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ASSALAMUALAIKUM, everyone! Today, I want to talk to you about the importance of cleanliness.

Cleanliness is important for our health, our well-being, and our environment.

When we are clean, we are less likely to get sick. Germs can live on our hands, our clothes, and our
surfaces. When we touch our faces or eat food with dirty hands, we can transfer those germs into our
bodies. This can make us sick.

"Cleanliness is not just for the sake of cleanliness, it is for the sake of health."

But cleanliness is more than just about avoiding germs. It is also about feeling good about ourselves and
our surroundings. When we are clean, we feel more confident and comfortable. We also enjoy spending
time in clean and tidy spaces.

"Cleanliness is next to godliness."

Cleanliness is also important for our environment. When we litter, we pollute our land and waterways.
This can harm wildlife and make it difficult for people to enjoy the outdoors. Albert Einstein said:

"Cleanliness is contagious."

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