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Asian Development Foundation College

Tacloban City

Program Title: Basic Education- Grade Nine

Course/ Subject Title: Trigonometry
Instructor/Author: Mrs. Cristina A. De Ontoy
Module No.: 1
Lesson No.: 1
Learning Outcome:

The learner should be able to:

1. Enumerate the mathematicians who contributed to the development of trigonometry.

2. Describe the contributions made in the development of trigonometry.
3. Review basic concepts such as angles and triangles.
4. Classify triangles according to sides and according to angles.
5. Solve problems on angles and triangles.

Methods of Assessment: Seatwork and Quiz

Assessment Criteria:

Key Concepts:

Trigononometry is the branch of mathematics that deals with the properties and applications
of ratios associated with angles. It was developed after arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. The word
trigonometry came from the Greek words trigonon meaning “triangle”, and metron which means
“measure”. Literally, it means the measurement of triangles.

Key Terms:

Mathematicians with their contributions in the development of Trigonometry

Points, Lines, Line Segments, Rays, Angles, and Triangles


Basic Trigonometry for Secondary Schools

Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Program Title: Basic Education – Grade Nine

Course/ Subject Title: Trigonometry
Instructor/ Author: Mrs. Cristina A. De Ontoy
Module No.: 1
Lesson No.: 1

1.1 Introduction to Trigonometry

Trigononometry is the branch of mathematics that deals with the properties and
applications of ratios associated with angles. It was developed after arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.
The word trigonometry came from the Greek words trigonon meaning “triangle”, and metron which
means “measure”. Literally, it means the measurement of triangles.

Trigonometry began as the study of the relationships between the lengths of the sides of
the triangles and the measurements of angles applied in the fields of surveying, navigation, and

As the study of mathematics progressed, the periodic nature of trigonometric ratios of

functions found applications in the fields of light, sound and electricity; and in the periodic phenomena
involved in a vibrating string, wave motion, alternating current, and the pendulum. Trigonometric
applications are also found in the study of tides (rise and fall), business cycles, and biological rhythms
such as heartbeats and brain waves.

Trigonometry has two main branches: namely, plane trigonometry and spherical
trigonometry. Plane Trigonometry studies the properties of triangles in a plane and is two –
dimensional. Spherical Trigonometry is concerned with relations that exist among the sides and angles
of spherical triangle. A spherical triangle is a portion of the surface of a sphere bounded by the arcs of
three great circles which intersect.

This module will deal only with Plane Trigonometry.

1.2 A Brief History of Trigonometry

The origin of trigonometry as a branch of mathematics traces back to the ancient Greeks. The
Greeks were particularly interested in the study of heavenly bodies, a field of study now called
astronomy. From the earth, they saw the planets seemed to move in an irregular way on the surface of a
large sphere, which they called celestial sphere. To describe the positions of the planets with respect to
one another and with respect to the stars, spherical trigonometry was born. Spherical trigonometry
enabled the solution of triangles on the surface of a sphere.

Hipparchus of Nicea (c. 140 B.C.) a mathematician and astronomer, is considered the founder
of trigonometry. He was the first to construct an accurate table of the ratios of sides of a right triangle
for various angles. He compiled a crude table of sines and wrote a treatise on the calculations of chords
of angles. His systematic use of trigonometry in the study of heavenly bodies enabled him to measure
the size and distance of the sun and the moon, to determine the moon’s parallax, and to record the exact
positions of a little over a thousand of the brighter stars: thus created the first accurate star map. With
these achievements, Hipparchus earned the honor as the greatest of the Greek astronomers.

Among the mathematicians who made significant contributions to the study of spherical
trigonometry were Menelaus of Alexandria (c. 100 B.C.) and Claude Ptolemy (c. A.D. 120 – 180), also
of Alexandria. In the field of trigonometry, Ptolemy constructed a table of trigonometric ratios for
angles between 0°∧180 ° using half a degree. His great work, the Almagest, exerted a profound
influence on astronomy and trigonometry for over a thousand years. He is regarded as the principal
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Tacloban City

proponent of the geocentric theory. This theory puts the earth at the center of the universe with the sun,
moon, and planets revolving around it.

