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December 1988

Tac Attack
angle of attack

Y ou're probably sitting somewhere between 'fur-

key Day and Christmas as you read this issue of
TAG Attack. Things can begin to get a bit hectic at
more than normal. So, be careful and w:atch out for the
other guy; he's probably not watching out for you.
A word of caution for the holiday shopping season:
this time of year and certainly have the potential to many of us with spouses who are famous for being
impact the way we do business over the next few quality (and more significantly quantity) shoppers
weeks. Of the many things that affect our safety need to be careful when lifting stacks of boxes and
record, one of the biggest, I think, is our attitude. packages so we don't strain our backs. Don't laugh! My
While most of us probably think of December as a joy- boss at the base where I came from had a spouse that
ous time of year with Christmas and the beginning of kept him at constant risk of suffering such an injury.
the new year, for many of our people who are sepa- Watch yourself so you'll be in good shape to do your
rated from family (due to TDYs, being single or being job after the holidays.
away from home), this can be a time of sadness I'd like to wish you happy holidays from myself
because they are alone. Supervisors must get into the and the entire safety staff at TAC Headquarters. We
act and stay in touch with what's going on with their wish you the very best for the holidays and the new
~ /· folks. Don't let our unaccompanied people spend the year ahead.
Jj holidays by themselves. Try to incorporate your peo-
ple into the holiday activities sponsored by your unit.
I would even encourage you and your people to con-

sider including those who are alone in your family
plans and get-togethers.
Remember that the roads are going to be a lot more
treacherous in the weeks ahead. The typical weather USAF
conditions for this time of year will make many roads Chief of Safety
wetter or icier, depending on where you're located.
The roads are also going to be more dangerous
because many folks will be having a hot toddy or two


26 A SOF's WOrst Nightmare

Insights on SOFing and how re.) do it right.
4 Priorities 28 You Never Know When You'll Need
Having your priorities in proper perspective Them
can make a difference - sometimes between life Buckle up. You will ynu did
and death.
10 How Many More Times?
What does it take to make :fuu and I say,
"Enough is enough"?
14 Complacency 7 Aircrew of Distinction
Sometimes our four-legged friends can teach 8 TAC Tips
us invaluable lessons to live and work by. 13,29,30 Safety Awards
16 In The Center
20 Been There, Done That 18 Chock lltik
T h e r e I was . . .
24 Weapons Words

TACSP 127-1
TAC Attack is not directive in nature. Recommendations are intended to comply with existing directives, Opinions expressed are
those oethe authors and not necessarily the positions of TAC or USAF. Mishap information does not identify the persons. places or
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not neeessarily of the people or equipment involved.
Contributions are encouraged, as are comments and criticism. We reserve the right to edit all manuscripts for readability and
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Distribution F(X) is controlled by TAC/SEP through the MO, based on a ratio of 1 copy per 10 persons assigned. DOD units
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volume 28 number 12
P AIrt
Maj Richard A. Kirkpatrick
GEN ROBERT D. RU TAC Flight Safety

Awhile back I was leading a

two -ship DAM' mission
against two Navy F-18 Hornets. At
eight miles from the merge, with
what I thought was a good radar
Everything you do is based sort on the two bandits, my wing-
on your concept of personal man began collapsing from the tac-
priorities. Where you live, tical formation position.
Incredulously I watched as he con-
'HIEF OF SAFETY the job you have and the tinued to float toward me, and then
person you marry are some rapidly pulled into me to cross
MAJ DON RIGHTMYER decisions you make based overhead. It was obvious that we
EDITOR on your own concept of were locked onto the same bandit,
and that my wingman had gone for
JANET GAINES personal priorities. his missile shots During the
EDITORIAL ASSISTANT debrief I asked whether he had me
in sight during that engagement.
STAN HARDISON He admitted that he didn't and that
ART EDITOR he felt it was more important to go
for the missile shot at that point
than to regain the visual. After I
calmed down from my initial reac-
tion, he asked me what I thought
TAC Attack (ISSN 6194-0380) is pub- his priorities should have been.
lished monthly by HQ TAC1SEP, Lang-
ley APT, VA. POSTMASTER: Send That's the topic of this discussion.
address changes to TAC Attack, Everything you do is based on
'VAC (SE P, Langley AFB, VA your concept of personal priorities
23665-59S3. Second-class postage paid
at Hampton, Virginia, and additions Where you live, the job you have
mailing offices, and the person you marry are some

decisions you make based on your
own concept of personal priorities.
Given that fighter pilots are a fairly
homogeneous group, you can
assume there is a lot of similarity in
our priorities in the air.
MCM 3-3lists basic top priorities

(1) Maintain aircraft control.

(2) Never hit the ground (or any-
thing attached to it).
(3) Never hit anything in the air
(i.e., your lead/wingman).
(4) Never run out of fuel.
(5) Never get shot.

The list continues to lower priority

tasks such as maintaining proper The mishap crew were informed
formation or not missing any radio of a fuel leak. They isolated the
calls. leak to the left engine and, after
If your experience and a delay, shut it down. In their
The wingman was 500' AGL, line training have emphasized rush to recover the aircraft, the
abreast, in the vicinity of a the wrong order of priorities, crew didn't accomplish many
known tower. He looked inside to checklist items. As the aircraft
check his map, turn on hot mike,
then your decision later will was configured to land, it
check the radar and check six be wrong. pitched up, then down, and
(three times). He glanced up just impacted the runway. When the
before hitting the tower. crew lowered the gear and flaps
simultaneously, they depleted
Priorities are not constant with rearrangement of priorities is a the available hydraulic pressure
time. They are constantly rear- conscious decision based on prior and the aircraft'lost pitch
ranged to fit with a particular situ- experience and training (another authority.
ation. The middle of a dogfight at term for it is situational aware-
20,000 feet isn't the time to be more ness). As a mission progresses, Training programs, simulato:r:
concerned with hitting the ground unforeseen circumstances may missions, SEPI's, flight briefings
than hitting another aircraft. This force you to abandon a lower pri- and de briefings combine to estab-
ority task for a higher priority one. lish your inflight priorities. Pilot
A MiG appearing at six dclock training teaches the basic priori-
should make you quit worrying ties of maintaining aircraft control,
Priorities are not constant about proper formation position. If analyzing the situation, and taking
with time. They are your experience and training have proper action. RTU expands these
emphasized the wrong order of pri- rules in the context of flying
constantly rearranged to fit orities, then your decision later will fighters. SEPI's and EP sims rein-
with a ptrticular situation. be wrong. An inflight emergency, force these basics as they apply to
for example, may lead you to forget your aircraft. The flight lead sets
about maintaining aircraft control. the particular mission priorities in

