shingles and sidings.
This lady was using the right equipment. She • Cement sheets, millboard and paper to in-
was standing on a 4-foot metal workstand to dust sulate walls from woodstoves.
a chandelier at an officers' club. The 4-foot wide • Door gaskets on woodstoves, coalstoves, fur-
chandelier was secured to a V2-inch threaded pipe naces and ovens.
in the ceiling by a V2-inch threaded decorator • Insulation around oil, coal and wood furnaces
cap. And that's what caused the problem, you in older homes.
couldn't see the cap threads to tell how far it was • Patching compounds sold before 1977.
screwed into the support pipe. So while she was • Textured paints sold before 1978.
steadying the chandelier with her left hand and • Wall and ceiling insulation in homes built be-
dusting the lights with her right hand, the tween 1930 and 1950.
chandelier came loose, fell and hit her on the • Hair dryers built before 1979.
head. The Consumer Products Safety Commission
This club decided to install hex nuts on all ceil- (CPSC) recommends three ways to deal with as-
ing supports so the thread could be seen before bestos in your home. First, leave it alone. Asbes-
putting on the decorator cap. tos fibers will only be released into the air if the
asbestos-containing materials start to crumble.
Second, cover the materials with tape or spray .
Asbestos- First a friend, paint. And third, only as a last resort should you
consider yanking out the asbestos-containing ma-
now a foe terials. And if that is your decision, consult a
trained asbestos contractor.
A nyone who reads the newspaper or watches
the news on TV has heard about asbestos.
rhis natural mineral fiber found in rocks has
For more information, call the CPSC hotline at
1-800-638-2772 (Maryland, 1-800-492-8363).

TAC ATTA!J}i:>- 33
the Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago
has devised a special weekend diet that could
help make the transition easier on the old bod:
Friday, eat a high-protein breakfast and lunch
and a high-carbohydrate supper; drink caffein-
ated beverages between 3 and 5 p.m. only. Eat
less on Saturday, keeping carbohydrates low and
only drink caffeinated beverages in the morning.
Stay up late Saturday and sleep late on Sunday,
then eat a high-protein breakfast and lunch and
a high-carbohydrate supper.

Survival Kit for Young Campers. The Na-

tional Association of Search and Rescue reports
spending 50,000 hours a year to respond to emer-
gency needs of at least 500 people; 2h of that
total are children. And a child doesn't have to be
.in the back country to get lost, it can happen
anywhere he or she suddenly loses sight of famil-
iar surroundings. Panic sets in and causes chil-
dren to not respond to searchers. Survival experts
Computerized running shoes. Yep, you read it recommend teaching your child to trust rescuers
right; now on the market are two running shoes and that each child carry this mini-survival kit
with a computer in the tongue. In one shoe, the at all times.
runner punches in stride length and weight into • A large yellow or orange plastic trash bag. By
the tiny computer. The shoe then measures and poking a hole in a corner, a child can put the ba~;
provides a reading of how far you've run, how over his head to use as shelter; stuffing the bag
long it took you, average speed and how many with leaves or grass provides protection against
calories you burned. The other shoe has a disc hypothermia; and suspended from a bush, the
bag provides shade from the sun.
• A whistle- the sound travels farther than a
short shots
• Metal or plastic mirror - flashes can be seen
as far as 20 miles away.
• Candy and a canteen of water.
• If the child is old enough, a pocket knife and
waterproofed matches.

Football season is almost here. Now would be a

good time to get a mouth guard. Oral surgeon
and former president of the American Dental As-
sociation I. Lawrence Kerr says that mouth
guards in organized football could prevent about
that's compatible with two common personal 150,000 injuries a year. And besides football , he
computers. After a run , the computer in the shoe also thinks mouth guards should be worn in
is plugged into the personal computer and plots sports such as soccer, wrestling, gymnastics and
distance, time and speed on a graph. Cost of the weight lifting. "Boil and bite" guards (plastic de-
shoes: $125 to $200. vices that shape themselves to your mouth after
being boiled in water) cost as little as $2; custom-
Changing over from day to night shift (at made guards, which offer more protection and
weekly intervals) can be tough on a person's cir- have to be made at a dentist's office, cost up to
cadian rhythm. Biologist Charles F. Ehret from $50.

