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Japanese 11

StartUp Assignment
Part 1: Student Learning Profile (5 marks)

A. Essential Information:

Full Name Angela Mae Saguirre

Preferred Name Angela Pronouns She/Her

Email Phone # 778-636-0907

Parent/Guardian Full
Jo-ann Alarcio Saguirre

Email Phone # 778-865-2435

Main School (where you

are taking majority of Windermere Secondary

School Counselor Phone #


What Grade are you currently 8

in? (Majority of courses)

Have you already graduated If yes, when:

from secondary school?

B. Required Courses:

In the following chart fill in any Grade 10, 11 and 12 courses you have taken or are taking now. Please use
the following symbols: C = already completed or IP = currently taking/are in progress (or are signed up to
take this school year if not yet started). If there are courses, you have not taken yet simply leave blank.
Required Courses


English 10 English 12 /Comm.

English 11 /Comm. 11

Math 10 Social Studies 11

Graduation Transi-
(Apprenticeship/Workplace (or Canadian Civics 11 or BC
or Foundations) First Nations 12)
Science 11
Physical Education 10 (Biology, Chemistry,
Physics, Earth Sciences or
Science & Technology)
Mathematics 11
Planning 10 (Apprenticeship/Workplace,
(or CAPP 11/12) Foundations or Pre-
Social Studies 10
Science 10

List ONE Fine Arts/Applied Skills course from grade 10, 11 or 12:

Elective Credits…


(Minimum 3 courses)
Part 2: Course Timeline (2.5 marks)
Here’s a list of all the tasks that you will complete in this course. They are listed in the order in which
you will complete them and you will have 12 months in total. Go over the list and add the approximate
dates you intend to complete each task by.
Approximate date you intend
Tasks (by order that you complete)
to complete these tasks

StartUp Assignment

Module 1
 Daily routines (1 assignment, 1 audio journal, 1 discussion
entry) March 15, Wednesday, 2023

*Suggested duration - 2-4 weeks

Module 2
 Past tense daily routines (1 assignment, 1 audio journal, 1
discussion entry) March 17, Friday, 2023

*Suggested duration - 2-4 weeks

Module 3
 Holiday plans (1 assignment, 1 audio journal, 1 discussion
entry) March 20, Monday, 2023

* Suggested duration - 2-4 weeks

E-mail me THREE dates and

Oral exam 1 (via Skype)
times in order of your
 You need to complete this before taking the mid-term.

Online Review Quiz 1

 You must complete this before taking the midterm.

Midterm exam
 You must have completed modules 1, 2 and 3 and have Book your exam online.
handed in all assignments before writing the mid-term.

Module 4
 Post vacation (1 assignment, 1 audio journal, 1 discussion
entry) March 25, Saturday, 2023

*Suggested duration - 2-4 weeks

Module 5
 Illness (1 assignment, 1 audio journal, 1 discussion entry) March 27, Monday, 2023
*Suggested duration - 2-4 weeks

Online Review Quiz 2

Oral exam 2 (via Skype)

Currently omitted.
 You must complete this before taking the final exam.

Final exam
 The final exam covers all the modules. You must have
Again, book your exam online.
completed all the modules and have handed in all

These projects can be

Cultural projects completed any time during the
 Suggested duration 1-2 weeks year but must not be
submitted after the final exam.
Part 3: Identify what you learned and what you need to learn. (2.5 marks)

Below I have listed what I usually cover in my introductory Japanese 11 course. I understand that
students come from a variety of backgrounds and depending on the teacher you had previously,
you may not have encountered some of these items. If this is the case, once you get the textbook,
make sure to review that section.

In the chart below, place an “x” in the box to the right of the item you are familiar with and
understand at a satisfactory level how to use it in a sentence. Please be honest here. I am not
looking for any right or wrong answers. If you do everything that is asked in this section, you will
receive full marks.

Place an
Grammatical item Sample use
“x” here
Numbers すうじ 1-100 いちがつ、さんじ、いつか

Time じかん いま、くじです。

Phone number でんわばんごう でんわばんごうは、983-8890 です。

Particle の せんせいの ほん。

X は Y です わたしは せんせいです。

Numbers すうじ 100-10000 いちまんえん、にせんじゅうねん

これ、それ、あれ それは せんせいのくるまです

この、その、あの あのレストランは おいしいですよ。

だれの これは だれの ほんですか

Particle も わたしも がくせいです

~じゃありません せんせいじゃありません

Verbs (present tense) たべます/のみます/ききます

Particles を、で、に、へ りんごを たべます。にほんに いきます。

Frequency adverbs よくコーラを のみますか。

~ませんか ケーキを たべませんか。

X が あります/います げつようびに れんしゅうが あります。

X は Y の まえ/うえ/なか です がっこうは マクドナルドの まえです。

きのうは すいようびでした。

Verbs (past tense) きのう、コーチに あいました。

Adjectives (present/past) げんきです さむくありませんでした

すきな/きらいな べんきょうが すきです

~ましょうか としょかんに いきましょうか。

Verbs te-form たべて/よんで/のんで/いって

~てください よんでください。

~てもいいです テストをうけなくてもいいです。

~てはいけません れんしゅうに いかなくてはいけません。

Joining sentences using the te-form 7じにおきて、ぎゅうにゅうを のみます。

~から いそいでください。バスが きますから。

~ましょうか ケーキを たべましょうか。

~ている べんきょうしています。テレビを みています。

Describing people アルバートさんは せが たかいです。

Te-form adjectives あのレストランは たかくて、おいしくないです。

Counting people くらすにせいとがじゅうにんいます。

place に (activity) に いく あした、こうえんに テニスを しにいきます。

Part 4: Grammar Concept Check (5 marks)