the flight briefing. Most of the time During an attempt to rejoinwith
the priorities for the mission are the flight, he dove throughai hole
written on the board in the form of in the undercist and was unable.
An honest analysis of
objectives. Flight leads don't list performance is required, but
the least important objectives first, '

often we are blind to our

because this is also a list of priori- Only a constant, detached,
professional analysis of all aspects
own failures.
ties. The list, however, is always
incomplete because most of the of a mission will identify those
highest level priorities (i.e., never hit instances where misprioritization mance and the breakdown of per-
the ground) are often assumed and leads to a performance breakdown. formance relative to these
therefore, not addressed. The time to realize that your priori- objectives.
ties are skewed is before an A proper understanding of your
IIMPERItwas n priorities
unforeseen event forces you to priorities before you fly is a major
2 on a trail departure for make an unconscious jump in pri- factor in the success of the mission.
mission during an overseas orities. An honest analysis of per- The examples in this article actu-
deployment, He hadn't input formance is required, but often we ally occurred, and all of them
the INS data before takeoff aii are blind to our own failures. That occurred recently. Review your
planned on navigating off of le is why we have instructor pilots own priorities before you fly and
Ho was unable to get a radar and flight examiners, why it is so review them again in the debrief.
after takeoff, lust lead, and vitally important to have definable It's too late once that MiG is
turned i.' the wrong direction-. objectives, and to assess perfor- camped at six.


nine people are waiting


A s Maj Frederick Griese made action procedures and ended up in
fta low approach in an F-16 Fal- backup fuel control (BUC). Are-
con following a simulated flameout creation of identical conditions in
approach at home base, the engine's the operational flight trainer deter-
response as he advanced the throt- mined that the time necessary to
tle to military power was normal. regain usable thrust was not avail-
As he retracted the landing gear at able. The result- Zoom, Stores Jet-
approximately 180 knots, however, tison, Eject. Given the in-flight
he noticed a significant loss of conditions Maj Griese was
thrust which was verified by his experiencing, the option he chose
quick scan of the engine instru- was the only correct one.
ments. Maj Griese was confronted The exemplary knowledge of
with two options: 1) accomplish the F-16 aircraft capabilities and out-
critical action procedures for low standing display of airmanship
thrust on takeoff, requiring about demonstrated by Maj Griese under Maj Frederick R. Griese
10 seconds to complete, or 2) extend extremely challenging conditions 312 TFTS, 58 'ITW
the landing gear and prepare for a have earned him the TAC Aircrew LukeAFB,AZ
departure end cable engagement. of Distinction Award.
Maj Griese quickly chose the
second option and initially reduced J
backstick pressure to reduce angle
of attack and prevent a slow speed
stall, traded altitude to maintain
airspeed and simultaneously
lowered the landing gear. Mter
confirming all three gear were
down, he then increased backstick
pressure to regain a landing atti-
tude. Maj Griese touched down
about 1500-2000 feet prior to the
departure end cable, lowered the
hook and, shortly thereafter,
engaged the departure end cable at
about 150 knots, the maximum
emergency engagement limit of ·
the F-16C/D.
Postflight analysis revealed a
fuel control problem. Had Maj
Griese chosen option one, he would
have had to complete the critical

tac tips

Nonstandard is
not standard
D on't make assumptions. "Non-standard" is not
standard. A flight of two F-4's filed for and was
cleared to fly a formation departure out of an airfield
(defined in FLIP as •: .. no more than one mile later-
ally or longitudinally and within 100- feet vertically
from the flight lead .. ?'). Clearance within the local
situated near a large metropolitan area. Low ceilings, area's highly congested airspace had not been
high temperature, and a wet runway combined to provided to #2.
preclude a formation takeoff or a join-up under the By letter of agreement, nonstandard departures
weather immediately after takeoff. Therefore, rolling are not authorized at the incident airfield. Had the
with only 15- seconds spacing, the flight maneuvered flight lead communicated his intention to make the
for a radar trail departure- a nonstandard formation nonstandard depatture, 'Ibwer would have informed
procedure. No apparent problem existed until Depar- him that they were not authorized. While non-
ture Control handed the flight off to Center about25 standard departures are a vital element among pilots'
miles east of the departure airfield, and it was deter- available procedures, unless prior arrangements have
mined that the wingman was four miles in trail. Both been coordinated, nonstandard formations are author-
Departure Control and Center had planned for the ized only ''when the flight leader has requested and
wingman to be within the standard formation block ATC has approved other than standard formation

I didn't know
A couple of F-15s were loaded up for the day's mis-
~ion, each with one captive AIM-9 and one cap-
tive AIM -7. During low altitude intercept practice,
one of the pilots armed up his system for a simulated
Sparrow delivery. When he pressed the weapons
release button, the AIM-7 missile fell from the air-
craft. There had been some confusion with the air-
craft's weapons load from the first sortie of the day.
The pilot on that flight had questioned the status of
the missiles, but the flight line dispatcher confirmed
that they were inert captive-carry AIM-7s and -9s. Oh,
they were inert all right (no warhead or rocket motor),
but the AIM-7 had (although it didn't need to be) been

carted. The pilot flew the mission without arming the
weapon systems- thus, no problems. Unfortunately,
the pilot on the second sortie didn't see that carts
were installed during his preflight. So, when he told
the weapons system to release, it did just that.
There are only three things that you want the stuff
hanging on your airplane to do- either stay strapped
on for the entire flight, jettison in an emergency or
come off and hit a target. Use your preflight to make
sure that all of your bombs, missiles, BR Us, TE Rs,
TGMs and so forth are either going to stay where you
last saw them or come off on target when requested.
Anything else results in a wasted sortie when your
expendable munitions don't expend or loss of valuable
training tools when your captive- carry ordnance doe&
When you see something out of the ordinary on your
aircraft, you can assume everything's 0 K or you can
make sure everything is. Guess which is smarter?
and accomplished a flawless precautionary pattern
and landing. His usable fuel at touchdown was
Practice does make perfect. Paying attention during
the flight briefing, especially during the EP of the day.
The ultimate coincidence is important. Any questions?

