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CLO1: Hydroelectric Power Plant:

Hydroelectric power plant also comes under the category of the renewable power sector as we
know by the behavior of nature that the water cycle continues. The power of hydro was used to
run mills and grind corn. Since there is no carbon emissions, it is an effective source of power
energy. The plant is constructed on the basis of energy needed for output. The basic principle for
the hydroelectric plant is that the water from the reservoir is released through the spillway which
then runs downstream with the kinetic energy which results in turning the generator rotation. There
are various type that depends on the geography (run of river type, storage/impoundment type,
pumped storage hydropower) and head type( high head, medium head, and low head ).
For the construction of a hydroelectric power plant, a dam is constructed in such a way that higher
potential is achieved for drop in elevation. The water is stored in the reservoir. There is a wall (
for water intake ) beneath the dam wall. The gravitational force makes the possibility for the water
to flow through the penstock and straight away goes to the wicked gates ( built for controlling
water flow ) after that it then it creates a forceful impact on the turbine blades that cause the
rotational of the turbine connected with the generator. This then generates electricity according to
the principle of the generation of electricity.
The Main components are as under:
1. Reservoir
2. Head (penstock etc)
3. Surge tank
4. Automatic Control gates
5. Turbine and Generator

Turbine Spill Ways :

A spillway is the gateway through which water can flow downstream. The spillway plays an
important path in controlling the turbine otherwise it damages and causes complications for the
part of the turbine. If the water level increases above the reservoir then it can result in the
destruction of the dam
devastatingly. That is why spillways are built so as to control the water flow and fulfill the
requirements needed.
There are various types of spillways:
 Ogee spillway ( @Cidra Dam)
 Chute Spillway ( @Benmore Earth Dam)
 Side-channel spillways
 Bell mouth spillway (@Erlauf statusee lake)
 Siphon spillway (@chopyeong Dam )
Surge Tank Function:
Surge tanks are vertical column tanks that control the behavioral in a static manner. There is no
such involvement of any dynamic part that can be utilized to control the flow of the water.
The surge tank function has a dramatic function for controlling the flow of water velocity. It
cancels out the effect of high-pressurized water by in taking the water inside its tank. As soon as
the flow of water increases it automatically, functions the wicket gates of the turbine to by which
the generator speed is controlled. However, during normal operations, the use of this function
brings abnormality to the control system of the hydroelectric plant.
The functioning can be defined as soon as the water level becomes high at the surface of the
reservoir it is directed down through the pipe. However, the upcoming pressure decreases. Likely
as soon as the decrease in pressure, the surge tank then reflects back the negative wave, and thus
the cycling process continues.
Also, the pressure in the surge tank can also be increased as a result of the reopening and closing
of the wicket gate of the turbine to control the velocity of the turbine speed. However, the resulting
impact due to this, brings water level increase or decrease dramatically in the surge tank. These
oscillations of hydraulic pressure continues till they die out by the friction losses on the way into
and out of the tank.
The main function of the surge tank usage comes when the load is disconnected; the governor
senses this change in the pressure inlet and outlet at the turbine which is then used to adjust the
wicket gate of the turbine that controls the water flow to support the load requirement. If the
governor has synchronization with the frequency change with the hydraulics of surge tank , the
result is reinforced that brings rise and fall in the water level. This is referred as the surge tank
instability .The result turns to dangerously harmful if oscillations limit exceeds above the certain
limit till the air tank is filled with water and the air then is sucked into the penstock.
CLO -2 Power Generation Position in Pakistan
The power generation, transmission, and distribution seem to be a compound structure in Pakistan.
The regulation of electricity is under the control of NEPRA (National Electrical Power Regulatory
and Authority). The license is provided by Nepra to all entities that provide regularity for the
transmission of electricity. K_electric is responsible for the electricity distribution over Karachi
and some parts of Balochistan, whereas the sector NTDC ( National Transmission Dispatch
Company ) is responsible for the transmission of electricity but not in zone of Karachi, as
K_electric is vertically integrated .. The rest part of Pakistan is supplied by the National Grid. The
two sources of power are synchronized to form a network. However, the line of NTDC is linked
with line of K.E so to import the power from the national grid, during the High demand. The large
generation of electricity in Pakistan is done using Thermal and nuclear-powered plant. However,
solar and wind energy also play an important role in electricity generation.
The Hydel energy is governed by WAPDA ( Water and Power Development Authority). The 4
generation companies ( GENCO-I, GENCO-II, GENCO-III, GENCO IV) are the owned state
entities. There are other generation companies that come under the category of IPP, and CPP that
sell out its electricity at the time of need. The IPP, CPP, and others utilize the network of the NTDC
line and K.E line for its generation power sale out.
Apart from K.E., there are other distribution companies ( DISCOs) in Pakistan as well that are
responsible for its distribution in their sector area. These are MEPCO, PEPCO, LESCO, HESCO,
GESCO, and FESCO, QUESCO which have proper licenses for the generation and distribution of
The total generation of Pakistan is 37KMW which comprises both renewable and nonrenewable.
By findings, it has been found that the major role of power production is done using nonrenewable
resources which add carbon emissions to the environment. Therefore steps are being taken to
improve the power sector and contribute to less pollution by integrating solar and wind power
plants. This will highly influence a great impact of providing green energy contributions to make
the power sector sustainable. Findings, it has been found that 2019 20 involved 100MW and
430MW solar plant is being in running condition.
The chart below shows the percentage usage of power resources in Pakistan:
CLO -3 Impact of different Methods of power generation on the sustainability and its
 Fossil fuel-based plant ( Coal, oil & Natural gas):
Environmental Impact:
1. High emissions that include CO2 gas , SO2 and NOx can contribute to GHG emission
1. High Maintenance Cost and vulnerable to fuel price
 Renewable Energy ( Wind , Solar ,hydro):
Environmental Effect:
1. Low pollution and GHG contribution is low
1. Low operational cost and high reduction in the dependency of the plant.
 Nuclear Power Plant:
Environmental Effect:
1. Low GHG but nuclear waste is highly dangerous
1. High energy output with a minimum amount of fuel.
 Geothermal Power Plant:
Environmental Impact:
1. Low air pollution and limited to habitual disruption as by other resources.
1. Low operating and maintenance cost

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