Choose FIVE grammatical concepts from that you are familiar with and construct a sample sentence for
each concept.

Grammatical concept ~から
Sample sentence きのう、あめがふったから でかけませんでした。


Grammatical concept
Sample sentence


Grammatical concept
Sample sentence


Grammatical concept
Sample sentence


Grammatical concept
Sample sentence


Grammatical concept
Sample sentence
Part 5: Cultural Research (3 marks)

Chose 3 aspects of the Japanese culture (ex. Anime, food, festivals, etc) that you are familiar with or
interested in. Do some research and find something that you didn’t know before and then answer
the following questions.

1. What is it?
2. How is it significant to Japan?
3. Why did you choose this topic?

Make sure to read through the “A talk on plagiarism” section below and work accordingly so your
work is NOT considered plagiarised (ie. Please include a reference section and include any sources
you used in answering these questions).

Culture 1:

What is it?
Architecture. Starting from the Edo period, which was the duration from 17th century to the middle of
the 19th century, architecture began to be reformed in ways of authenticity for the Japanese. Their
designs were heavily inspired and influenced by the Chinese, yet still include intricate and unique
Culture 2:

What is it?
Japan’s food varies in authenticity and tradition. Taken historically, rice has always been the staple
food for Japan, as noodles can be a substitution for such. As Japan lives near the sea, they prioritize
using fish as their meat source

How is it significant to Japan?

In is it all
Japan, significant
which are toalive
are proven to have meaning and merit. Within architecture, they
A civilization that runs on basic needs will
incorporate this in such ways by utilizing have and
nature foodworking
as one of them.
with Certain types
it. Cultural of also
identity foodhas
made from
much to
Japan are incomparable, thus making it a unique characteristic of their culture. The
do with it. Certain parts of Japanese houses are given names. For example, Tatami, is a commonly food they eat gives
them ifcharacter,
seen, not only,and some foods
in Japan. that affect
Traditionally theof
made environment or the
rice straw and people
cloth edges.itself,
It’s healthy or not,
a traditional mostly
aspect and
organic or not. This certain cuisine could also affect how the society is
something that makes Japan acquire a unique touch to their types of house interior. seen by how well their dish is,
how healthy, or how visually appealing it is.

Food has also been manipulated to whether they can eat it or not depending on religion, and it has
Why did you
changed choose this
through-out topic?
the years.
I have done many projects on architecture around the world, and I simply think that it is a great
Why did you choose
representation of how this
character countries put into their architecture. It’s one of the distinctions
that make every country unique. human needs, thus, important to all.
Because food is one of the basic

Culture 3:

What is it?
Festivals in Japan are typically celebrated to show praise and gratitude for God, generally a festival
celebrated for religious purposes. Japan does not only seclude their festivals to religious context, but
also for the purpose of reaching milestones or seasonal changes.
Part 6: Previous Learning History (2 marks)

If you did not take the VLN Introductory Japanese 11 courses, please tell us about your previous learning
experience. (when, where, for how long, with who, etc.)

So, I could not seem to find the courses for Introductory Japanese 11, thus I am on Japanese
11. I have no general understanding, but I do hope that I am able to learn as I go.
I have done quite a bit of academics and I am now in grade 9 math despite being in 8th grade
and have joined a math contest in the path. I hope to expand my learning!
Part 7: A Talk on Plagiarism

What is plagiarism?

Angela Mae Saguiree

I, understand that VLN has a zero-tolerance policy on plagiarism.
Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work (or parts of someone else’s work) as though it is my
own. I understand that if I am found to be plagiarizing, I will receive a zero for that assignment.
Repeated offenses will result in failure or withdrawal from the course or school.

Date: 01/03/2023

Formal procedures for cases of plagiarism:

First incident: Student receives a zero on the assignment and must contact the teacher
by email immediately.

Second incident: Student receives a zero on the assignment and must make an
appointment to see the teacher in person.

Third incident: Student fails or is withdrawn from course and/or school.

Course Name: Japanese 11

Student Name:

Feedback Date:

Mark: % ( /20)

Ok, I am done the assignment, what do I do now?

1. Name the file PEN#-StartUp Japanese 11 Online Block# LASTNAME First name.pdf
2. Submit to the folder called ‘StartUp assignment’

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