A flight of A-7s was preparing for an air-to-surface

.ftmission. The briefed emergency of the day Ice foddies
covered a fuel low level light with 3600 pounds of fuel
remaining. This malfunction can indicate a failed fuel
selector valve which traps fuel in the aft and mid
tanks. The checklist only provides for recovery of
W hat comes to mind when your weather briefing
includes the possibility of icing conditions
during your flight? Fouled pitot tubes and static pres-
some of the trapped fuel. sure ports that give bogus instrument readings? How
Later, following the planned weapons events on the about the possibility of engine damage due to icing
range, lead and number two proceeded to a nearby conditions? On one occasion, an F-16 encountered
airport to do a practice precautionary landing rime icing conditions and subsequent FOD damage to
approach. 'lb complete a recent check ride require- several fan blades. The damage occurred even though
ment, number two led the approach with his leader the anti-ice system was on and working.
evaluating from a chase position. First priority is to reduce your exposure to inflight
While the two-ship was about 65 miles out from icing by avoiding known or forecast areas of icing
home plate during RTB, the unbelievable happened. whenever possible. Then, if you encounter icing, climb
Number two got the fuel low level light with 3300 or descend as soon as possible to minimize the poten-
pounds of fuel remaining. Emergency fuel was tial for engine damage caused by airframe or inlet ice
declared, direct routing was obtained from Center buildup. Our all-weather aircraft have effective anti-
and the checklist was completed. On this particular icing devices, but they're not capable of preventing or
day, the trapped fuel wouldn't budge, thus usable fuel eliminating all ice that might build up during flight in
at that point was less than 800 pounds. Two took the sustained icing conditions. The key is- don't let it get
lead, flew maximum range cruise to an idle descent, on you in the first place.

1 1ovv 1vrany
How many more times?

SrA Timothy J. Turner

Mountain Home AFB, ID

H ow many times have we read

the story? Somebody gets
hurt, or worse, dies. Expensive
we have to see it before we start
paying attention?
Why are the mistakes made? We
every mistake, but we can cut down
on the mistakes caused by "Human
Error?' The truth is we are on,ly
equipment gets damaged or de- take precautions and yet still human. But this is not a good rea-
stroyed. How many more times do things go wrong. We can't stop son or excuse for forgetting to fol-

10 DECEMBER 1988
low procedures. Our procedures Then one day when theresa lot of But some people out there say,
are in black and white- right in work to be done, we hurry our- "It's not in the T.O., but this is what
front of us while were working. selves a little and start doing it should be. This is what I was told
Technical Orders. In Maintenance, things by memory. This gets us in it was;' or "TheT. O?s wrong;ihis is
T.O.s are the law. Everything must trouble. It's not a matter of how the way it should be done." There is
be1done according to the T.O. But fast we do it, but how well we do it. no excuse for these kinds of com-
how often is the T.O. merely It doesn't matter how fast you do it ments. If you have aT. 0. that is
ignored or forgotten? if you did it wrong. We don't need to wrong, submit a change. Don't keep
How often have you heard or memorize the procedures, but passing correct, or incorrect, infor-
said, "I've done this a million mation by word of mouth; write it
times;' or "I know this by heart?" down! Submit, see if it's right. If a
Odds are they do know it. But what T. 0. isn't clear, get it corrected. If
if you forget something? Mter all, you think theres a better way of
were only human. We can't remem- doing something, then prove it and
ber everything. So what happens If you have a T.O. that is submit a change. The T. 0. may be
when we forget? Hopefully noth· wrong, submit a change. the law, but laws have been
ing, yet we can't depend on that. changed for the better.
The consequences of not using
Don't keep passing T. O.s are many. I won't go on about
correct, or incorrect, how many dollars worth of equip-
ment is lost each year due to not
information by word of following T. O.s. I won't say any-
It's not a matter of how mouth; write it down! thing about the loss oflives due to
not following T. O.s. We hear about
fast we do it, but how these things all the time. How
well we do it. Submit, see if it's right. many more times does it have to
happen before people learn? We
If a T.O. isn't clear, get have to believe that everything we
It doesn't matter how do is done right. It may not be your
fast you do it if you it corrected. own life at stake (or it may), but you
have to believe that somebody's life
do it wrong. is at stake. If you wouldn't trust
your own life to what you've
worked on, why should anybody
rather be familiar with them. By else? Our job is to accomplish the
being familiar with our T. O.s., it Air Force mission. Only by follow-
Something can go wrong. The ensures that we can do our work ing T. O.s do we do our jobs right
problem is as we become familiar exactly as it should be done, using and ensure to the best of our
with our jobs, we tend to remem- the T. 0., and in the shortest possi- ability the safety of both men and
ber everything through practice. ble time. machines. .......>-

111M 0/JT?

