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Wrap-Up Practice Class: VI

Assignment Subject: English
Unit 4 Date:

Section A (Reading)


What is the danger lurking in Venice?

Over-tourism boils down to the simple fact of too many people visiting the same place at the
same time and Venice is, sadly, a prime example. Some 20 million visitors flood in each year;
on its busiest days, around 120,000 people visit this city which is home to just 55,000
permanent residents [1]. Many of these tourists stick to the famous landmarks – the Rialto
Bridge, St Mark’s Square – further concentrating numbers into a tiny footprint. This damages
Venice’s fragile buildings, strains its infrastructure, inhibits local people from going about
their business and frankly, makes for a woeful visitor experience, too.
Over-tourism’s impact on Venice
Obviously, life for those remaining local residents is impaired by this influx of day trippers
and tourists. On any given day, they are forced to negotiate crowds and put up with noisy
wheelie suitcases, selfie sticks and often disrespectful behaviour – swimming in canals,
picnicking on bridges – as they try to go about their daily lives. The worst part is that they see
the city they love being littered; they watch vast cruise ships chug up and down the Giudecca
Canal four or five times a day, emitting fumes before disgorging thousands of people and they
reflect on how the artisan spirit of the city has been eroded.
1.Answer the following questions based on the passage in 30-40 words.

a) What kind of issue/crisis is highlighted in the passage?

i)Economic ii)Social
iii) Cultural iv)Environmental

b) State one word to sum up the reason for the danger lurking in Venice?

c) What happens when the tourists stick to famous landmarks only? (Any 2)

d) Find the synonym for the word ‘destroyed’ from the passage ___________________

e) The word ___________ is used in the passage to describe the situation of Over-tourism.
The word describes a natural calamity. (Paragraph 1)
f)________________________________________ and _____________________________
is witnessed by the local residents if Venice as they try to go about their daily lives.

g)What is the worst part about this unpleasant situation?


h)The tone of the passage is __________________ .

i) Write a brief summary of the passage in about 50 words.


Section B (Writing and Grammar)

We use comparative adverbs when talking about two actions (not three or more
actions). Comparison is always between TWO things.

Adverbs Example Comparative 1 Negative comparisons:

adverb with far less … than and not as … as

We usually use more creatively This has been done by We used our cars far less frequently than
to make comparative planning more creatively we do now.*
adverbs: than in the past.
You don’t travel as quickly on a bike as
Stronger comparison: use you do in a car.*
*Much cannot be used.
2. Answer the following Multiple Choice Questions by choosing the most appropriate
Comparative Adverb.

A. If you don't study _______, you will fail your exam.

more hard

B. After the accident he drives _______ now.

less carefully
more carefully
carefully than

C. She speaks _______ before.

better than
more well than

D. Mary can run _______ Jane.

faster than
slower than

Section C (Literature)

UNIT 3.9 : Ode to My Shoes

1. What is the difference between an Ode and an Elegy?


2. Which poetic device is widely used throughout the poem ? Why?


3. Answer the following Reference to Context questions based on the stanza given below.

“They revisit
the places
they went to
during the day”

a) Name the poet and the poem.


b)Explain the meaning of ‘they revisit the places’.

c)Identify the poetic device in the last line of the stanza.

4.Justify how Ode to My Shoes is a ‘thing or an object poem’.


UNIT 4.9 : SONG ‘My City Was Gone’

1.What is the difference between a poem and a song?


2. Who composed the song ‘My City was Gone’?


3.Which city is being referred to in the given song?


4. What is the mood of the song ?


5. What does the singer convey about his childhood memories?


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