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AKADEMI KEBIDANAN PEMKAB KARO KABANJAHE he Jin. Kapten Selamat Ketaren No. 4 Kabanja' " Telp / Fax : 0628: 21387 DAFTAR PRESTAS! AKADEMIK / ACADEMIC TRANSCRIP Nama Peserta Didik / Name of Student ; LAMRIANA BANCIN NIM Registration Number 043.048 ‘Tempat Tgl. Lahir / Place, Date of Birth : KUTA RIMBARU, 23 AGUSTUS 1992 ‘Angkatan Tahun / Generation xv Tanggal Yudisium / Date of Yudicium 211 Agustus 2016 No. Seri ljazah / Number of Certificate +: 34401500232 A. HASIL UJIAN SEMESTER. KODE MA) Kreorr | MUTU |LAMBANG ‘CODE OF ‘SYMBOL |QUANTITY X] Sooke | CREDIT [QUALITY | SYMBOL MATA KULIAH UNIVERSITY SUBJECT [Pendidikan Agama (Religious Study) 7 [Penciikan Kewarganegaraan nag a | Bas 3 sor (Civic Education) 5 [Bahasa indonesia wal 3 |\au) . a indonesia Language) ; [Biolea! Dasar dan Biolog Perkembangan peor | a | 333 a 1832 (Biology Basics and Developmental Biology) | [Keterempiian Dasar Kebidanen | ioc] a | Se e eae (Giving Basic Midwifery Practice !) al ikonsep Kebidanan 6 saan | 4 | 308 | 8 12.92 (Midwifery Concepts) + limu Sosial dan Budaya Dasar 7 3, 8 975 Basic Social and Cultural Science) Et | iB Banas a, | renaes incoce meoos| 2 | 27 | © 548 (English) IKomput 9 |homputer moon} 2 | 349 8 6.98 (Computer) 7 [Komunikasi Delam Praktek Kebidanan aim | 3 5: |(Communication Skills in Midwifery Practice) ee > |keteramptian Dasar Kebidanan I a (Basic Midwifery Practice |!) a s 3128 & oe [Kesehatan Reproduksi dan Keluarga Berencana 5 | Reproductive Health and Family Planning Program) Bdzos | 4 |, Bias 8 13.00 1g [Etkolegal Dalam Praktek Kebidanan man loa | oan : (Etinicolegal Midwifery Practice) ; 12,96 i [Resehatan Masyarakat sail elas (Public Health) z 1176 j [Mutu Layanan Kebidanan dan Kebljakan Kesehatan 5 (Quality of Midwifery Services and Health Policy) sor | 3 | 324 8 92 7 [Bahasa inoaris a a ee (English) 3, A 7.48 Program Dinas Kesehatan |(Heald Departement Programe) Mk 003 3,33 6.66 [Asuhan Kebidanan Kehamilan (Midwifery Care of Pregnancy) [Asuhan Kebidanan Kebidanan Persalinan dan Bayi Baru Lahir (Midwifery care of labor and birth) [Asuhan Kebidanan Nifas dan Menyusui |(Midwitery care of post partum and breasfeediry Mother) ‘suhan Kebidanan Neonatus, Bayi, Balita dan anak pra lsekolah (Midwifery care of Neonatus, Infants, Toddlers, and {Preschool children) IManajemen Kepemimpinan |Asuhan Kebidanan Kegawat Daruratan Maternal Neonatal |(Midwifery care of emergency Maternal and Neonatal Health JAsuhan Kebidanan Komunitas (Midwifery care in community) IMetode Penelitian dan Statistik Dasar (Research Method and Basic Statistics) Kegawat Daruratan Kebidanan |(Emengency Midwifery) Keluarga Berencana Family Planning Pr Praktek Kebidanan | (Midwifery Practice |) [Praktek Kebidanan II Praktek Kebidanan Il! (Midwifery Practice Il) [Laporan Tugas Akhir ian Akhir Program 4k Gambaran Kasus Kanker Ovarium di RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan Tahun 2015 7 2. Ujian Praktek os PENERAPAN ASUHAN KEBIDANAN IBU HAMIL, BERSALIN NORMAL DAN PATOLOGIS ‘ 14+2 = 349 + 325 = 337 INDEKS PRESTASI (IP) UAP = ae S A+B 23424997 =649 = 324 INDEKS PRESTAS! KUMULATIF (IPK) = ASB ss 3 Kabanjahe, 11 Agustus 2016 DIREKTUR. KABANJAHE PEMKAB.KARO MIDWIFE AGADEMY

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