M Sgt Linda Thrower incor-

porates her personal safety
consciousness into every aspect of
litters and too large for the neonatal
transport unit. MSgt Thrower con-
tacted Family Services, the agency
her duty perfonnance. She accom- responsible for the base's free
plishes effective unit safety orien- infant carseat loan program, and
tation of new personnel and pro- secured the pennanent loan of an
vides comprehensive holiday/ infant carseat. In addition, a local
vacation briefings that have auto insurance company donated
subsequently been incorporated two toddler carseats to the hospital.
throughout the hospital facility. Through MSgt Thrower's direct
She also disseminates safety infor- efforts, infants and toddlers are
mation from base and higher head- now transported safely and securely
quarters through monthly staff in the unit's emergency vehicles. MSgt Linda M. Thrower
meetings, bulletin boards and unit MSgt Thrower has clearly demon- 27th Medical Group
communication books. She assures strated a sincere concern for the Cannon AFB, NM
staff and patient safety by monthly safety of her co-workers as well as
safety inspections, screening check- hospital patrons and earned the TAC
lists and day-to-day vigilance. She Ground Safety Award of the Quarter.
corrects any violations on-the-spot or
institutes appropriate measures.
MSgt Thrower always goes
beyond problem identification by
persisting in the pennanent resolu-
tion of any hazards. For example,
when a suggestion to install convex
mirrors in the hallways was dropped,
she aggressively pursued the mat-
ter, recognizing the potential prob-
lems at the building's elevators, and
ensured that the required items
were placed on order.
In another instance, infants and
toddlers being transferred by
ambulance to downtown facilities
were being held by their parents.
These children were either too ·
small or too well to be strapped to

Mr Charles Lutz

B ack in the "old corpS:' some-

times called the "brown shoe"
days, a great and historical event
took place which propelled the
fledgling United States Air Force
into its glorious future. It was the
Berlin Airlift, begun just nine
months after the Air Force became
a separate service in September
In June of 1948, the city of West
Berlin was blockaded by the Soviet complacency- a synonym for disaster

forces occupying the eastern zone

of what had been Nazi Germany,
effectively stopping the flow oflife's
necessities to the city and its peo-
ple. West Berlin was an enclave
governed by the United States, the
Soviet Union, Britain, and France.
But it was in Soviet-controlled ter-
ritory, captured as World War II in
Europe was coming to an end. All
land routes to the city were closed.
Only three air "corridors" were After several months of flying the
open. The blockade was a Soviet C-47, the units transitioned to the
effort to force the United States larger C-54. (Max gross weight at
and its alfies out of West Berlin. It was the Berlin Airlift, takeoffwas 75,000pounds. Just
"Operation Vittles," as we called begun just nine months think of what a few C-5s could have
the airlift, put an end to that done!)
scheme. By now, you might be won- after the Air Force But now, Stubby had a problem.
dering what this capsule history became a separate He couldn't "mount up'' as he had
has to do with safety. Plenty! service in September done before. It was a good 8 to 10
This is the 40th anniversary year of 1947. feet to the cargo deck. On his first
of that monumental victory over trip to the divided city in the "new"
communist aggression, a Her- aircraft, Stubby had to be carried
culean allied feat which put the aboard. As usual, he stayed on
word airlift into the dictionary. board in West Berlin as provisions
Considering the round-the-clock Stubby was a friend to all, but his for the beleaguered civilian popula-
flying under less than optimum true allegiance was to a flight tion were off-loaded.
conditions, despite a number of engineer who took Stubby on the After touchdown on the return
accidents and some loss oflife, the sometimes twice daily run to Ber- trip to Frankfurt, Stubby found he
unprecedented operation was a lin aboard a C-4 7 aircraft. had a bigger problem. He just
safety tour de force. When it was time to go flying, couldn't wait to get his feet on the
But this is also the story of Stubby simply leaped into the open ground. Several hours in extra
"Stubby," a young, black and tail- cargo bay which was 3 to 4 feet off noisy and unfamiliar surroundings
less dog of dubious ancestry, who the ramp. At the end of the flight were enough to shake anyone.
taught me a lesson in safety. back at Rhein Main, Stubby just When the rear cargo door was
Back then, it wasn't unusual for leaped out the open door and opened, a black, fast-moving streak
each squadron to have a mascot. headed home for a "crew rest." shot past the crewmember and into

14 DECEMBER 1988
space. Stubby screwed up! There A few years ago in the crash of a cation of the flyers with their
was a muffled thump as the furry civilian airliner which was on final ''wonder" weapons, a dangerous
fellow hit the concrete. But the old approach, the last recorded words and deadly thread links us to the
boy was tough. He only suffered a of the flight crew were a discussion past- something that has killed
few cuts and bruises and was back of the price of a good used car. It just as surely as an enemy-
on all fours in a few weeks. But, as truly was their final approach. complacency! I think you get the
a result of his miscalculation, Stubby Senseless- Stubby-like, if you will. message. But remember, old Ben
would never again allow himself to And then there was the crew that Franklin said it best, "They that
be "escorted" on board any aircraft. placed a paper coffee cup over the won't be counseled can't be helped?'
Who says animals are dumb? gear handle light (after pulling the The Berlin Airlift came to an end
Stubby learned a lesson from a warning horn circuit breaker), in September of 1949; and Stubby
serious error in judgment. Stubby because the horn blew intermit- went DNIF (duty not involving fly-
made the mistake of anticipating tently and the light stayed on at ing) permanently, settling down
something that wasn't there. He cruise altitude. That Stubby-like with "Lady,' another mixed br~ed
was complacent. He let habitual action made for a smooth gear-up dog adopted by our unit. And as
behavior take over. How often do landing. I'm sure you've heard and the acknowledged airlift cham-
we humans do that? When we get told stories like these, never pions of the world, we were soon
in the habit of doing things auto- thinking it could happen to you. It called upon to support the United
matically, without thinking, we can and will if your checklist isn't Nations force in Korea in June
place ourselves and others in your Bible. 1950. Yes, wefmallymanaged(with
danger. Whether driving a car or I believe that the men and the help of a mild sedative) to get
piloting a jet, make it a practice to women of to day's Air Force are bet- Stubby and Lady on board the
stay one move ahead. Use that ter trained than in years past. I aircraft headed toward our new
checklist. Stubby couldn't, but you also believe that our modern home in Ashiya, Japan. And most
can. Keep your mind on the busi- machines and equipment are the of us (checklist followers) lived hap-
ness at hand. world's best. Despite the sophisti- pily ever after. __::>.


