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All that glitters is not gold

Once upon a time, there was a young man named Sam who was very
handsome. He had long, flowing hair, sparkling eyes, and a perfect smile. He
was also very vain and always wanted the best of everything.

One day, Sam was walking through the forest when he came across a shiny
object. He picked it up and saw that it was a gold coin. He was so excited!
He had never seen so much gold before. Sam decided to keep the gold coin
and use it.

He started going to the finest restaurants and attending the most exclusive
parties. Soon, Sam was surrounded by people who wanted to be his friends.
But Sam was not happy. He realized that all the glitter and glamour of his
new life was not enough to make him happy. He missed his old friends and
his simple life.

One day, Sam decided to give away all his gold and finery. He went back to
the forest and found the spot where he had found the gold coin. He buried it
there and then went back to his old life.

Sam learned that true happiness does not come from material possessions. It
comes from the simple things in life, like love, friendship, and contentment.

The proverb "All that glitters is not gold" teaches us that we should not judge
something by its appearance. Just because something looks good on the
outside does not mean that it is good on the inside. We should always look
beyond the superficial and try to see the true value of things.

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