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1. Ask Lord to shows us any way, that He is not yet fully King in our lives.
He will bring areas in our lives.

Fear: worship another God and honoring god who is more powerful that
our God. Live under the fear is not living under the kingship of Jesus. He
wants to be free of fear. Child of God doesnt live under the fear.

Self condemnation: comparing to others and putting ourselfs down or

putting ourselfs over others. Is putting ourselfs on the throne.

Self striving: belongs to the old live, old dominion, living under the law.
Children of the kingdom dont live under the law. We live in the freedom,
higher than the law. We dont disobey the law. Jesus is King, who works
in us, empowerig us. Jesus wants to free us from self striving, where we
wants to achive hollines as a human work. Lord says: I want to be
released from that. I want for you to let go this and live in the freedom
of children of God.

Marriage: ask Lord, if he is full King of our marriage? Is my marriage fully

under your kingship?

Children: are relationship with children fully under kingshipof Jesus?

Finances: are my finances under the kingship of Jesus?

Eating habits: are they inder the kingship of Jesus?

Daily schedule: is under kingship of Jesus?

Thoughts: are they under kingship of Jesus? If i have thoughts of

discourigments, of complaining, these thoughts are not under the
kingship of Jesus yet.

He wants to reign as King in every one of those areas, He wants to reign

under the throne of our hearts in such a radicl way.
Wherever you see that Jesus is not yet King, just REPENT and BELIEVE.
Invite Jesus to be King of these areas or whatever areas Holy Spirit
shows you. Invite Him to be fully king.

Any way that we have resisted our call to be ambasador of the King, any
way that we have been motivated by the fear of man, or indifference, or
selfcentreness, worldiness, forgive us Lord, fornot carying out our
mandate to spread your kingdom.

Jesus, we are so grateful for the privilage, that we know you, thank you
for this gift, let our tongues not be silent, let our feet not hesitate, go,
wherever you send us, let our hands not be drooping, let our knees not
be weak, let our hearts not be discouraged, let the power of your
kingdom explode in our lives, let each of us be walking kingdom of God,
place of light in middst of shadow, thank you Lord, what a joy to be in
your kingdom.

Let declare the Kingdom in every are of sickness:

In the nameo f Jesus, the kingdom of God is here. Backs, spine, legs,
hands, acknowledge the Kingdom, be straight in the name of Jesus,
hands be straightend, knees be straightend, be lifted up, in the nameo f
Jesus, pain depart, bodies be healed in the name of Jesus. Because
Kingdom is here. Amen.

In the name o f Jesus, i declare, the kingdom of God is here because King
is here. Spines, be healed, …pain leave all weak parts, all oppresion, we
break your power, in the name of Jesus, we declare Jesus victory over
dominion of darkness, any spirit of infirmity, we command you to flee, in
the name of Jesus. Amen.

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