34 AUGUST 1985
The 23 CRS pneudraulic shop was having diffi-
culties with the assembly and disassembly of the
A-10 aircraft brake. The problem stemmed from
not having a means of securing the 98-pound
brake while maintenance was being performed.
SGT GEORGE E. Prrrs, a pneudraulic system
specialist, decided to design and build a brake-
holding fixture. After spending many hours
working with other shops, he finally developed
an effective fixture which saved the shop many
man-hours and made a safer working
Sergeant Pitts is also the 23 CRS's safety rep-
resentative. Since his assignment as safety moni- Sgt George E. Pitts
tor, there have been no reportable on-the-job 23 CRS, 23 TFW
injuries. England AFB, Louisiana


S saT BRUCE C. SCHREIBER was servicing an
F-15 accessory drive with oil. While checking the
oil level, he noticed that the new oil was almost
clear and had separated from the old oil. A fur-
ther check revealed that the oil from the cart was
very thin and had a sweet smell. Sergeant
Schreiber immediately declared the aircraft un-
safe for flight due to oil contamination and in-
formed the production supervisor.
Remembering that the same oil cart had been
used on another aircraft that was about to begin
an engine run, he ran over and informed the
crew chief before the engines were started. Act-
ing on his own initiative, Sergeant Schreiber
then visually checked the oil on all aircraft on
the flying schedule including four with pilots
already present at the aircraft. He then checked
every other aircraft in the AMU.
Sergeant Schreiber found five aircraft with
contaminated oil; one aircraft was within SSgt Bruce C. Schreiber
minutes of engine start for a practice functional 1 AGS, 1 TFW
heck flight (FCF). Langley AFB, Virginia
Capt Michael L. Straight
Balancing risk and Air Force Exchange Officer
with Navy Fighter Weapons
School (TOPCAT)
the mission San Diego, California

a challenge of fighter employment A s fighter aircrews, one of

the tougher judgments we
are paid to make is deter-
mining the acceptable balance
between mission accomplish-
ment and risk to ourselves and
our equipment. Obviously, this
judgment plays a major role in
developing our wartime tactics
and game plans, but this
proper mission versus risk bal-
ance is just as crucial to our
peacetime training.
In combat the specific mis-
sion objectives may make the
level of acceptable risk fairly
clear. For example, an offen. ·
MIG sweep normally requir
employing lower risk tactics
than a defensive CAP of your
own airfield. But in our peace-
time training, the proper trade-
off of risk versus mission is
often less clear. To ensure vic-
tory in the next air war, we've
got to prepare now with real-
istic and demanding training.
But the more realistic the
training, the more we risk our
priceless people and very ex-
pensive equipment. To be truly
prepared for our wartime mis-
sions, should we accept combat
levels of risk during training?
Or is all training risk unac-
ceptable in order to conserve
our resources for the actual
shooting? The right answer ob-
viously lies between these two
extremes, and only a thorough
understanding of the training
priorities and risks will allow
us to judge the proper balanc
As fighter crews involved ·
daily air-to-air and air-to-

ground training, we control
both sides of this balance:
1) the level of training risk and
2) the training gained from the
accepted risk.
We control risk by judging
the limits to realism in our
training. Many of the hard
limits to realism are specified
in published guidance such as
the air-to-air rules of en-
gagement <ROE). By specifying
minimum altitudes, airspeeds,
separation , etc. , these guide-
lines provide some definition to
the line between realism and
risk, and represent our com-
anders' judgment of accept-
ole training risk. But even
t hese well-defined limits re-
quire aircrew judgment in their
application. For example, with
two fighters approaching head- of effectively taking ourselves petent fighter crew. But a pro-
on with 1,200 knots of closure, and our equipment to the longed 1-v-1 scissors is an in-
the maneuver required to com- peacetime limits. But it is up to appropriate waste of risk in a
ply with the 500-foot minimum us to insure that training on sortie with the objectives and
separation ROE is based on an the edge provides maximum resources for training four-ship
experienced judgment, not an payoff. We must understand employment. Obviously , any
easily observable gauge read- specifically what is to be risks taken solely for personal
out. Training guidance, like gained for all risk we accept. entertainment or ego satisfac-
ROE , attempts to define abso- Our handle on this is our selec- tion are unacceptable.
lute peacetime boundaries be- tion of and adherence to train- Risk is part of what we do for
tween realism and risk. But we ing objectives tailored to each a living, war or peace, but it's
determine, for each sortie, sortie. Effective training objec- not simply an aspect of luck or
whether mission specifics and tives identify where we plan to chance. Instead, it's a mission
aircrew experience warrant op- push ourselves and what we element that must be evaluated
erating on the dictated edge or expect to gain from the risks of and controlled much like fuel
at some level short of it. the mission. By adhering to the or weapons load. And though
The other side of the training objectives during the sortie, we many of the peacetime limits of
equation we are paid to control avoid wasting time, fuel and acceptable risk are spelled out
is training effectiveness. We risk on less pertinent aspects of in our training guidance, the
control what is gained from the the sortie. For example, basic major responsibility for balanc-
risks of daily training. fighter maneuvering entails a ing the risk versus mission
Our training must be de- certain level of risk; but it's an equation falls to the guy with
nanding - we must be capable essential skill for any com- his finger on the trigger. _::;:>-