For a long time, trigonometry was discussed in connection with astronomy. All books on
astronomy contained a discussion on spherical trigonometry. The first treatise on trigonometry that was
independent of the topic of astronomy was written by the Arab astronomer Nasir Eddin (1201 – 1274).

A few hundred years after the death of Ptolemy, the Roman Empire fell and Europe
experienced a period known as the Dark Ages. No significant learning took place, and so the study of
trigonometry passed on to the mathematicians of the East principally the Hindus and the Arabs. They
were the ones who introduced the concepts of tangent and cotangent, constructed tables of half - chords
which are equivalent to sines, and discovered many new theorems. Their knowledge of trigonometry
was transmitted back to Europe after more than one thousand years. Europe, then recovering from the
chaos that followed the fall of the Roman Empire, slowly revived the love for learning. This period in
Europe which started around the fourteenth century A.D. is known in history as the renaissance, or the
revival of learning.

The revival of the study of trigonometry in Europe during the fifteenth century was
spearheaded chiefly through the effort of Georg Purbach (1423 – 1461) and his pupil, Johann Muller,
also known as Regiomontanus (1436 – 1476). Purbach used Arabic numerals to prepare a table of sines
of unprecedented accuracy, advancing the mechanics of trigonometry past the Greek and Arabic marks.
But he died before he could finish his work. In Germany, Regiomontanus introduced the use of Arabic
algebraic and trigonometric methods, reproducing the tables in printed form. He also translated the

By the end of the sixteenth century, elementary trigonometry was then almost in its modern
form. Rhaeticus, whose real name was Georg Joachim Iserin (1514 – 1576), was a German astronomer
and mathematician and the first to relate the trigonometric functions to angles rather than to the arcs of
the circles and prepared the best trigonometric tables during his time. He was the first to define the six
circular functions as the ratios of the sides of a right triangle.

The great Francois Viete (1540 – 1603) simplified the exposition of trigonometry through his
systematic use of algebra. He further extended the circular function table (up to seven places for every
second) which was prepared by Rhaeticus.

The word trigonometry appeared for the first time in the sixteenth century. In about 1600,
Bartholomaeus Pitiscus, a professor of mathematics at the University of Heidelberg, wrote the first
textbook to bear the title Trigonometry.

The English mathematician William Oughtred (1574 – 1660) published a textbook on

mathematics in 1631 in which he introduced the multiplication sign (x) and the abbreviations sin, cos,
tan for sine, cosine, and tangent, respectively.

The methods of analysis were applied to trigonometry largely by Johann Bernoulli (1667 –
1748), Abraham de Moivre (1667 – 1754), and Leonhard Euler (1707 – 1783).

Leonhard Euler is considered the most prolific writer of mathematical subjects of all time.
Although he lost sight in one eye at the age of 28 and became totally blind at 50, Euler was able to
produce over 60 large volumes of mathematical works. It was in his books Introductio in Analysin
Infinitorum where trigonometric functions were first defined as ratios rather than lengths, and were
therefore dimensionless numbers. In fact, this book became standard reference in calculus for several
mathematicians. Euler explored the properties and identities of the trigonometric functions applying
analytical methods which proved very useful in many areas of science and engineering.
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Tacloban City

Abraham de Moivre’s main contribution to mathematics is in the field of trigonometry. One of

the two important theorems which bears his name is the famous equation
cos nx + i sin nx = ¿ ¿
where n is a rational number and i 2=−1. His work entitled Miscellanea Analytica (1730) is a treatise
on trigonometric theorems with special reference to infinite series.

1.2 A Review of Basic Concepts in Geometry and Algebra

Let us recall some basic concepts that we have learned in plane geometry and algebra. The
topics discussed in this short review serve as background information in the study of trigonometry.
Points and Line Segments
A point locates a position in a plane. It has no dimension and is denoted with a capital letter.

