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Introduction: (1)

Social media also provides a safe space for people, and an outlet for creativity.
Platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Twitter, amongst endless others allow
people to search for subjects theyre curious on, gain knowledge about them, seek advice
from people who are familiar.
This includes basically everything. It ranges from picking up new harmless hobbies, to life
altering decisions - such as deciding what career path they wish to take.


This aspect of social media also encapsulates the negatives. The pessimistic stigmas often
linked with social media, such as high rates of depression and anxiety, can be aided
through social media itself.
There are multiple hotlines, such as the shout hotline, the suicide hotline, amongst many
others where you can chat with someone through your desired method, such as texting –
or calling - and they will respond in a way catered to you. If you wish for them to simply
listening to your troubles or giving full-fledged advice.
This approach to help improves mental health can especially benefit student. as people
who are young and are only just figuring out what they want to do and who they are,
they often have many barriers that could prevent them from wanting to seek help.
These barriers being that they feel like no one around them is feeling the same way,
nobody can empathize, they don’t know what steps to take or rather they don’t know
that there is steps needed to be taken due to how taboo of a subject mental health can
be in a real life setting.
TWO (3)

Mental health awareness is a rare and barley touched on subject in places such as school,
work or in a home setting, where typically students are majority in. At best, mental health
awareness is briefly discussed but just as quickly dismissed.
Another option given to someone who could be struggling with mental health is
counselling or therapy. However, this approach is quite closed off to a lot of people.
Especially students. Therapy is incredibly expensive, and although their would-be client
confidentiality, the client still does not remain entirely anonymous.
Students may avoid seeking help via this method because they don’t wish to be treated
differently, they don’t want a spotlight on them.
Social media is accessible to everyone with a technological device. It is free and they
receive a new level of confidentiality and privacy. This can be encouraging to students to
seek help and overall, positively impacting them.
Even if they still don’t wish to professionally discuss their troubles, there undoubtedly
always be a group of people on social media platforms that can sympathize with you,
which can make them feel welcomed and safe.
Alternatively, social media not only aids for the negative aspects of life, but also the
positive. Through social media students can learn about a myriad of subjects
- There are endless platforms where you can link with professionals regarding career
- Speak to others in a similar position, or used to be to up your self esteem.
- They can provide you with information and wisdom immediate peers cannot.
- Linkedin is encouraged.

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