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*Day 10 of 12DG 2018*

*Preacher: Pastor Keion Henderson*

*Message title: Guard your Gardens*

*Text: Genesis 3:8 (NKJV)*

The scripture says that you should ask and you will be given, seek and you will find, knock and the door
will be opened unto you. You have to learn that in some instances, the Bible allows you to say things
that you do not see yet in your life. You must learn how to speak to your circumstances instead of
allowing your circumstances to speak to you. For example, ''let the weak say that I am strong; let the
poor say I am rich!'' Hallelujah!

*Scriptural references: Matthew 4:1, Matthew 26:36, John 19:41, Matthew 7:7 (NKJV)*

God started the creation of the Earth in a Garden. This shows that God is the first Gardener. At the
Garden of Eden, God started creating and forming the whole Earth. Therefore, the first Garden you must
guard is your Garden of creativity. The devil does not care about your dreams, he is after your creativity
- The point you start creating and putting your vision into action. Remember, the more creative you are,
the more attack you will receive.

*The word 'Garden' in this context means 'your mind'.*

Habakkuk 2:2 (NKJV)

Nobody will be mad at you just because you dream but the moment you start creating, you will receive
attacks. Therefore you must be very careful of who you allow into your life and who speaks into your
life. You must also be mindful of who you talk to about your dreams. It is good to dream but don’t forget
to write down the vision and make it plain.

As a single lady, be careful of the man you talk to when you are lonely. Be careful of who you let in your
space and who you allow to buy you gifts.

You can never be powerful until you are able to deal with both the negative and positive people. Your
mind must be able to differentiate between negative and positive people. A friend is someone who
helps you to get to where you need to be. Sometimes, your friend is not the one who defends you but
the one who gets you to your destiny and where God wants you to be. Sometimes, you need to thank
your haters and enemies for being a tool used by God to get you to where you need to be.
Learn to use your mouth appropriately. The reason the devil tries to keep your mouth closed is so you
can't determine what you hear. You need to use your mouth to call forth what you want.

*Prophetic Declarations:*

God will bless you through your creativity. Every negative relationship is walking out of your life. I speak
wealth into your hands. This is your year!

*To come out of the things that hold you bound, your attitude needs to change.*

You don’t have to be perfect for God to use you. God uses imperfect people and He is willing to use you
even in the midst of all your imperfections.

Be careful with people who show up on your way up. If they

were not with you when you were down, don't let them with you on your way up.

You must guard crisis and some of the pains you are going though. You need to understand that some of
the best blessings you will ever have is going to come through pain. Remember, Jesus could not save
you, until He had to go through the pain at the Cross.

Learn to guard your conversation because when you are most hungry, the devil tries to attack your
appetite. Adam and Eve got kicked out of the Garden of Eden because they had a destructive
conversation in a creative garden. Guarding your Garden of your calling is also very crucial towards
fulfilling your destiny.

*#12DG2018 #Day10 #PastorKeion #YearOfTheNew*

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