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Incidents and
chock talk

with a Maintenance

The problem occurred as a result of some sheet

metal repair work that had been done improperly.
Mter assessing a couple of gouges in the aluminum
skin at the bottom of the left engine intake, the sheet
metal foreman decided to have them repaired. He
instructed the mechanic to drill the gouges out with a
number 30 drill bit and install a 118 inch cherry max
Know your job fastener in each hole. Instead the mechanic drilled the
holes with a number 10 drill bit and used 3/16 inch

A n F-4 was placed in the sound suppressor for a

jet calibration and high- power engine conditioning
run. Intake inspections were made by qualified engine
fasteners, creating a knife edge condition on the coun-
tersinks which resulted in the holes being enlarged by
the fasteners. Unfortunately, the foreman inspected
run mechanics, both before and after the run. During the work and approved it. During the last engine run,
the swing shift, the engine was inspected and run to the FO D fastener was pulled through the enlarged
clear an equipment cooling writeup. Mter the run, hole and ingested into the engine.
mechanics found a rivet missing in the left intake and The mechanic who did the faulty repair either didn't
serious foreign object damage (FOD) was discovered understand the proper repair procedures for the job
throughout the compressor. assigned or simply chose not to follow the instructions
he had been given. A faulty inspection only compli-
cated the problem. Reminds you of the old saying, "A
job worth doing is worth doing right," doesn't it?

The omitted step

W hen an F-15 was towed to the Hush House for a
checkout due to an augmenter blowout
problem, it received a FOD inspection from the crew
prior to t he engine run. The inspection revealed an

improperly seated screw in one panel and eight
screws missing from four other panels. The crew then
did an intake inspection, but the missing screws were
not found. The engine run crew chief then chose to
continue to run the engine instead of giving the air-
craft back to flight line maintenance to correct
the problem.
During the subsequent engine run, sparks were
observed coming from the rear of the number one
engine. Inspection ofthe engine at that point revealed
serious foreign object damage throughout the engine,
requiring the core and inlet modules to be sent back to
the depot for repair.
The lesson to be learned from this incident is obvi-
ous. We are continually reminded of the importance of
FOD walks and intake inspections in order to stamp
out the loss of valuable work hours and resources to
foreign object damage. FOD prevention is crucial to
successful mission accomplishment. When you find tated tip of the finger was crushed beneath the weight
foreign objects or evidence that some exists, don't of the drum and efforts by the hospital to save it were
omit the next important step- follow-up to correct unsuccessful.
the problem. You work around a lot of heavy and sometimes
sharp objects that can cause serious physical damage
if you're not careful. If you're doing some intensive
physical moving, take extra care to make sure that
you're not going to suffer either damage or loss to one
of your fmgers or toes.
Watch those fingers
A worker was assigned to move two 55-gallon
drums that weighed 470 pounds each. He loaded
both of them on the forklift tines and headed for the
new storage area.
At the new warehousing location, the worker There - Take that
stopped to ask where they wanted the drums to be
placed. Before he jumped back in the forklift, the
worker checked the drums to ensure they were still
centered. Noticing that the front drum was slightly
A n F-4 had just been topped off with fuel at one of
the hot pits, and one of the technicians discon-
nected the refueling nozzle·and handed it to his assis-
off center, he took his leather workman's gloves off to tant. The second man raised and swung the nozzle,
"get a better grip on the drum," bent down and lifted trying to swing the hose clear of an AIM-9 missile on
the drum approximately 3 to 5 inches off of the right the aircraft. Unfortunately, he was unable to control
tine and pushed it back into position. As he laid the the momentum of the hose and the nozzle struck the
drum back down, he pinched the tip of his left middle missile, shattering the radome.
finger between the underside of the drum and the Using a little more brain and not so much brawn can
right tine. He felt pressure and a little pain but did not take a few more seconds but usually prevents a costly
realize his fmger was jammed tightly between the item, such as a missile, from having to go back to the
drum and the tine. When he stood up, he ripped the depot for repairs. Think about it. If we do it smart,
tip of his left middle finger completely off. The ampu- safety takes care of itself.

Been there, done that...

Capt Sam Huffstetler

Holloman AFB, NM
Well, folks, It's time once again to slt down and learn
''There I wuz,just coastin' out from the mistakes of others.
west near Herman's Manor
when all of a sudden a four-ship of
Rhino strikers came smoking out of After all, someone has said there aren't any new
the haze. Waaall, let me tell you, causes of mishaps, just old ones revisited.
boy, I just got me a self-sorting
Lima shot on the leaders and
gunned the others- in the face, of
course ..."
Yessiree, we do love those war standard February fare- a single clouds real (and I mean REAL)
stories, especially when they rein- deck of variable thickness at 14,000 close, heading in the same
force our warrior image. Unfor- feet. direction.
tunately, there are thousands of Being a good wingman, I had Wait a minute. Lead is at my six
"war stories" or "there I was" studied the usual safety items for 20 miles. Nobody else is sup-
accounts out there that don't get related to night flights, especially posed to be out here. Those lights
the press they ought to. These sto- for overwater and in mixed are too bright to be squid boats
ries tell how we almost killed our- weather. If you have ever flown at down on the water, besides the
selves by making a not-so-smart night over water, you know that clouds are too thick for the lights to
move. Or how we learned from a sense of flying into an ominous penetrate. What else could it be?
mistake weve made. Well, folks, it's "black hole." Looking out over the These areas aren't off limits to civil
time to once again sit down and nose of the jet, one could see, oh, traffic, but I'm not too close to an
learn from the mistakes of others. maybe six feet. It's pure instru- airway, I think. In the two seconds
After all, someone has said there ments and radar interpretation out it takes for my mind to muddle
aren't any new causes of mishaps, there, and visual illusions are com- through the options, suddenly the
just old ones revisited. mon. But they would never happen lights emerge from the clouds.
So here we go with a series of to me, right? Good grief, it's an airliner!
articles designed to "tell on our- After the third intercept, I was All I can see is the long string of
selves." Read and heed, pilgrim, proceeding southwest in the area lights from the cabin windows. Hes
'cause you might as well learn from to set up for one more. The cloud so close I can't even see the wingtip
my mistakes rather than make deck was just underneath me at 16 nav lights. Don't see any people in
them yourself. grand and was barely illuminated those windows, but that doesn't
There I was in my mighty Eagle by the one percent moon that matter ... I'm flying ten feet over a
Jet, doing 1 V 1 night intercepts seemed to be standard for night 747's wing, and it's time to "get
over the South China Sea. Our area sorties. Feeling pretty good about outta Dodge!"
was northwest of Okinawa, some my cosmic intercepts, I glanced at I plug in full blower and roll into a
eighty-five miles away from home my left nine dclock only to see six G, 80- degree right bank. Sixty
base at Kadena. The weather was lights coming up through the ·degrees and a quart of adrenaline

