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Social networking refers to the practice of connecting with other individuals or groups online,
typically through dedicated websites and applications, to interact, share information, and build
relationships. Here are some key points about social networking:

1. **Online Platforms**: Social networking takes place on various online platforms, including social
media websites and apps. Examples of popular social networking platforms include Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok.

2. **User Profiles**: Users create personal profiles on social networking platforms, where they
provide information about themselves, such as their name, interests, photos, and other relevant

5. **Content Sharing**: Users can share a wide range of content, such as text posts, images, videos,
articles, and links. This content is often shared with a user's network of connections.

6. **Privacy Settings**: Users have control over their privacy settings, allowing them to determine
who can see their posts and personal information. They can choose to share content publicly, with
specific groups, or only with selected individuals.

8. **Groups and Communities**: Many social networks offer the option to join or create groups and
communities focused on specific interests, hobbies, or topics. These groups allow members to
discuss shared interests and collaborate on projects.

9. **News and Information**: Social networking platforms also serve as sources of news and
information, with users sharing updates about current events, trends, and developments.

10. **Business and Marketing**: Social networking is used by businesses and marketers to promote
products and services, engage with customers, and build brand awareness. This is often referred to
as social media marketing.

11. **Entertainment**: Social networking platforms provide entertainment through features like
videos, live streams, games, and interactive filters.

13. **Privacy Concerns**: Privacy and data security are significant concerns in social networking, as
users may share personal information and experiences that need to be protected.

14. **Trends and Virality**: Content on social networks can quickly go viral, spreading rapidly across
the platform and sometimes even beyond it.


Social media refers to online platforms and websites that allow users to create, share, and interact
with content, as well as connect with other users. These platforms are designed for various types of
content, including text, images, videos, and links, and they facilitate communication and social

Tagging, in the context of digital communication and social media, refers to the practice of
associating keywords, labels, or metadata with content, often to categorize, organize, search, or
share that content more effectively. Tagging is commonly used on social media platforms, blogs,
websites, and various digital applications. Here are some key points about tagging:

1. **Keywords or Labels**: Tags are typically short words or phrases that describe the content or
provide context. They are added to the content to make it more discoverable and searchable.

2. **Content Types**: Tagging can be applied to various types of content, including text, images,
videos, links, articles, and more.

4. **Categorization**: Tags are used to categorize content into specific topics or themes. For
example, a blog post about travel might be tagged with keywords like "travel," "adventure," and

8. **Hashtags**: Hashtags are a specific type of tag used primarily on social media platforms like
Twitter and Instagram. They are used to group conversations and topics together. For example,
#TravelTuesday is a common travel-related hashtag.

9. **Metadata**: Tags often serve as metadata, providing additional information about the content.
Metadata can include information about the author, date of publication, location, and more.


Social bookmarking is a method of saving, organizing, and sharing web pages and online resources
through the use of social bookmarking websites or platforms. Instead of storing bookmarks or
favourites in a web browser, users can save them to a centralized online location, making them
accessible from any device with an internet connection. Here are some key points about social

1. **Online Bookmarks**: Social bookmarking allows users to save links to web pages, articles,
videos, and other online resources they find interesting or useful. These bookmarks are stored on the
internet rather than on a specific device.

2. **Tags and Keywords**: Users can add tags or keywords to their bookmarks, which act as labels or
categories to help organize and categorize the content. Tags make it easier to search for and retrieve
specific bookmarks later.

3. **Public and Private**: Bookmarks can be set as public or private. Public bookmarks are visible to
other users of the social bookmarking platform, while private bookmarks are only accessible by the
user who saved them.

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