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In recent years, educational research has shown a growing interest

in exploring various teaching and learning strategies that can optimize

knowledge retention. One such approach that has gained considerable

attention is the implementation of peer-to-peer learning. Peer-to-peer

learning is a collaborative educational strategy that allows students to

actively engage with their peers, sharing knowledge, experiences, and

perspectives in an interactive and supportive environment.

In the context of computer system servicing, where the

rapid advancement of technology necessitates continuous

learning, the effectiveness of knowledge retention is of utmost

importance. By investigating the impact of peer-to-peer

learning in this specific domain, educators and researchers

can gain insights into the potential benefits and limitations of

this strategy and its influence on long-term knowledge


We chose this study because it deals with the potential

benefits of peer-to-peer learning in improving knowledge

retention, particularly in the field of computer system

servicing. This topic is essential because it explores an

alternate strategy for learning that has the potential to

improve what students learn in a practical and technical

setting. By studying the variety of aspects of peer-to-peer

learning, this study intends to provide beneficial insights into

the effectiveness of this strategy and its potential benefits for

individuals studying computer system service.

Peer-to-peer learning is a system where people share knowledge

and skills with one another, usually in an unorganized or decentralized

way. It involves peers or people with comparable degrees of experience

exchanging ideas, skills, and expertise Peer learning takes place among

group of individuals with the same status who interact one another

(Keerthirathne, 2020).

This learning often takes place outside of a formal educational

context and can be implemented through a variety of activities,

including group talks, study sessions, mentoring relationships, and team

projects. It places a focus on engaged involvement, teamwork, and the

sharing of various viewpoints and thoughts among peers. This approach

is useful when working with international students to develop their

independence as learners and to share their knowledge with their peers

(Williamson, 2018).

The primary objective of this research is to measure and evaluate

the effect of the peer-to-peer learning strategy on enhancing knowledge

retention in computer system servicing. This research aims to shed light

on whether peer-to-peer learning can effectively supplement traditional

instructional methods to improve the retention of technical knowledge

and skills. Additionally, the study will explore the factors that contribute

to the success of peer-to-peer learning in this context, such as

communication strategies, collaborative problem-solving, and student


To achieve these objectives, this research will employ a mixed-

methods approach, integrating quantitative assessments and qualitative

feedback from participants. By combining these methods, a

comprehensive understanding of the impact of peer-to-peer learning on

knowledge retention can be obtained, encompassing both measurable

outcomes and subjective experiences.

Overall, this study aims to contribute to the existing body of

knowledge on effective educational strategies by examining the potential

of peer-to-peer learning in enhancing knowledge retention in computer

system servicing. The findings of this research have implications for

educational institutions, curriculum developers, and instructional

designers, providing evidence-based insights to improve pedagogical

practices and support students in their journey to becoming proficient

computer system servicing professionals.

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