20 DECEMBER 1988
later, I look back to my left seven to
pick up the wayward heavy's lights.
'Ib my horror, he's not behind me.
The lights are still very close at my
left nine, following me through the
"hiyakka" pull to get out of his way.
What?? No miserable Northwest
Orient crew- dog could follow me
through that kind of maneuver!
The light begins to dawn in my
now disoriented cranium. I recover
the jet and begin a gentle turn back
to the south to get a good look at
the "bandit" off to the left. It isn't
an airliner bent on flying Thunder-
bird close formation with me.
Instead, I'm looking at the lights of
Okinawa, 85 miles to the southeast.
On my southbound leg, I had flown
to the edge of the cloud layer, and
had seen the island's lights as the
clouds thinned. From the north-
west, Okinawa appeared to be a long
string of white lights, just the right
size to make me think that it was
"something else."

Good grief, it's an airliner!

All I can see is a long

string of lights from the
cabin windows.
He's so close I can't even
see the wingtip na v lights.


So now I have two other problems. during the day just isrit as good at
First, the aircraft seems to be tum- night. Think about your last night
bling uncontrollably. Fortunately, I mission. Did you see another air-
realize that the jet is straight and So what did I, Mr. Pilot, craft in the radar pattern on a con-
level- it's my brain and middle ear learn from this verging heading that looked as if he
that are gimballed. I throw the encounter? was only a mile or so away? You
autopilot on and my internal gyros also probably realized later that he
begin to cage themselves. The was five miles off on a parallel
second problem is obvious. Is any- First and foremost, course. Yeah, yeah ... I know. It's
one going to fmd out that I made a maintain control of your one thing to misjudge a mile versus
defensive break for, uh ... an aircraft as you react to five miles, but ten feet and 85
island? miles? Look, I'm not a rocket scien-
That question is answered unexpected situations. tist, but I'm not as dumb as I look
quickly when the silence is broken either. If it could happen to me, it
with a radio call, "Two ... You might happen to you.
"Yeah ... !11 tell you about it
later ... "I wondered how I was
going to explain my way out of this
So what did I, Mr. Pilot, learn
from this encounter? First and
foremost, maintain control of your
aircraft as you react to unexpected
situations. Had I not had the
presence of mind to level the wings
and give the jet to George, I might
have gyrated myself right into the
water. The quick, unexpected onset
to six Gs and accompanying bank
"dumped"my vestibular system,
and it took a few seconds to over-
come the sensation of tumbling.
When you know that the turn is
coming, it's easier to maintain some
level of spatial orientation- but
high - rate turns at night are still a
bit more difficult than the cus-
tomary turns during the day.
Second, that good old depth per-
ception you depend on so much been there, done that...

22 DECEMBER 1988
I talked myself into
believing the lights were
part of a jet, now what
they were in reality - an
island 85 miles away.

were in reality- an island 85 miles

You have undoubtedly experi-
enced this to a lesser extent your-
self. In the air-to-air environment,
it is common to padlock and begin a
conversion on your assigned ban-
dit, only to discover that he is a
heavy flying well outside the air-
space. Mud-movers see it, too. How
many people have visually
acquired the horizon lights on a
night bombing ride only to discover
that they are flying off of a star con-
What's the bottom line? Shoot, I
don't have all the answers, but a few
cliches, tired as they are, still apply.
Cross check your instruments
often. Perform evasive action
whenever you think it is necessary,
but expect the consequences.
Night flying is more conducive to
visual illusions and spatial dis-
orientation. Do you have a plan to
get your jet and pink bod out of a
difficult situation? Finally, don't
jump to conclusions about what
you think you see out there.
So now it's your turn. Let's share
Finally, humans tend to sort the lights off to my left were very some of these war stories with each
what we see into recognizable close, it was natural for me to iden- other, and maybe we can learn
categories. When you visually tify them with something big that something. Send them directly to
acquire lights in the distance while would have a long string oflights TAG Attack. They're just itchin' to
night flying, you will try to identify oriented along the horizon. I talked get new ideas and bylines (or print
them using preconceived images myself into believing that the lights your story anonymously if you'd
in your mind. Since I "knew" that were part of a jet, not what they rather). ~

A few more specifics apply to personnel assigned to
the Munitions Branch. Nuclear training is required
and must be conducted by all units in the Munitions
Branch which inspect, handle, store, maintain, test, or
transport nuclear training shapes. Personnel must be
certified on nuclear weapons tasks if the nuclear
weapon is a primary munition on the UCML, or they
must be qualified on nuclear weapons tasks if a
nuclear weapon is listed as a support munition on the
UCML- lAW TACR 136-102. Also, personnel must
be qualified on stacking/unstackingweapons in
frames, and 75 percent of mobility-tasked personnel in
each Combat Munitions Unit and Combat Storage
Unit must be trained on emergency destruct and com-
mand disablement system procedures. Finally, the
individual in charge of a nuclear training weapons
convoy must be a Munitions Branch representative,
weapons words
be a 7-level or higher, and be responsible for briefmg
all personnel accompanying the convoy.
These items do not encompass all the required
nuclear training items, but should be enough to get
the ball rolling on a program which may have been
neglected. Good luck on your next nuclear training

Take notice
Nuclear training? Me! A munitions handling crew was loading a trailer
with containers of computer control groups.
While inside the storage building, one crew member
Maj Jonny J. Hepler was attempting to pick up two containers of the parts
HQTAC/LGWP with a forklift. Unfortunately, the driver allowed the
forklift's tines to go too far under the containers, catch-