TAC ATTA{;)i> 37
Lt Col ·Jim Lentzkow

Ed. Note: In June 1983. we ran an article by Maj Earle

Combs titl~d ''The Fighter PiloL's Ego." The main points of
the article are lime]e,.s. and so we offer ihem again for your

I n the aftermath of a fatal aircraft accident,

many questions are frequently left un-
answered, for example:
Why did he attempt that maneuver?
Why didn 't he knock it off?
Why didn't he eject?
The answer may be the fighter pilot's ego, or
more specifically, his continuous drive to become
and to remain, the "World's Greatest Fighter
Pilot." To a degree, this is expected. There are
few callings that require more confidence and
self-esteem in order to succeed than that of flying
fighters. A fighter pilot without them is actually
just a pilot who flys fighters - an accident look-
ing for a place to happen.
Unfortunately, too much confidence is just as
bad as not enough. The pilot who exceeds his
limits because of over confidence dies just as
quickly as the one who goes beyond his capabili-
ties because of limited ability. Although overcon-
fidence can manifest itself in many different
ways, two types of pilots come to mind.
The first is the truly qualified pilot who ex-
ceeds the limits because he believes he's better nately, this kind usually impresses some of the
than the rest. The rules were made for the "weak young pilots. Thus, he not only is a problem , he
link" so he makes his own rules. This pilot is spreads the problem.
usually very well intentioned and seeks only to What can we do? That's easy. It's all been said
give the government the most "bang for the before. We need pilots who know that the rules
buck. " He's not hot-dogging, just performing. are for everyone. We need quiet, confident leader-
Tragically, even the very best pilots make mis- ship (great pilots don't need to talk - their peers
takes. Accident briefs are filled with them. will ). We need strong flight leaders who not only
The other overconfident pilot is the one who demand good performance but also display it. We
thinks flying fighters means breaking the rules. need instructors who realize that a good mission
This guy is trying to live up to an image - un- means his trainee flew well , not just himself. We
fortunately, it's the wrong one. Minimum alti- need flying units that realize that the whole is
tudes are only for "grapes," ROE only for kids greater than the sum of the parts, and prove it
and clean living for the Navy. To say he's filled by operating as a team. We need supervisors tha.
with braggadocio is an understatement. Unfortu- recognize this performance and reward it. - --"-

38 AUGUST 1985
TAC Tally






TAC'S TOP 5 thru JUN S5


35 405 TTW Iii.uskies.AFi'5B_ AZ

I 149 57 FIS (K4 1e-11% .11i. 1.7r and

29 rIn ley A1:11, VA 102 5 Fl$ lviinot AFB. Ni)

28 33 TFW V-151 AFI3. FL 99 48 FIS i!tang1 I'v AFII, VA
366 TFW N,Fil'''inF.111) .58 318 FIS McChord AFB,
49 TFW .,1;ornanAF11,N 87 FIS ,Zi-16w).ver A}`li. M1


138 TFG 1%12,A0-7

917 TFG larksdale AFB I A

114 TFG zINIA-71
177 FIG ANan
Atlantic 1"61
125 Fl G "tJacksonville,
"F-1°61 FL
1.19 FAG .NGI-.
City, NJ 19
182 TAsG ANc,()\ .);,

Battle Creek. MI

-inuGx Falls. SI) F argo, NI)

I) Etlinfighte
AFB yrr'
11 107 Fl G Niagara Falls. NY 163 84 FITa caw,. kA

F, AN o 552 AWACW
u-, Elli ngton APT. TX


TA 19851 3.2 3.4 2.7 2.4 2.9 21

I9811 3.4 14.3 3.3 2.5 2.9 3.8

AN 1985 4.8 4.8 3.0 4.5 4.3 5.1

1_1984 0.0 2.3

1985 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


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