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Pre-Assessment Activity


A very wealthy person gave you a debit card and told
you to use it to make yourself happy. Choose top 5
things/items that you want to have. Indicate their
photos (5 points each) and answer the question below.

What do these things represent about yourself? 5-8 sentences (15

These things represent from who I am as a person. First, calligraphy pens, although I am not that good in
art and letterings, doing some calligraphy guide and makes me come up with new ideas, and it enhance my
creativity. Second, clothes because it always excites me to purchase and wear clothes by matching it with other
clothes to have some outfits and afterwards looking at myself in front of a mirror. Third, baking tools represents
my passion and the thing I love to do during my free time which is baking. Fourth, camera represents myself
who loves to make memories with my love ones and the things I like through capturing, and cherish every
important moment happened in my life. Lastly, car represents me as a traveller and adventurous, just like car,
that can be used to go to other places, or anywhere I want to have fun and enjoy. With these things that I have
mentioned, plays an important role in my life because even do others say that money cannot buy happiness, for
me it can, because using this money to purchase the things I want feels so satisfying, happy, and exciting.
Although these things do not last forever, what is more important is that, during those time it was purchased it
gives happiness to myself.

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