T he subject of required nuclear training and evalu-

ation has recently become a more frequently dis-
cussed topic. Usually, the first question is: "Am I
ing a stack of eight boxes behind them. When the fork-
lift tines were raised and the driver began to back out,
the spotter noticed the stack of containers swaying
required to have nuclear training?" The answer is sim- back and forth. He shouted for the forklift driver to
ple. If your organization has a nuclear weapon listed stop; however, the top six containers in the stack were
as a primary or support munition on the Unit Com- already falling.
mitted Munitions List (UCML), then, as a minimum, What could have prevented this incident? A team
assigned personnel must receive nuclear surety train- effort. The spotter was there specifically to check the
ing and are subject to nuclear surety evaluation dur- work area and serve as a second set of eyes for places
ing a HQ TAC/IG visit. Furthermore, as the Weapons where the driver couldn't see. The driver's job was to
Standardization Section/Division is responsible for transport the required munitions safely from the build-
load crew training, they must ensure all load crews ing to the trailer. His job is not only t6 watch where
are certified on nuclear support munitions in addi- he's driving, but where those tines are going
tion to the requirements found in MCR 66-5. as well.

24 DECEMBER 1988
crew chief rotated the selective jettison switch from
Out of order the "Off' to the "Left Aft" position, he heard a loud
bang, and was told, of course, that the impulse carts

D uring an operational readiness inspection, a load

crew was assigned the task of loading two AIM -7
missiles on an F-4. The load crew chief instructed his
had fired. Surprise, surprise, surprise.
The maintenance folks were not able to determine
why the impulse carts fired since the load crew chief
crew to prep the stations for stray voltage checks and had not depressed the ''Push to Jett'' button. The fact
upload the missiles according to the applicable techni- remains that voltage was present and fired the carts
cal order (T.O.). when the switch was rotated. That's precisely what
While preparing the left aft missile launcher, the stray voltages are all about. The crew member work-
number two man installed two Mk-9 impulse car- ing on the station had installed the impulse carts
tridges in the station. Meanwhile, the load crew chief prior to performing the stray voltage check, which
climbed into the cockpit and had power applied to the was in reverse order from the prescribed checklist
aircraft in order to do the stray voltage checks. As the sequence. Make sure you don't have to experience
something like this mishap to drive home the point-
checklists are in a particular order for a reason.

Comedy of errors

T here was nothing comical about the series of

errors that led to this mishap's occurrence. An F-4
returned from a local exercise training mission with
three BDU-33s still loaded inside a SUU-21 dispenser.
The aircraft was scheduled to become a load crew
trainer the following week so it was towed to a hangar
and the SUU-21 was downloaded by an unqualified
weapons load crew. They didn't document the fact that
the dispenser still contained unexpended munitions
and it was placed in a storage building for use in
later missions.
When the SUU-21 was identified as due for a
180-day inspection, the swing shift armament crew
placed it on a work stand and connected a tester.
When the load crew chief opened the doors of the
munitions dispenser, he noticed the three practice
bombs inside and notified the shift supervisor who
told him to close the dispenser doors. As the crew
chief tried to do that, he activated the wrong switch
and the bomb was ejected and impacted the floor,
burning him and shattering an overhead light fixture.
Any single element in this mishap could have led to
serious problems: unqualified load crew, improper or
incomplete documentation, inattention to the
presence of practice bombs inside the dispenser, and
incorrect switchology. 'Thken together, they were
allowed to be a mishap looking for a place to happen.
Unfortunately, they could all have been avoided.


A SOF's worst nightmare

I magine yourself in this

situation- you are the morning
SO F (supervisor of flying) and have
primary and secondary alternates
making them unusable so a weather
recall is initiated. Four jets make it
know of the recall or divert until
they began recovery. So they start

just launched the first go. The back and land safely, but then the
weather was marginally OK -1200- weather at home base takes a dive
foot ceiling and 7 miles visibility, to a 400 ~foot ceiling and%- mile visi-
and forecast to improve. You've got bility. There's only one option The weather was
three good alternates with weather left- send everybody to the far- marginally OK
about the same as the home drome, thest, and most seldom used, alter-
and forecasted to stay up. Fifteen nate. The weather there is supposed - 1200 foot ceiling,
jets take off and things are going to be a 2000- foot ceiling and 6 miles 7 miles visibility, and
pretty routine. But now your vis. But now something else goes
game plan starts to fall apart- wrong. Communication to the air- forecast to improve.
and quickly!! borne aircraft was ineffective and
Thunderstorms move over the six of the eleven aircraft did not

26 DECEMBER 1988
from this incident.
What went wrong in this situa-
tion? Ignoring the presumptions of
Monday morning quarterbacking,
Thunderstorms move we can basically say the SOF was
over the primary and relying on faulty information as he
secondary alternates made his launch and his divert deci-
sion. No one, no matter how
making them unusable experienced or capable, can be
so a weather recall expected to make correct decisions
under those conditions. The only
is initiated. information this SO F had was the
marginally acceptable weather
forecasts (1200- foot ceilings) and
the knowledge that this informa-
tion had a reputation for being
it. If it wasn't for a final bit of luck unreliable. Using this information,
and some superb airmanship on the SOF launched his unit's air-
the part of several of the diverting craft, but it soon became obvious
pilots, this scenario could well have that all the forecasts were bad and
become a disaster for the U.S. Air no reasonable options would be
Force. left. In retrospect, if the SOF had
This incident is true. It happened deferred the launch decision, by
recently in one of our overseas com- slipping or cancelling the first go,
mands. The entire sequence was this incident would not have
further complicated by communi- occurred.
cations problems associated with In November's TAG Attack, an
host nation controllers and article was published that dis-
weather personnel. The resulting cussed the concept of "SO F Savvy,"
investigation found the weather which means making correct deci-
and weather forecasting system to sions based upon all available
be causal. While the SOF was not information. The article also
causal, there are some important recommends that SOF's never
lessons for all TAC SOF's to learn "press the weather?' This is obvi-
ously a prime example of why.
What can other SOF's learn from
this incident? Simply put, before
their weather divert much later making a launch decision, analyze
than they should have. the information available. Know
The final straw occurs when the Communication to the where it came from and decide if it
weather at the divert base deteri- airborne aircraft was can be relied upon. If the informa-
orates to 1000 -feet ceiling, 1-1/2 mile tion (weather or otherwise) is
vis with thunderstorms, standing ineffective and six of shaky, then don't make a launch
water on the runway, and the eleven aircr.aft did decision. In this case, waiting a few
prevailing crosswinds/tailwinds. hours until the information was
There is no option left for the
not know of the recall reliable enough to make a "savvy"
diverting jets but to land under or divert until they decision, and losing a few sorties
these conditions. 'Th make a long began recovery. would have been a much better
story short, of the eleven diverting course of action. And again, "don't
aircraft, five landed with !FE's press the weather!" Sorties can
(emergency fuel), and three engaged always be made up, but aircraft and
cables on landing, but they all made pilot lives cannot. .....:>