A line is a straight one – dimensional figure having no thickness and extending infinitely in
both directions.

A line segment is part of a line. It has a fixed or definite length. The endpoints of a line
segment are used to name the line segment as well as to indicate its length.

A ray or a vector is a portion of a line which has one endpoint and extends infinitely in one
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Tacloban City

An angle is a geometric figure formed when two line segments (or rays or vectors) meet at a
common endpoint. The point where the two line segments meet is called the vertex of the angle while
the line segments that form the angle are called its sides. To denote an angle, we use the letter of the
vertex, a Greek letter or three points on the angle. Most commonly used Greek letters are
α ( alpha ) , β ( beta ) , γ ( gamma ) , θ ( theta ) ,∧ϕ ( phi ) .
The angle illustrated below may be designated as
∠ D , θ ,∨∠ CDE .∈using three letters ¿ denote angle the middleletter represents the vertex of the angle .

Perpendicular Lines
Perpendicular lines are formed when two straight lines intersect and from equal angles. The
angles formed are called right angles and each measures 90° . We denote a right angle by drawing a
small square at its vertex.
In the given figure, line XY is perpendicular to line AB.
In symbol, XY ⊥ AB .

Kinds of Angles
1. Acute Angle
An acute angle measures less than 90° .
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Tacloban City

2. Right Angle
A right angle measures exactly 90° .

3. Straight Angle
A straight angle is an angle whose sides form a straight line. It measures exactly 180° .

4. Obtuse Angle
An obtuse angle measures more than 90° but less than 180° .

5. ReflexAngle
A reflex angle measures more than 180° but less than36 0 ° .
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Tacloban City

Angle Pairs
1. Adjacent Angles

Two angles are adjacent if they have a common side and a common vertex.

2. Complementary Angles

When the sum of the measures of two acute angles is 90° , then these angles are called
complementary angles. Each angle is the complement of each other. Complementary angles may not be
adjacent to each other.

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θ+ ϕ=90 °

We say that θ is the complement of ϕ∧vice−versa.

The complement of 50° is 40° and vice – versa.
The complement of 30° is60 ° and vice – versa.
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

3. Supplementary Angles

Two angles are supplementary when the sum of their measures is 180° . Each angle is the
supplement of each other. Supplementary angles may not be adjacent to each other.

∠ A+∠ B=¿ 180°

We say that the supplement of ∠ A is ∠ B and vice – versa.

4. Linear Pair
A pair of adjacent angles that are supplementary form a linear pair.

∠ AOC∧∠ BOC are adjacent and supplementary, so they form a linear pair.

5. Vertical Angles

Vertical angles are opposite angles formed by two intersecting lines. Vertical angles are

In the given figure, line l and line m intersect each other forming ∠ 1 ,∠ 2, ∠ 3 ,∧∠ 4.The
opposite angles are ∠ 1∧∠3 , and ∠ 2∧∠ 4. These pairsof opposites angles are called vertical angles.
Then we can say that,
∠ 1 ≅ ∠ 3∧¿

∠ 2 ≅ ∠ 4.
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Tacloban City

A triangle is a plane closed figure formed by three line segments. It has three sides, three angles,
and three vertices.
The vertices of a triangle are labeled using capital letters such as A, B, and C. The triangle is
then denoted by these letters. The triangle below is named ⊿ ABC (read as “triangle ABC”). The three
angles are ∠ A , ∠ B ,∧∠ C . The three sides are AB, BC, and AC. The sides may also be denoted by the
lower case letters of the opposite vertex. Hence, side a is opposite ∠ A , side b is opposite ∠ B, and side
c is opposite ∠ C . For convenience, the notations represent not only the part of the triangle but also its
measure. That is, side a also means the measure of side a, and ∠ A also represents the measure of angle
A. Therefore, we can say that a = BC, b =AC, and c = AB.

Let us now look into some properties of the triangle.

