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What a day, what is night

Why do we have no words

Its all meaningless
Or everything as meaningful as the other
What happened today
Or was it yesterday
Or yesternight
Or daynight
What was happening
Sleeping dreaming
Reality dream
It starts with Choe
You know
It does
What was that
Fascinating, as you said
Why do you play games with me
Ah, I love it
You are
I don’t know
I yearn
You are.
What were you doing
It was amazing
We talked
I was not nice
But inquisitive
And not as kind as I would like to have been
Was I making it all up
Obivously I was
Or at least my sub-conscious was
Whatever that means
What was happening, Choe
What happened when I saw you again
It was very strange
And fascinating, as you said
And then
Something strange happened even more strange if things could be stranger than one another
or with reality
Things are amazingly strange
What was that
Yes, it was him
He asked us to follow his way
Or that’s what I said later
To the policeman, was he
Where was I
What was happening
He asked me the question about the 2 wars
What the heck, man
Which side did you fight for
I said I was from India and that it was not our war
I did say or wanted to say that we fought with the allied forces
Maybe I did or did not, the guy amazingly got friendlier after that, he wrote that I was from
I was thinking if I would be deported
But he did not ask for my id
He let us go
Me and the other guy
Who was left behind that “shower” place
Where Jesus had guided us to
Why did he leave us behind
Why couldn’t we follow him
Why did he take us there
And what was the point of taking us to the shower when we had just swam through a
What was going on
I couldn’t tell anything because we couldn’t see when we were swimming
I can’t tell if we couldn’t see while swimming because I never opened my eyes
I heard everyone else in the water clamouring that we couldn’t see and I never opened my
eyes, I never questioned it
I thought it would be just another plays of Jesus, I am only sure that it was Jesus we were
And even though, some of us were shouting and screaming through our way, nobody ever
questioned any of his orders and followed him “blindly” literally when we were swimming
and until we came out, we had become blind and It seemed so natural and non-questionable
to me and that I just smiled and kept swimming with my eyes closed. I had thrown away
my bag before jumping into the water, it was, again, not even questioned that decision,
which later the guy who the policemen caught me left with, did question me about and he
returned me my wallet, even though I don’t remember him having my bag, what did he do,
before jumping into the river, did he take my wallet, because I remember he was behind me
when we were running towards the river escaping from those bullets.
Who were those people in the field who were shooting at us, they were shooting at all of us,
right in front of us maybe 10 meters away and Jesus was right there, I was there at his left
maybe at the extreme left, I remember a bullet being shot at me, and the point was not to be
afraid to be able to ditch that bullet, Jesus never explained but I saw him ditch one bullet
and somehow understood that the only thing was just to be light and I remember turning
my head upside and just giving myself a spin in the air, I was horizontally in the air, my
head up, moving my hands and legs in rhythmic dance while bullets came, some of the
other people there maybe, caught a few bullets, others avoided it but I did not know
because I was in my dance, I thought Jesus was there and he was smiling, but anyway he
also took out a few bullets out from people, I remember someone who had two children
caught a bullet in her neck, maybe but he took it out and I guess she was alright. Jesus
Christ, what was it.

I explained to the policemen though that we were just looking forward to go uphill and
Jesus had said to follow his way, he knew a special way, the policemen were looking for
Jesus, maybe I thought that so many have died for the cause, and this was the time for me
and the other guy to die, i did not repent it but the policemen was not very angry at us and
let us go. Jesus asked us to take a shower at that place or maybe he did not, when I was
going up the ladder, we were all looking for him and I heard or saw that he was in one of
those showers and everybody just was going to take a shower, when I saw him and I was
going up the ladder, I was shouting Jesus, then maybe I saw him again going though those
spiral ladders, I went into the shower by the time was done, I heard shouts of rushing and
going away, Jesus had already left, when I came out hastily of the shower, and tried to go
through that strange door, saw the police man and tried to hide but was caught. Strangely
the policemen let us go, me and the other guy. I thought that was the end of us, I did feel
fear but just for a second, and I literally said to the guy Jesus asked to follow his way. I did
not want to lie and he took it simply, and was not aggressive towards us, and these were the
guys or maybe not who were shooting at us above. He asked me where I came from but not
my name, and then he let us go. That’s when I guess the other guy told me about my wallet
and gave it to me back. When we both were leaving, the policeman asked us if he will go
the way Jesus had promised us to go or will take the long way. We must have said the long
We came out, we were walking and started to look for the short way, the other guy asked
one person on the street, he casually started walking with us and said that there was a short
way and he would tell us. We reach to a T-point where we stopped and he asked the guy
with me where exactly we wanted to go, he in turn started asking him the short way without
him explaining our destination, they were at it a little while, I intervened and said to my
companion, why don’t you simply tell the other guys where we wanna go, because I
couldn’t tell him because I didn’t know, that was implied to him, he knew that I did not
know where we were going to go, and I knew that he knew. I don’t think he told the person
where we were going to go and we three stayed there looking at each other’s face at the T

Transcripción de un “Sueño”

Con fecha de 15 de Nov de 2021.

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