you never know when you'll need them

Sgt C.J. Conder Well, after a short trip to the gas a slight whiplash, and I had a pulled
RAF Bentwaters, UK station and foodland, we were set. muscle in my lower back. The kids
The sky was clear, the roads were just wanted to know why we had
dry, and our brakes were in good stopped.

T he plan was for my wife to·get

the kids ready, then drive to
the shop and pick me up so we
working order. We were off. Less
than two miles from home, my
wife swung wide to see around a
I can say that if we had not used
our seatbelts, my wife would be
able to tell you the flavor of the
could go to the amusement park sharp curve. Just as she did, a steering wheel; of course that
together. Normally I drive, but I car appeared. would be after they replaced her
had to work the previous night Needless to say, if you lock your teeth. I would have given our wind-
shift and it was to be a long trip. brakes up, you can try to steer your shield a goodnight kiss with my
Both of the kids have their own car in any direction you want, but face or forehead and needed some
car seats, and we always buckle you will only go straight. That is serious stitchery work. But all we
them in. Once, to get our two·year- exactly what happened. We skid- needed after the accident was a few
old son to agree to be buckled in, ded across the road and into the days of rest and another car. So, it
my wife answered his ''Why?" with oncoming vehicle. doesn't matter whether the reason
"cause were the buckle-up family, The speed of the impact was less for an accident is yours or someone
that's why?' So now and then he will than 25 mph, but the force was elses, just make sure you're in the
remind us that we "haffta be da enough to "total" both cars. We "buckle-up group'' so you can live to
buck 'o-ufffamwie?' each had a few bruises, my wife had tell about it. __.:::;...

28 DECEMBER 1988
S Sgt Timothy M. Conkey and
SrA Scott E. Petrelius were
discussing the mission with the
pilot of their A-10 following engine
shutdown when they heard a loud
pop in the rear of the aircraft. Sgt
Conkey checked the exhaust of SSgt Timothy M. Conkey SrA Scott E. Petrelius
both engines and discovered flames
engulfing the inner cowlings on 355 AGS, 355 TFW
number two. He quickly grabbed Davis-Monthan AFB AZ
the ground fire extinguisher and
handed the hose and nozzle to SrA
Petrelius who was positioned by
the engine.
Sgt Conkey then proceeded up
the crew ladder in order to dis-
charge the aircraft fire bottles
from the cockpit. After expending
one bottle, the fire light in the right
engine "T'' handle remained on, and
SrA Petrelius stated that the blaze
had spread to the rear of the
After Sgt Conkey had expended
the aircraft fire bottles, he asked
the pilot to put on his helmet and
report the fire to the tower. At the
same time, Sgt Conkey retrieved a
second ground fire extinguisher in
order to finish putting the remain-
ing blaze out.
The timely, decisive actions
taken by Sgt Conkey and SrA
Petrelius ensured that the damage
was limited to a valuable USAF


T he local area around Clovis

and Cannon AFB, New Mex- ·
ico, was experiencing heavy light-
flooded area of water that was flow-
ing swiftly across the road. He
fought to maintain control of his
ning, hail, tornadoes, and flash flood- auto; and, when his car came to a
ing when SSgt Charles Reynolds stop, it was sitting in the opposite
was returning at night from a trip lane of the highway.
35 miles away. Although it was not Wanting to ensure other motorists
raining when he started the trip, as could avoid the deteriorating road
he got closer to Clovis, New Mex- conditions he had encountered, Sgt SSgt Charles B. Reynolds
ico, an intense lightning storm ReYI).olds turned around and drove 27 CRS, 27 TFW
began and it started to rain. out of the flooded area, parked his Cannon AFB, NM
Realizing the possibility of road car on the edge of the road about 20
hazards ahead of him, Sgt Rey- yards before the obstacle, and
nolds slowed down appropriately turned on his emergency flashers. he enabled to avoid the road haz-
for the worsened road conditions. As a result of his actions, seven ard. Sgt Reynolds' safety con-
During the next few miles, the motorists were prevented from sciousness and concern for others
increasing rain dramatically entering the flooded area and Sgt have earned him the TAC Out-
reduced his driving visibility. Sud- Reynolds was attributed with standing Achievement in Safety
denly, Sgt Reynolds hit a large potentially saving the lives of those Award.
TAC Tally

FY 89


1 1 1

. 0 0

IN THE ENVELOPE EJECTIONS 1/O 1/0 1/0 1/0 0/10 0 /0

OUT OF ENVELOPE EJECTIONS 0/0 0/0 0,0 0/0 0/0 0/0
. (succEssFuL/uNsuccEssFuL)

TAC'S TOP 5 thru OCT 1988

9th AF

33 TFW
354 TFW
23 TFW



TA (, - FY 16

ANci FY 89 00
0.0 0 1 .2 2.5 IMO 2.9 3.0 Is inl.
A FY 89
rrillITIIIMINIVIIIII mil irmi imi
FR _Fy88 rgall 7.7 5.8 pi-
FY 89
1 1

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UNITED STATES PRINTING OFFICE: 1987 - 1988 625-031/12

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