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Ø Modernist perspective
Ø Post -Modernist perspective = rationality and irrationality (pros and cons)
Ø Kant – categorical imperatives = universalism = challenges singularity
Ø E.g., Depression was earlier not included in DSM—movements – included now.
Ø E.g., Insanity vs neuroatypical population
Ø E.g., Sati Pratha and Johar Vivah
Ø One is an Agency – changing something
Ø Kenneth gergain – choices are made openly

Social Construction
- Knowledge is historically and culturally situated.
- History – schema (cognitive + gestalt)
- Culture – forms a template across transactions  base of our communication. One
can alter this template.
- Immense fluidity in what transpires.
- Knowledge is sustained through social processes.
- No linear relationship
- Behavior is inferred understanding.
Sense making if the surrounding

Ø Intent

Social constructivism vs social construction

Construction – larger perspective, knowledge is constructed mediated by social processes.

We are not consciously aware of them. MACRO

Constructivism – MICRO

Literary theory – work of vitgeneistein

Subjective, context specific
Language is manifest, by product and a tool for mediating a process.
Language isn’t descriptive in nature
Language game
Rules = past+ experiences+ culture+ you

Contrast with evolutionary perspective

EP- linear, progressive

Assignment – take one piece of aesthetic of your choice and based on that using social
constructionist perspective write your own thoughts.

Frozen rose - video

Poem of Darwish
Don McLean – Vincent starry, starry night
Van Gogh – Research paper on Van Gogh
An Israeli boy meets a Palestinian boy and discovers the truth isn’t what he’s told.

Symbolic Interactionism

If SC is a process, then SI is the functional unit

E.g. Shame – being embarrassment

Sharm – shyness, positive emotion, emotional ornament – ldkiyan bdi besharm hogyi hai.
Touching feet and how it has been changing. Changing etiquettes or becoming more

There is a context, actor, history, culture and different agencies (family, school, friends), no
linear relationship.
Pattern – motive, need and attitude is important for forming this pattern.

Importance of symbols.
Language is a combination of symbols. Symbols and meaning making changes the entire
meaning of the sentence. Mutually agreed upon.

Social identity - An Israeli boy meets a Palestinian boy and discovers the truth isn’t what
he’s told.

hole to whole
information never is evidences.

social identity theory – turner

- mere categorization effect

creates rites and rituals – gets institutionalized every day.
robbers cave, Solomon asch, milgram, zimbardo

Israel (jews) gave birth to hibru – creating rituals regularly

social identity theory

- fluid space
- social identities
- in groups, out groups
- eg. race, gender, sexual and political identities
- self -esteem from social identities = basking in reflecting glory, I vs Them/You
- ingroup favoritism and outgroup derogation
- Henri Tajfel – MINIMAL GROUP PARADIGM - prejudice.
- meaningless layers can even add the concept of social identity.
- terror management theory (outgroup hatred)
q – reflect/ deconstruct the narratives on nationalism with the lens of social
constructionism with influence of Social Interaction Theory

Tajfel – Mere categorization effect

Turner – social categorization theory

Asch, Milgram etc. – survivors of holocaust

Tajfel - social creativity bias – myth making

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