1. When the three sides of a triangle are equal, then the three angles are also equal.
2. When a triangle does not have equal sides, then the angle opposite the longest side is also the
largest angle. Likewise, the angle opposite the shortest side is the smallest angle.
In triangle ABC, AB or c is the longest side, so its opposite angle which is ∠ C is the
largest angle. AC or b is the shortest side. So, its opposite angle which is∠ B is the smallest angle.

3. The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is always greater that the length of the
third side. That is, in triangle ABC,

a + b > c or
a + c > b or
b + c > a.

4. The sum of the measures of the three angles is 180° . So in triangle ABC,
∠ A+∠ B+∠ C = 180° .

5. An exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two non- adjacent interior angles (or
remote – interior angles).
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Tacloban City

Triangles can be classified according to the lengths of the sides and according to the measures of
the angles.

A. According to sides:

1. Equilateral triangle is a triangle whose lengths of the three sides are equal.

2. Isosceles triangle is a triangle having two congruent sides.

The congruent sides of an isosceles triangle are called legs. The angles formed by the two
congruent sides is called vertex angle. The side opposite the vertex angle is called the base. The
angles opposite the congruent sides are called base angles. Base angles are congruent.

3. Scalene triangle is a triangle having no two congruent sides.

B. According to angles:
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1. Acute triangle is a triangle whose three angles are all acute.

2. Right triangle is a triangle that has a right angle. The sides of the right triangle that are
perpendicular to each other are called legs. The side opposite the right angle is called
hypotenuse. Hypotenuse is the longest side of a right triangle. The two acute angles of a right
triangle are complementary.

In triangle ABC, a and b are the legs, and c is the hypotenuse. ∠ C is the right angle while
∠ A+∠ B are acute angles and they are complementary angles.

3. Equiangular triangle is a triangle whose three angles are all congruent.

An equiangular triangle is equilateral and vice versa.

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Tacloban City

4. Oblique triangle is a triangle that has no right angle in it. Acute triangle, equiangular triangle,
and obtuse triangle are considered oblique triangles.
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Program Title: Basic Education – Grade Nine

Course / Subject Title: Trigonometry
Module No.: 1
Activity for Lesson No.: 1

Study the brief history of Trigonometry and the mathematicians who have contributed in the
development of the study of Trigonometry.
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Program Title: Basic Education – Grade Nine

Course / Subject Title: Trigonometry
Module No.: 1
Exercises for Lesson No.: 1

Match the mathematicians with the contributions they made in the development of trigonometry.

Column A Column B
1. Georg von Purbach a. Most prolific writer of mathematical subjects of all
2. Georg Joachim Iserin time
3. Johann Muller b. Wrote the first textbook to bear the title Trigonometry
4. Hipparchus c. Founder of Trigonometry
5. Abraham de Moivre d. Introduced the concepts of tangent and cotangent
6. The Arabs e. First to relate trigonometric functions to angles
7. Leonhard Euler f. Wrote the Almagest
8. William Oughtred g. Used Arabic numerals to prepare a table of sines
9. Ptolemy h. Wrote Miscellanea Analytica
10. Batholomeaus Pitiscus i. Introduced Germany to the use of algebraic and
trigonometric method
j. Introduced the abbreviations sin, cos, and tan for
sine, cosine, and tangent respectively
Asian Development Foundation College
Tacloban City

Program Title: Basic Education – Grade Nine

Course / Subject Title: Trigonometry
Module No.: 1
Quiz for Lesson No.: 1

Fill in the blank with the correct answer.

___________ 1. This is formed when two non – collinear rays or segments meet at a common endpoint.

___________ 2. The complement of 20° is ___________.

___________ 3. It is part or subset of a line. It has a fixed length.

___________ 4. It is an angle that exactly measures 90° .

___________ 5. What do you call an angle that measures more than 90° but less than180 ° ?

___________ 6. What is the longest side of a right triangle?

___________ 7. The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a triangle is _________.

___________ 8. Two angles are adjacent if they have common side and common __________.

___________ 9. A triangle that has a right angle is called __________ triangle.

___________ 10. Is it possible for a triangle to have two right angles?

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